Bai Ling looked at Yang Qi firmly.

"Don't think that your defense is very strong, you will be my opponent!"

"Is it?"

Yang Qi shook his head and smiled.

He really didn't understand why Bai Ling had so much nonsense.

"I haven't summoned my contract weapons and weapon spirits!"

The voice fell.

Bai Ling summoned his contract weapons and weapon spirits.

Her contract weapon is the Profound Rank Intermediate Water Moon Sword.

Qi Ling: Xuan, Xuan, Xuan, Xuan, Earth.

Such contract weapons and weapon spirits were too weak in front of Yang Qi.

"Yang Qi, this is my contract weapon and spirit!"

In Bai Ling's view, after seeing her contract weapons and spirits, Yang Qi would surely show horror on his face.

But what she didn't expect in any way was that Yang Qi's face was still light and light.

"you you!"

Bai Ling gritted his silver teeth.

She really didn't understand why Yang Qi was so arrogant.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe that there would be such arrogant people on the Device Spirit Continent.

All the people under the ring also recovered at this time. They looked at Bai Ling's contract weapons and weapon spirits with a look of horror on their faces.

Just because Bai Ling's contract weapons and weapon spirits were terrifying in their eyes.

Yang Qi looked at Bai Ling lightly, and slowly spoke:

"Your contract weapons and weapon spirits are really too weak in front of me."

The tone is neither plain nor plain.


The words came out.

Everyone under the ring gasped again.

Of course they did not expect that Yang Qi would say so.

"How dare you be so arrogant!"

Bai Ling was so angry that it could not be added.

"Normally, not too arrogant."

Yang Qi said frankly.

How could Bai Ling endure Yang Qi's arrogance, she flew towards Yang Qi, very fast.

It's a pity that such a speed is not enough in front of Yang Qi.

Bai Ling had already arrived in front of Yang Qi.

"watch out!"

Bai Ling shouted.

The sound falls.

The Profound Rank Intermediate Contract Weapon Shui Yuejian in Bai Ling's hand stabbed Yang Qi heavily.


But when the Profound Rank Intermediate Contract Weapon Shuiyue Sword pierced Yang Qi's body, the Shuiyue Sword made a sound of steel collision with Yang Qi's body.

Oh my God!

Everyone present looked at such a scene and listened to such a voice, and couldn't help but pale in shock.

Can't even Xuan-level intermediate contract weapons penetrate Yang Qi's body?

Bai Ling was also stunned, unable to recover for a long time.

"Now," Yang Qi looked at Bai Ling faintly, "Do you still believe that your contract weapons and weapon spirits are very strong?"

After a long time, Bai Ling finally recovered, and she looked at Yang Qi in shock.

"You...what is your realm?"

"I don't think you are qualified to know my realm."

Yang Qi smiled lightly.

Bai Ling heard this.

How dare she keep talking.

"Give up."

Seeing that Bai Ling hadn't finished speaking, Yang Qi continued to talk to Bai Ling.

"I...I won't admit defeat."

Although Bai Ling knew that Yang Qi was terrifying, she was the proud girl of the Yuan Sect, and she still had the arrogance she should have.

"You really don't admit defeat?"

Yang Qi looked at Bai Ling indifferently.

Bai Ling nodded.

Yang Qi sighed secretly.

Woman, I really don't understand anything.

Immediately, he held up a finger.

On the fingers, there is an extremely terrifying spiritual power!

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