Yuanmen, the hall.

Sect Master is talking to the elders.

At this time, these Yuanmen disciples ran in.

Their faces were all full of horror.

"Sect Master, it's not good."

A Yuanmen disciple said to the master.

Yuanmen Sect Master's name is Huang Zhan, 87-level Great Spirit Saint.

Huang Zhan frowned when he looked at the Yuanmen disciple who was talking in front of him.

"what happened?"

"Sect Master, a person from outside the sect said that our Yuan sect asked him to come. We said it was impossible, and he beat us."

The Yuanmen disciple continued.


Yuan Sect Sect Master Huang Zhan and all the elders were stunned. In any case, they did not expect that this Yuan Sect disciple would actually say such things.

"what did you say?"

"It's the real suzerain."

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan glanced at each other with the elders.

"Could it be that that person failed?"

Huang Zhan said.

The person in his mouth is naturally Yang Qi.

After Yang Qi defeated Bai Ling, they all wanted to see who Yang Qi was.

"Are you a teenager?"

Yuan Sect Master Huang Zhan looked at several Yuan Sect disciples and said.

These Yuanmen disciples all nodded.

Yuan Sect Master Huang Zhan thought, out of ten, it was Yang Qi.

"Let him in."

Huang Zhan said.

These Yuanmen disciples were startled when they heard this.

They wondered if Yuanmen really asked him to come?

Otherwise, how could the suzerain not get angry?

You must know that Yang Qi's behavior is rushing to Yuanmen.

Suddenly, these Yuanmen disciples were shocked.

From now on, they understood a truth.

This principle is that people cannot be seen, and sea water cannot be measured.

Immediately, several Yuanmen disciples all left the hall.

After leaving the hall, they arrived at the Zongmen.

"Sect Master...Sect Master lets you in."

These Yuanmen disciples looked at Yang Qi in amazement.

Naturally, there was no fluctuation on Yang Qi's face, he nodded, and then walked into Yuanmen.

"Take me to see your suzerain."

Yang Qi said.

He originally didn't want to come to Yuanmen, but if people like Yuanmen wanted to see them so much, he would let them see.

It didn't take long.

Yang Qi walked into the Yuanmen Hall.

He saw Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan and all the elders.

"Junior, I want to know your name!"

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan stared at Yang Qi and said.

He found that although Yang Qi was very young, his eyes and brows had a murderous look, and there was a hundred steps in front of him and behind him.

He had never met such a dragon and phoenix before.

There is no doubt that Yang Qi is a peerless genius.

"Yang Qi."

Yang Qi said his name, because he felt that there was nothing to hide.

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan and the elders all thought about it.

They were pretty sure that they had never heard Yang Qi's name.

"Yang Qi, you defeated Bai Ling effortlessly, you must be very strong."

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan looked at Yang Qi and said.

"so so."

Yang Qi spoke slowly.

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan was startled. He didn't expect that Yang Qi's talent was not only terrifying, but also so humble, which he didn't expect in any way.

"Yang Qi, I asked you to come to our Yuan Sect this time, just to show our disciples in Yuan Sect to see your strength. Would you mind?"

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan looked at Yang Qi tentatively.


Yang Qi thought that since he came to Yuanmen, why not let them know?

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