"We...we admit that we are not your opponent."

The three Yuanmen disciples in the ring said to Yang Qi.

After speaking, they lowered their heads.

Just because they know the gap between themselves and Yang Qi, this gap is enough to make them feel ashamed.

"Should it be possible?"

Yang Qi looked at Huang Zhan, the master of Yuanmen.

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan nodded.

He thought it would be fine.

Although their Yuan Sect is the most powerful sect in the Northern Territory, it is still too weak for the entire Middle Region.

Because it is the most powerful Sect Master in the Northern Territory, many disciples are extremely proud. Yang Qi's appearance should make the pride in their hearts collapse.

"Yang Qi, let's go to the main hall."

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan looked at Yang Qi.

Yang Qi nodded.

Immediately, Yang Qi, Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan, and the elders, they arrived in the hall.

"Yang Qi, you are really strong."

Even if Huang Zhan is an 87-level spiritual saint, he can't help but admit Yang Qi's terror.

He thinks Yang Qi is too strong!

Why don't the elders think so.

"By the way, Yang Qi, what kind of spiritual master are you?"

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan suddenly looked at Yang Qi with confusion.

The elders also looked at Yang Qi.

Just because they all want to know what level Yang Qi is.

"It's not very high, just level 75."

Yang Qi told the truth about his realm, only because he felt that there was nothing to hide.


Upon hearing this, Huang Zhan, Sect Master of Yuanmen, and the elders were shocked to the extreme.

Even in their dreams, they would never have thought that Yang Qi would actually be a 75-level spiritual saint.

Yang Qi seems to be 20 years old, right?

Such a realm is simply outrageous!

All of a sudden.

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan and all the elders, they all looked at each other.

"What happen to you guys?"

Yang Qi thought there was no need for shock, isn't this a normal state?

"Yang...Yang Qi, don't you think your realm is a bit too scary?"

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan looked at Yang Qi in shock.

"Is it horrible?" Yang Qi thought for a while, "just so."

"By the way, can you find me a quiet place?"

Yang Qi then said to Huang Zhan, the master of Yuanmen.

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan didn't know what Yang Qi wanted to do in a quiet place, but he didn't want to ask more.

Immediately, Huang Zhan, the master of Yuanmen, took Yang Qi to the purple bamboo forest in the back of Yuanmen.

"Yang Qi, this is the back mountain of Yuanmen, and no one comes."

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan said to Yang Qi.


Yang Qi said to Huang Zhan, the master of Yuanmen.

Huang Zhan glanced at Yang Qi upon hearing this.

Although in the hall, he didn't want to ask more.

But after reaching the Zizhu Forest, he still couldn't help it.

"Yang Qi, why are you looking for a quiet place?"

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan looked at Yang Qi very puzzled.

"Draw a knife."

Yang Qi only said two words without saying much.

Draw a knife? !

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan was startled.

Of course he didn't expect Yang Qi to say such a thing.

"Yang Qi, what is drawing a sword?"

Yuan Sect Sect Master Huang Zhan looked at Yang Qi with great doubt and asked.

Yang Qi's hand was already placed on the back handle, and he looked at Yuanmen Sect Master faintly.

"That's it."

The sound falls.

He drew out the Magic Sword Thousand Blades from the scabbard in his back.

Looking at the magic knife Qianbian in Yang Qi's hand.

Yuanmen Sect Master Huang Zhan was shocked.

"Sky-rank advanced contract weapon?!"

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