Yang Qi smiled to himself when listening to Bai Ling's words.

He thought that when he first saw Bai Ling, Bai Ling was still a cold girl.

It seems that she is cold outside and hot inside.


It is normal to develop such a personality after five years of leaving the family.

When all the villagers listened to Bai Ling's words, they were not crying anymore, looking at Bai Ling in amazement.

"Little girl, are you a powerful spiritualist?!"

The village chief looked at Bai Ling.


Bai Ling nodded.

The villagers looked at each other when they heard this.

Obviously, they did not believe that Bai Ling was a powerful spiritual master.


After the village head pondered for a few seconds, he said to Bai Ling:

"Those monsters will definitely come again, can you stay in this village for a few more days?"


Bai Ling thought that now that she is here, if it is not resolved, it is not her style of doing things at all.

Vertical sun.

While Yang Qi and Bai Ling were still sitting at the village chief’s house, a village name ran in with an expression of horror.

"I'm coming!"

"The monster is coming?"

The village chief asked quickly.

The villager nodded quickly.

Yang Qi secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Thinking that these monsters came at the right time, if he didn't come in a few days, he would have to go to the mountain to find something, that would be troublesome.

"Let's go."

Yang Qi said slowly.

After speaking, he took the lead out of the door.

At this time, hundreds of villagers had all the hoes in their hands, and their faces were also amazed.

After all, they are facing demons.

They knew that they would never be able to defeat the monsters, but what else could they do besides fighting the monsters?

When the villagers saw Yang Qi and Bai Ling coming, the expression of astonishment on their faces was finally reduced by two points.

After all, Bai Ling said she was a powerful magician. Although they didn't believe it, what if?

"Master Spiritualist, let's wait for the monster here."

The village chief said to Yang Qi and Bai Ling.

Bai Ling nodded.

After a while...

The horrible evil breath came over.

The villagers naturally felt this evil aura, and they couldn't help falling into a shock.

"Oh, stupid human!"

I saw that a sneer reached everyone's ears.

Then dozens of demons appeared in front of the villagers!

Seeing the demon in front of them, all the villagers trembled uncontrollably.

You know, they are facing demons!

"Leave these demons to me."

Yang Qi said to Bai Ling.

Bai Ling nodded when he heard the words, a wonderful color appeared on his fair face.

She originally thought Yang Qi would not show up, but now it seems she was wrong.

Of course Yang Qi would take action. After all, you can get the number of swords you can draw by killing monsters.

He originally thought there would be more monsters?

But I didn't expect that just such a little monster is really boring.

"Come here." Yang Qi looked at the dozens of monsters in front of him, "Let me kill you."

Dozens of demons froze.

They certainly did not expect these stupid humans to be preconceived.

"Human, are you crazy?"

In the eyes of dozens of monsters, Yang Qi must be crazy.

It's just because Yang Qi is absolutely impossible to say such things except for being crazy.

"What do you mean?"

Yang Qi faintly looked at the talking monster.

Seeing that Yang Qi was so confident, dozens of demons couldn't help getting angry.

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