The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 700: See the killing spirit emperor

"what's up?"

Sect Master Xia Kong of Sky Sword Sect quickly looked at the disciple in front of him and asked.

He thought that this disciple showed such a look, it was possible that the genius of the Dragon Temple had arrived early.

If that's the case...

Their Heavenly Sword Sect was embarrassed again.

"Senior Sister Zhou is back."

The disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect quickly replied.

When the Sect Master of Heaven Sword Sect and the elders heard this, they secretly took a deep breath, and their hearts in their throats finally fell.

"By the way, Sister Zhou still has a teenager beside her."

The disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect said again.

A...boy? !

Sect Master Xia Kong of the Sky Sword Sect and the elders were startled.

Of course they didn't expect that the disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect would say such words.

"What kind of boy?"

"Abundant gods are like jade, an unparalleled handsome boy."

Said the Tianjianzong disciple.

The words came out.

Everyone in the hall was shocked.

Fengshen Ruyu, a handsome and unparalleled young man, how dare to say such a thing?

"Let them in."

Sky Sword Sect Master Xia Kong said.

The disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect nodded when he heard the words, and then quickly walked out.

It didn't take long.

Yang Qi and Zhou Yi walked into the hall.

Except for Wu Qingfeng, the killing spirit emperor, the suzerain and the elders looked at Yang Qi, and they were shocked.

They didn't believe it.

Because when they were young, they were so handsome. I don't know how many girls are the dream lovers in their hearts.

But when they saw Yang Qi, they knew that their appearance when they were young compared with Yang Qi, not to mention that it was a sky and an underground, and it was not much different.

"you are……?"

After Heaven Sword Sect Sect Master Xia Kong recovered, he asked Yang Qi.

"He is Yang Qi."

Said Wu Qingfeng, the Emperor of Killing Spirit.

What...what? !

Heavenly Sword Sect Sect Master Xia Kong and the elders were surprised again and again.

They naturally didn't expect that the handsome and unparalleled boy in front of them was Yang Qi.

"Senior, it's been a long time."

Yang Qi looked at the killing spirit emperor.

He still sighed in his heart.

While still in Earth Cloud City, he met the Killing Spirit Emperor.

"Yes, Yang Qi, I asked you to come to the Heavenly Sword Sect to find me, but I didn't expect you to be a famous existence before arriving in the Heavenly Sword Sect."

Wu Qingfeng, the killing spirit emperor, smiled at Yang Qi.

Sect Master Xia Kong coughed twice.

The meaning is very clear, that is, let the killing spirit emperor go straight to the subject, don't pull these daily routines.

As an old antique, the killing spirit emperor Wu Qingfeng didn't know what the suzerain meant.

"Yang Qi, since you have come to the Heavenly Sword Sect, can I ask you to do us a favor?"

The killing spirit emperor looked at Yang Qi.

"But it doesn't matter."

Yang Qi said.

Zhou Ye next to Yang Qi was a little stunned.

She didn't understand what Heaven Sword Sect needed Yang Qi to help.

The Heavenly Sword Sect is the top sect of the Central Region.

"Yang Qi, have you heard of the Dragon Temple?"

Wu Qingfeng, the killing spirit emperor suddenly said.

Dragon Temple?

Of course Yang Qi had never heard of any Dragon Temple.

"What palace?"

"Dragon Temple."

Zhou Zhe, who was on the side, was startled in astonishment.

"Is it that super sect dragon temple in Tianyu?"

Zhou Yi asked.

"Yes, it's the super sect of Tianyu."

The Killing Spirit Emperor nodded and said.

"One month later, the Dragon God Temple will let a genius come to our Heavenly Sword Sect. Our Heavenly Sword Sect did not defeat the disciple of the Dragon God Temple genius, so..."

Wu Qingfeng, the killing spirit emperor, didn't finish speaking, but the meaning behind it was already self-evident.

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