The Lord of the Dragon Temple was in a trance.

He really couldn't think of what Yang Qi would do if he went to the Palace of Swordsman.

"Yang Qi, can you tell me what happened to you going to the Palace of Swordsman?"

"Hard to say."

Yang Qi shook his head.

Seeing that Yang Qi refused to say, the Lord of the Dragon Temple didn't ask too much.

"Yang Qi, the Sword Madness Palace is the most powerful sect in the universe, in the sword realm."

Immediately, the Lord of the Dragon God Temple told Yang Qi the specific location of the sword world.

When Yang Qi heard the words, he walked towards the sword realm.


Knife world.

The sword world is a huge area.

Yang Qi has already reached the range of the sword realm.


Suddenly, a life-saving voice came into his ears.

Yang Qi followed the voice and looked over.

A girl of his age was found running over.

The girl's strength is very good, 52-level spirit sect.

Behind the girl, there was a Tier 6 monster chasing her.

Yang Qi paused, and looked at the scene with interest.

"help me!"

The girl saw Yang Qi.

Although she didn't know whether Yang Qi could save her, she could only pin her hopes on Yang Qi at this time.

The girl ran behind Yang Qi, but she did not stop because she was not sure whether Yang Qi would save her.

She ran for dozens of steps, then looked back, only to find that the sixth-order monster had already confronted Yang Qi.

"Human, are you looking for death?"

In the eyes of the sixth-order monster, Yang Qi couldn't think of a better explanation besides seeking death.

Yang Qi's face was as calm as water.

He raised a finger.

Seeing Yang Qi raised a finger, the sixth-order monster didn't understand what Yang Qi was going to do.

"Human, what are you going to do?"

"Let you die."

Yang Qi slowly uttered four words.

The voice fell.

Yang Qi flew out in a stride.

In just an instant, he arrived in front of the sixth-order monster.

The pupils of the sixth-order monster shrank rapidly.

It would never have thought that Yang Qi had such a terrifying speed.

Such a speed is absolutely impossible to resist.

I saw that Yang Qi's fingers had moved towards the top of the sixth-order monster.


Before Yang Qi's finger hit the top of the sixth-order monster, the sixth-order monster screamed loudly.

Just because this Tier 6 monster knew that when Yang Qi's finger hit the top of its head, its life would disappear from this world forever.

There is no doubt that Yang Qi's fingers hit the top of the sixth-order monster.

As Yang Qi's finger hit the top of the Tier 6 monster, the Tier 6 monster fell to the ground, and his soul was gone.

how is this possible? !

The girl behind Yang Qi froze like a wood-carved clay sculpture, and could not recover for a long time.

She would never have thought that a terrifying Tier 6 monster would be so vulnerable in front of Yang Qi.

After a long time, the girl finally recovered. She walked quickly to Yang Qi and looked at Yang Qi gratefully.

"Senior, thank you."

The girl thought that if it weren't for Yang Qi, she might have been a cold body.

"Nothing to thank."

Yang Qi didn't even look at the girl.

The girl pursed her lips, "Senior, I belong to the Huang family. If Senior doesn't dislike it, please go to our Huang family and sit down."

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