The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 763: Go to the Palace of Swordsman

Yang Qi and everyone in the Huang family returned to the Huang family.

The head of the Huang family hurriedly invited Yang Qi to sit down.

"Senior, I didn't expect your status to be so high."

The head of the Huang family looked at Yang Qi gratefully.

He thought that if it weren't for Yang Qi, then Huang Wei would definitely not be able to go to the Palace of Swordsman.

"Normally, it's not too high."

Yang Qi said lightly.

The Huang Family Patriarch and the elders couldn't help but stand in awe. They thought that Yang Qi not only had a terrifying background, but also so humble.

Is there such a person on the Artifact Continent?


Is all this just a dream?

Yang Qi didn't stay longer in the hall, he walked out slowly.

Huang Wei saw Yang Qi walk out, and he also walked out.


Huang Wei called to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi looked at Huang Wei, "What's the matter?"

"Senior, I remember the tool spirit master of the Hall of Swordsman said, the token you took out is the token of the peak master, are you a disciple of Hall of Swordsman?"

Huang Wei looked at Yang Qi curiously.

Yang Qi smiled, "Do you think I'm like a disciple of Kuangdian Temple?"

Huang Wei nodded, "Like."

Huang Wei nodded, naturally Yang Qi did not expect it.

Yang Qi shook his head secretly, thinking that he was really like a disciple of the Swordsman Palace?

"Actually, I am not a disciple of the Dao Kuangdian?"


Huang Wei was startled, "Why does the senior have the peak master token of the Sword Madness Palace?"

In Huang Wei's eyes, Yang Qi's peak master token must have been given to him by a peak master in the Blade Kuangdian.

"Because..." Yang Qi pondered for a few seconds, "I am the peak master of the Sword Madness Palace."

What...what? !

The words came out.

Huang Wei was stunned, her eyes opened wide, as if she had heard something that could never be heard.

"Senior, you... are you the peak master of the Sword Madness Palace?"

"Is there anything wrong with this?"

Yang Qi looked at Huang Wei playfully and said.

The words came out.

After a long time, Huang Wei recovered, she looked at Yang Qi blankly.

"Senior, you are too young, I don't think you will be the peak master of Sword Madness Palace."

Listening to Huang Wei's words, Yang Qi couldn't help but shook his head secretly, wondering why no one would believe it every time he was telling the truth.

Yang Qi thought that since Huang Wei didn't believe it, he didn't need to say anything more.

"By the way, when will you go to the Palace of Sword Madness?"

"Ten days later."

Huang Wei said.

"Let's go together then."

Yang Qi said slowly.

When Huang Wei saw that Yang Qi was going to the Palace of Swordsman with herself, her white face naturally showed a touch of surprise.

time flies.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

Yang Qi and Huang Wei set off towards the Hall of Swordsman.

After half a month's journey, the two finally reached the foot of the Swordsman Palace.

Dao Kuang Temple is located on Tiandao Mountain.

Tiandao Mountain looked like a terrifying knife, standing unchanging between heaven and earth.

At this moment, many younger generations are already under Tiandao Mountain.

"The people who have passed the audit in all parts of the knife world are here."

A tool spirit master of the Swordsman Palace shouted.

Immediately, Yang Qi and Huang Wei also arrived in that area.

There are hundreds of people in the area.

"You are all the pride of heaven from all over the sword realm. Now I will give you a trial. As long as you can pass the Heavenly Blade Forest, you will be able to become disciples of the Sword Madness Palace."

Said the tool spirit master of Swordsman Temple.

When the young people heard the words, they all raised their morale.

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