The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 771: This person is too young

Wu Tian, ​​the lord of the Palace of Swordsman, looked at Yang Qi, he naturally wanted to know Yang Qi's name.

"Yang Qi."

Yang Qi said his name truthfully, and he felt that there was nothing to hide.

"Yang Qi?"

The lord Wu Tian thought for a while and found that he had never heard Yang Qi's name.

"Yang Qi, you are a newcomer to the Palace of Swordsman, what is the purpose of seeing me?"

Wu Tian, ​​the lord of the Hall of Swordsman, looked at Yang Qi in doubt.

Yang Qi heard this and took out the peak master token.

this is……

Hall Master Wu Tian was startled, his gaze stared at the Peak Master token in Yang Qi's hand.

"Show me the token."

Yang Qi naturally gave the peak master token to the palace master Wu Tian.

After receiving the token, Hall Master Wu Tian of the Hall of Swordsman carefully looked at the peak master token.

Immediately, the lord of the palace, Wu Tian, ​​froze like a wood-carved clay sculpture, and could not recover for a long time.

"It's really the peak master token."

There are six peaks in the Hall of Swordsman, and there are seven peaks, but a peak master token has been left in the world and has not been found yet.

After a long time, Wu Tian, ​​the lord of the Hall of Swordsman, finally recovered, and he looked at Yang Qi.

"Wait first, I will call all the peak masters."

The Lord Wu Tian issued an order.

Several spirit masters from the Hall of Swordsman hurriedly went to the peaks to see the peak master.

After half an hour.

The peak masters of the other five peaks of the Dao Kuang Palace arrived in the main hall.


Wufeng Peak Master respectfully called to the hall master Wu Tian.

"Dear peak masters, what do you think this is?"

The hall master Wu Tian showed the peak master token.

The Peak Master of Five Peaks looked at the Peak Master token in the hands of the Palace Master, they were startled first, and then they began to start in awe.

This this this...

Wufeng Peak Master all stammered, with a shocked expression on their faces.

They are all spirit emperors, and such expressions shouldn't have appeared on their faces, but now they appear.

One can imagine how shocked the Wufeng Peak Master was.

"Hall Master, this is the Peak Master token."

A peak master said to the hall master Wu Tian.

"That's right, it's the peak master token left in the world by my Sword Mad Hall."

Said Wu Tian, ​​the lord of the Palace of Swordsman.

The main face of Wufengfeng looked at each other.

Immediately, their eyes turned to Yang Qi.

How shrewd the peak master of Wufeng is, of course he knows that the token of the peak master is Yang Qi.

"Little brother, can you tell me where did your peak master token come from?"

"Don't tell."

Yang Qi said slowly.

Seeing Qing Ying refused to say, Wufeng Peak Master was embarrassed to keep asking.

"Yang Qi, since you are holding the peak master token, then you are the seventh peak of my Sword Madness Palace..."

Before Wu Tian had finished speaking, he was interrupted by a peak owner.

"The peak owner, although holding the peak owner token can unconditionally become the peak owner of the seventh peak, the age of this person is really..."

This peak master didn't finish his words, but the meaning behind it was self-evident.

The meaning is simple.

Yang Qi is so young and too weak.

If they were the peak master of the seventh peak of the Blade Kuang Palace, it would be a shame for them.

If it were to be spread out, how would they confuse in the Blade Realm.

"Why? Does it have to be the Spirit Emperor to be the peak master?"

Yang Qi looked at the talking peak master.

The peak master sneered when he heard the words, "It doesn't have to be the Spirit Emperor, at least it must be the Great Spirit Saint."

Yang Qi pondered for a few seconds, "Since I am the Great Spirit Saint, then I am the Great Spirit Saint."

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