The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 792: I am going to draw a knife

Seeing the extremely desolate Peak Tyrant Dao, Zhou Kerer was a little surprised.

She had naturally heard of Peak Badao, and knew that Peak Badao hadn't been activated for a long time.

But she would never have thought that Peak Badao was so desolate.

"Teacher, what are you going to do?"

Suddenly, Zhou Keer found that Yang Qi's hand was on the back handle.

"Draw a knife."

Yang Qi said slowly.

Draw a knife? !

Zhou Keer was startled.

She didn't understand what Yang Qi meant.

"Teacher, what does it mean to draw a knife?"

Zhou Keer wondered if he pulled the knife out?

But what is the point of this?

Zhou Keer looked at Yang Qi in perplexity.


I saw that Yang Qi drew out the magic knife Thousand Blades.

Looking at the martial arts field overgrown with weeds, Yang Qi raised the magic knife in his hand.

Suddenly, the magic knife was severely chopped down.


The extremely terrifying blade light swept out from the magic knife thousand blades.

The weeds on the martial arts ground instantly turned into powder.

Where the horror knife light passes, no grass grows.


Seeing such a scene, Zhou Ke'er was dumbfounded.

Her eyes were wide open. Although she knew that the teacher was a terrifying tool spiritist, she would never have thought that it was so terrifying.

This sword, what kind of realm spirit master can resist.

Then Zhou Ke'er discovered that Yang Qi had inserted the magic knife Thousand Blades into the scabbard and then pulled it out.

Actually repeated it.

Zhou Ke'er's white face became very puzzled. Of course she didn't know what the teacher was doing.

When she was just about to ask a question, she realized that Yang Qi was pulling the knife faster and faster.

Soon she couldn't see clearly!

How can this be? !

Zhou Keer was stunned.

She dared to swear that she definitely saw a scene she would never see.

"Teacher, it's scary."

Zhou Keer said blankly.

The tenth stage of the super-sky level exercise is 3 billion draws.

It will take some time to complete.

Pull the knife continuously for half a month.

Yang Qi paused and drew his sword.

He is now an 87-level great spirit saint, if he wants to break through, it is still a bit difficult.

"Teacher, have you drawn your sword?"

Zhou Keer looked at Yang Qi.

She now admires her teacher more and more.

Yang Qi didn't answer, he heard Zhou Keer continue to say:

"Teacher, go to Crazy Blade Peak with me to see my sister?"

Zhou Keer said pitifully.

Obviously, she really wanted Yang Qi to go to Crazy Blade Peak with her.

"Let's go."

Yang Qi's face was calm, he inserted the magic knife Qianbian into the scabbard on his back.

Immediately, he and Zhou Keer walked towards the Crazy Blade Peak.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning a random lottery."

Suddenly, the voice of the system appeared in Yang Qi's mind.

Yang Qi listened to the system, and he couldn't help but pause.

Naturally, I didn't expect my luck to be so good.

Without thinking about it, he used the chance to win this lottery.

The virtual pointer started to turn in his mind.

After a few seconds, the virtual pointer stops.

"Get violent."

Rage: The user can reach the level 95 Lingdi realm within half an hour.

Looking at the violent introduction, Yang Qi thought it was a life-saving thing.

The two continued to head towards Crazy Blade Peak.

After arriving at Crazy Blade Peak, they only saw Zhou Xue on the martial arts field in an instant.


Zhou Keer yelled at Zhou Xuexin with joy.

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