The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 796: Yang Qi is the owner of the seventh peak

Oh my God! ! !

Everyone in the martial arts field saw such a scene.

They all fell in shock.

How could he not believe that Zhong Yu's palm hit Yang Qi's body hard, and Yang Qi didn't take a step back.

This this this...

Zhong Yu's eyes opened wide, and she felt that she must be wrong.

She rubbed her eyes quickly, but no matter how she rubbed her eyes, she told her that she didn't make a mistake.

"you you……"

How could Zhong Yu at this time be able to say a complete sentence?

Everyone in the martial arts field froze in place like a wood-carved clay sculpture.

Such defense? !

They are almost the only ones seen in their lives.

"It's me."

Yang Qi said lightly at Zhong Yu.

Zhong Yu recovered after hearing the words and looked at Yang Qi in horror.

I saw Yang Qi put a finger up.

On the fingers, there was an extremely terrifying spiritual power.

Suddenly, the finger fell.

Yang Qi's fingers suddenly hit the top of Zhong Yu's head.

When Zhong Yu watched such a scene, the expression on his face was frozen.

"My life is over!"

At the last moment of his life, Zhong Yu said these four words.

It's a pity that Yang Qi didn't have the idea of ​​killing Zhong Yu.

Otherwise, there is Zhong Yu's name.

When Yang Qi's finger was only a line away from the top of Zhong Yu's head, he paused.

The pupils of everyone in the martial arts field shrank rapidly.

They knew that if Yang Qi's finger hit the top of Zhong Yu's head, then Zhong Yu would not have any chance of survival.

Zhong Yu also opened his eyes.

Seeing that she was not dead, her already pale face became extremely pale.

"Now," Yang Qi looked at Zhong Yu faintly, "Do you still believe your eyes?"

At this moment, Zhong Yu finally understood what Yang Qi said just now.

"You...who are you?"

Zhong Yu looked at Yang Qi in horror.

She thought that there was no young generation as scary as Yang Qi.

Everyone on the martial arts field also looked at Yang Qi.

They all want to know the identity of Yang Qi.

Apart from Zhou Xue and Zhou Keer, no one knew that Yang Qi was the owner of the seventh peak.

Of course, there is also the second peak peak master Teng Gang.


Abruptly, a full of breath came into everyone's ears.

Everyone on the martial arts field was shocked.

They know that this is the voice of the peak master.

I saw that the second peak peak master Teng Gang stepped out.

"Unexpectedly, the peak master of the dignified seventh peak would actually bully a disciple."

Teng Gang spoke like thunder.

what! ! !

Everyone on the martial arts field naturally heard Teng Gang's voice, and they were all shocked to the extreme.

The seventh peak peak owner?

Is this person in front of the Seventh Peak Peak Master?

They used the strength of feeding milk before and would not have thought that Yang Qi would actually be the peak owner of the seventh peak.

Of course Zhong Yu didn't expect her eyes to open for the biggest time ever.

I saw that Teng Gang, the master of the second peak, stepped onto the ring.

"Zhong Yu, this is Yang Qi, the master of the seventh peak."

Yang Qi looked at Teng Gang, but he did not speak.

Just because he felt a slight pressure from Teng Gang's body.

In other words, Tenggang entered the ring with something else.

However, Yang Qi was not afraid of Teng Gang being a Level 94 Spirit Emperor.

Just because he is violent!

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