Looking at the map in his hand.

Yang Qi smiled lightly.

He thought that this was really nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes.

Heavenly low-level weapon spirit, soul yuan sword.

Just suitable for Zhou Keer.

"Teacher, is this the map of the heavenly low-level weapon soul Yuan Jianqi Ling?"

There was a curious look on Zhou Ke'er's little face.


Yang Qi nodded.

Seeing the teacher nodded, Zhou Keer's heart began to go up and down.

She hadn't thought of fusing the heavenly weapon spirit before, but now...

It seems possible.

With the teacher, everything is possible.

"Let's go."

Yang Qi said slowly to Zhou Keer.

Immediately, Yang Qi and Zhou Keer walked towards the depths of the misty forest.

After they reached the depths of the misty forest, they followed the map to find the Heaven-Rank Low-level Artifact Soul Yuanjian.

But what Yang Qi didn't expect was that he unexpectedly met another flies.

Dozens of monsters came into their vision.

Yang Qi's face became very boring.

Why can he always meet these ants?

Is it really bad?

I saw that Yang Qi faintly looked at the dozens of monsters in front of him, and slowly spoke:

"Did you commit suicide yourself, or let me do it?"

what? !

Hearing this, dozens of demons couldn't help being shocked.

They wanted to spend ten days and ten nights, and they didn't expect Yang Qi to say such things.

"Stupid human beings, are you looking for death?"

A Tier 4 monster stared at Yang Qi coldly.

Yang Qi shook his head.

Thinking that if you commit suicide, there will still be a whole body, if you let me take it...

Suddenly, he slammed out dozens of monsters in front of him.

The terrifying fist swept from his fist.


How can these dozens of monsters withstand such a terrifying fist?

They all fell apart.

That's where the dead can't be buried! ! !

There was no fluctuation on Yang Qi's face. He looked at Zhou Keer, "Let's go on."

Zhou Keer nodded.

Before long, the two reached the end of the map.

What appeared before them at the moment was a cave.

Yang Qi thought as if the baby would often appear in the cave.

Without much hesitation, Yang Qi and Zhou Ke'er walked into the cave.

After walking into the cave, they only saw the Heaven-Rank low-level weapon soul Yuanjian at a glance.

A big sword exuding the power of the soul, the big sword looked terrifying.

"Is this the heavenly low-level weapon soul yuan sword?"

Zhou Ke'er's fair face showed a touch of shock.

"Why do you still have?"

Yang Qi shook his head.

"What? Teacher?"

Zhou Keer naturally did not understand what Yang Qi meant.

But when her voice just fell.

A giant python appeared.

This giant python is several tens of feet long, if ordinary people see it, it won't be much worse if you don't say scared to death.

"The seventh-order monster, the viper snake!"

Zhou Keer exclaimed.

She quickly glanced at Yang Qi, but found that Yang Qi's face did not fluctuate.

Seeing this, she felt relieved.

She secretly regretted it a little, wondering why she should exclaim?

With the teacher, what can a 7th-order monster beast count?

"Humans, what do you want to do here?!"

The seventh-order monster viper viper stared at Yang Qi and Zhou Ke'er, as if looking at whether Yang Qi and Zhou Ke'er were offended.

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