The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 812: Do you believe it is my spirit emperor now?

This seventh-order monster just wanted to break his head and would not have thought that Yang Qi actually possessed a high-level contract weapon!

However, it knew that even if Yang Qi had a high-level contract weapon, his life would immediately disappear from this world.

Hundreds of monsters had already arrived in front of Yang Qi, and they began to attack Yang Qi.

However, Yang Qi slashed out.

With this knife cut out.

The bodies of hundreds of monsters were all turned into two halves.

Death was terrible for a while!


Seeing this, the rest of the demons couldn't help but gasped, looking at Yang Qi in horror like five thunders.

Naturally, Yang Qi's face did not have any fluctuations. He looked at the seventh-order monster not far away with an extremely indifferent expression, and slowly spoke:

"Is this your strength?"


At this moment, the seventh-order monster can still say a complete sentence, it is beginning to regret a little, why not put Yang Qi into the eighteenth floor.

This seventh-order monster is not an idiot. It knows that Yang Qi's strength is at least the Great Spirit Saint!

After a long time, the seventh-order monster finally recovered from the panic, and it stared at Yang Qi coldly.

"Human, although you are strong, do you think you can survive?!"

The seventh-order monster knew that even if he regretted it at the moment, there was no room for retreat.

The only thing that can be done is to kill the human in front of him.

"Have you always been so much nonsense?"

Yang Qi looked at the seventh-order monster faintly.

When the seventh-order monster heard this, he couldn't help but rush out of a thousand feet of anger above his head, and he stared at Yang Qi very angry.

"Go together!"

Following the order of this seventh-order monster, thousands of monsters all rushed towards Yang Qi, and they were overwhelming.

It's a pity, even with thousands of monsters, it would never be Yang Qi's opponent.

He raised up the magic knife in his hand.

call out!

It was another knife and slashed out.

The terrifying blade light suddenly attacked from the magic knife thousand blades.

One knife, only one knife.

Half of the thousands of monsters fell to the ground, without any possibility of survival.

The remaining demons saw this as if they had seen a ghost.

"Human, you, you..."

Where did the remaining hundreds of monsters think that Yang Qi was so terrified.

"What are you waiting for?" Yang Qi faintly looked at the hundreds of monsters in front of him, "You can't come to die?"

At this moment, these hundreds of monsters are all in shock.

Seeing that hundreds of monsters didn't mean to come over, Yang Qi thought that since you can't come, then I have to do it.

Immediately, he once again raised the Magic Knife Thousand Blades in his hand.

Seeing that Yang Qi raised up the Thousand Blades of Magic Knife in his hands, hundreds of demons were even more frightened to the three souls rolling all over the ground, seven souls flying all over the sky.


I saw that hundreds of monsters began to stalk their heads.

But how can they survive?

Huh huh!

Yang Qi slashed several swords at hundreds of monsters that flee madly.

With the number of knives cut out, hundreds of monsters all died away.

But Yang Qi's face was still calm, as if nothing had happened at all.

"Now," Yang Qi faintly looked at the seventh-order monster in front of him, "would you believe me if I said I was the Lingdi?"

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