"Old Demon Lord?"

Yang Qi shook his head, "I haven't heard of it."

When Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, saw this, he quickly said something to Yang Qi.

However, Yang Qi's face did not show too much fluctuation.

It's like saying that even if your master is the king of heaven, you can't escape the fate of death today.

"If you dare to do anything to me, my master will never let you go!"

The old man of the devil stared at Yang Qi.

"Ha ha."

Yang Qi smiled, what he disliked most was being threatened.

Obviously, the old man of the demon was threatening him at the moment.

Only death was waiting for the old man of the devil.

"It seems that you don't want to come over."

Yang Qi faintly looked at the old man of the demon not far away.

The cold sweat has wetted the whole body of the old man of the devil, and he would not have thought that he had already moved the master out, and Yang Qi was still not ready to let him go.

What should he do!

Suddenly, a thought sprang up in the old man's mind.

This idea is undoubtedly fleeing.

Suddenly, the old man of the sky demon began to fly away and flee, at the fastest speed in history.

Just when everyone present hadn't reacted, Yang Qi had already urged the sky-level high-speed spiritual skills to run the thunder shadow step.

It didn't take long before Yang Qi arrived in front of the old man.

After arriving in front of the old man, he faintly looked at the old man and spoke slowly:

"You don't really think you can escape, do you?"

The old man of the devil was shocked.

"I fought with you!"

Immediately, the old man of the demon began to attack Yang Qi.

However, how could the old man of the devil be Yang Qi's opponent?

Before long, the old man of the sky demon fell under Yang Qi's knife.

how is this possible!

Lin Jun, the head of the Lin family, still couldn't accept this fact.

I saw that Yang Qi walked slowly to the front of the Lin Family Patriarch Lin Jun, and said lightly to the Lin Family Patriarch Lin Jun:

"Let you fly upside down, can you be convinced?"

After a few seconds passed in a daze, the head of the Lin family, Lin Jun, quickly said to Yang Qi:

"Be convinced, convinced."

At this moment, how dare he not convinced.

Even the old man as strong as the devil was killed by Yang Qi, let alone him.

"If you are convinced, then why do you still appear before my eyes?"

Yang Qi said lightly.

How could the Lin Family Patriarch Lin Jun not know what Yang Qi meant, and quickly jumped up from the ground, leading the Lin Family Elders and fleeing here.

The faces of everyone in the Luo family were shocked.

They never thought that a dignified spirit emperor would be killed so easily by Yang Qi.

How scary is Yang Qi?

Everyone in the Luo family didn't dare to think about it.

Yang Qi didn't say much, he walked directly into the Luo family compound.

Luo Zhan, the Patriarch of the Luo family, recovered first, and he followed in.


At this time, Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family, was already afraid to call Yang Qi by name.

"Is there a problem?"

Yang Qi looked at Luo Zhan, the Patriarch of the Luo Family, with a calm expression.

"If the old man of Demon Lord does not fall, then..."

Luo Zhan, the Patriarch of the Luo Family, did not finish speaking, but the meaning that followed was self-evident.

Yang Qi thought this was indeed a trouble.

But the old man of the devil must be killed.

After all, he said that he has already said it. If he is afraid of the old man of Demon Venerable, is he still Yang Qi?

"there is always a solution to a problem."

Yang Qi said to Luo Zhan, the head of the Luo family.

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