The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 853: Xucheng, City Lord Mansion

"Yan Demon Mountain, is it really strong?"

Yang Qi looked at the powerful people in the hall.

"It's really strong, and our Celestial Alliance may not be able to resist it."

The city lord Qinghe of Huolicheng said to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi heard this and thought to himself, it seems that the Flame Demon Mountain is really strong, and only soldiers will come to cover the water and soil.

"Okay, let you come this time just to let you know me, presumably you all know me now."

Of course, the powerful people in the hall already knew Yang Qi.

Even, they feel that they will never forget Yang Qi in this life.

After all, the strength that Yang Qi showed was too terrifying.

After some more words were said, the meeting ended.

Yang Qi continued to the quiet little yard and started a crazy knife drawing mode.

A few days later.

While Yang Qi was drawing his sword, the city lord of Huoli City, Qing He, found him.

"Commander Yang Qi."

A panic appeared on the face of the city lord Qinghe of Huoli City.

Yang Qi looked at Qinghe, the lord of Huoli City with some doubts, "What's the matter?"

"Something happened to Xucheng in the east."


Yang Qi had heard of Xu Cheng for the first time.

"The monsters and monsters are about to attack Xucheng."

Qing He, the lord of Huoli City, said to Yang Qi again.

Yang Qi thought for a while, and he said to Qinghe, the lord of Licheng on fire, "Do you have a map of the east?"


City Lord Qing He nodded quickly.

Immediately, Qing He, the lord of Huoli City, took out a map to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi thought that although he was the person in charge of Eastern Tianyu, he had never been to most places in Eastern Tianyu, and it was time to step on it.

Looking at the map, Yang Qi knew where Xucheng was.

Xucheng is only a very small city in the east.

Yang Qi headed towards Xu Cheng.



These days, the people in Xucheng are all very frightened.

They already knew that the monsters were about to attack Xucheng.

Their Xu Cheng tool spirit masters are very weak, and if monsters and monsters attack Xu Cheng, they will definitely be unable to resist Xu Cheng.

After the monsters and monsters break through Xucheng, what kind of human remnant it will be, you can know without thinking.

Yang Qi has arrived in Xucheng.

He found that there were not many people on the streets of Xucheng.

On the street, there are groups of troops patrolling.

Yang Qi thought about heading to the City Lord's Mansion and let them feel relieved.

Xucheng is only a small city in the east, and the city owner is naturally not qualified to go to Huoli City to meet him, so he has not seen Yang Qi.

Before long, Yang Qi went outside the city lord's mansion in Xucheng.

When he was about to enter, several guards of the City Lord's Mansion stopped him outside.

"Standing, this is the City Lord's Mansion, no idlers are allowed to enter."

A guard of the City Lord's Mansion shouted at Yang Qi.

"I'm here to find your City Lord."

Yang Qi spoke slowly to several guards.

These few guards of the city lord’s mansion were startled and came to the city lord?

Could it be...

Is this person friends with the city lord?

"Do you know our city lord?"

A guard looked at Yang Qi and asked.

"more or less."

Yang Qi said.

Seeing Yang Qi's answer, these guards did not dare to neglect.

It's okay if they don't know the city lord, they are fine, but if this person really knows the city lord, then they will be severely punished.

"You wait, I'll go in and report."

After speaking, a guard of the City Lord's Mansion walked into the City Lord's Mansion.

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