The city lord of Xucheng and all the spirit masters naturally saw the magic knife Thousand Blades in Yang Qi's hands.

They were stunned.

High-ranking contract weapon?

They can't believe it.

This is the first time they have seen a high-ranking contract weapon!

But what made them even want to break their heads would not have thought that Yang Qi jumped off the outer city wall.

The city lord of Xucheng and all the spirit masters were shocked.

They quickly looked outside the city wall.

But it was discovered that Yang Qi put the magic knife thousand blades on his shoulders and stood still.

He was waiting for the arrival of monsters and monsters.

It didn't take long for the monsters and monsters to reach under the outer city wall.

At this time, Yang Qi also raised the Magic Knife Thousand Blades in his hand.

"Human, you are so bold!"

A seventh-order senior monster sneered at Yang Qi.

It thought that Yang Qi was going to be a man who would be a man and a man?

Is it funny enough?

"My courage," Yang Qi faintly looked at the seventh-order high-level monster not far away. He immediately activated the heaven-order high-speed spiritual skills, but disappeared in an instant.

The seventh-order high-level monster was surprised, but it was too surprised before it had time.

Its life disappeared in place forever.

The whole process is too fast.

Neither humans nor demons or beasts reacted.


When they reacted, there was an uproar.

"My guts," Yang Qi faintly looked at the body of the seventh-order senior monster, "is it really big?"

The sound falls.

He jumped up, leaped into the air, and raised the magic knife Qianbian in his hand.

On the Thousand Blades of the Magic Knife, an extremely terrifying blade light was condensed.

The horror blade light covers the sky and the sun.

The human beings on the wall outside Xucheng, the demons below, and the demons were all dumbfounded when they watched such a scene.

Such a terrifying knife mang is the only thing they have seen in their lives!

Suddenly, the knife fell!

The horror of the sword light flew downwards.

Rumble! ! !

A huge explosion sounded, and the shock wave caused everyone on the wall outside Xucheng to retreat.

Their faces are as shocked as they are.

When the explosion disappeared.

The corpses of monsters and monsters are everywhere, and the scene is terrible.

The remaining monsters, monsters are less than one-fifth.

These demons and monsters, they absolutely experienced the most terrifying scene ever.

At this time, Yang Qi was still in mid-air, like an ancient demon, eternally unchanged.

Everyone on the wall outside Xucheng, they are all made like wood-carved clay.

Such a slash, if they weren't seen with their own eyes, would kill them, and they would not believe it.

"Do you really believe in your eyes?"

I saw that City Lord Xu Cheng asked a Lingzun beside him.

The spiritual master swallowed and spit, "I originally believed it, but now I don't believe it."

How could he have thought of a young man who looked only in his twenties, but he was so scary.

Demonstrating this kind of combat power, wouldn't he be a powerful spirit emperor?

What an amazing possibility this is.

The monsters and monsters under the city wall outside Xucheng, they all had their three souls rolling on the ground, and their seven souls were flying all over the sky.

At this time, Yang Qi fell to the ground.


Suddenly, these monsters and monsters all hugged their heads and jumped up.

They can only survive if they escape.

Otherwise, they will have no chance of survival.

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