The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 870: He came to the Gao family

The people in the hall listened to the words of the third elder Gao Hai, and they all couldn't help being a little stunned, naturally they didn't expect the third elder to say such words.

"The third child, what do you mean?"

The head of the Gao family, Gao Tian, ​​looked at the three elders Gao Hai in perplexity.

All the elders also turned their eyes to Gao Hai, waiting for Gao Hai's next words.

"Not only did he not die, but he also came to the Gao family."

Gao Hai, the third elder of the Gao family, said.

what! ! !

The words came out.

Everyone in the hall was shocked and their eyes opened several times wider than usual.

"The third child, you...what did you say?!"

The head of the Gao family, Gao Tian, ​​looked at the third elder Gao Hai in shock.

"It's true, that person is terrible."

A look of helplessness appeared on the face of the third elder Gao Hai.

The elders in the hall looked at each other.

How would they have thought that not only did the madman not die, but he also came to their Gao family.

"The third child, why did he come to our Gao family?!"

Gao Tian, ​​the head of the Gao family, asked again.

"I don't know, it should be the solution to this matter."


Gao Tian, ​​the head of the Gao family, smiled coldly, "The madman broke my arm and still wants to solve it?!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Tian, ​​the head of the Gao family, scanned the elders in the hall, "Everyone, since that person chooses to die, let's go out for a while."

All the elders in the hall nodded.

Immediately, Gao Tian, ​​the head of the Gao family, walked out of the hall with the elders.

At this moment, Yang Qi is in the Gao family compound.

All the Gao family's children in the compound looked at Yang Qi with puzzlement.

The three elders told them just now that this person was the one who had broken the young master's arm, and they would never have thought that this person would come to their Gao family.

They couldn't think of a better explanation other than death.

Before long, the head of the Gao family Gao Tian and the elders saw Yang Qi.

"Patriarch, it's him."

The third elder Gao Hai cast his eyes on Yang Qi.

Gao Tian, ​​the head of the Gao family, followed the gaze of the third elder Gao Hai, and his expression suddenly fell cold.

"It's you?"

"Yes, it's me."

Yang Qi nodded.

Gao Tian, ​​the head of the Gao family, looked at Yang Qi up and down. He found that Yang Qi was so courageous that there was no fluctuation in his face when facing him.

This is something he never thought of.

"Are you here to die?"

Gao Tian, ​​the head of the Gao family, knew that Yang Qi could not survive anyway, and it would be the same if he said more and less.

From the eyes of everyone in the Gao family in the compound, Yang Qi was here to die, and there was no other explanation.

But what they didn't expect was that Yang Qi shook his head, which shocked everyone in the Gao family in the compound.

"Ha ha."

Just listen, Gao Tian, ​​the head of the Gao family, smiled coldly at Yang Qi, "You said you didn't come to die, do you think I really believe it?"

"Do you believe it has something to do with me?"

The corner of Yang Qi's mouth raised, and a sneer appeared on his face.


How could the head of the Gao family, Gao Tian, ​​think that Yang Qi would dare to be so arrogant when facing him.

"Funny, do you know what will happen to you if you break my arm?!"

The head of the Gao family, Gao Tian, ​​shouted at Yang Qi.

"You are nothing but an 84-level spiritual saint, is there anything worth talking to me?"

Yang Qi faintly looked at Gao Tian, ​​the head of the Gao family.

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