The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 872: Come to Lei's house

They would never understand why Yang Qi dared to go to Lei's house.

If everyone outside the Gao family knew what was happening inside, then they would fully understand.

"it is good!"

Lei Gang, the second elder of the Lei family, spoke coldly to Yang Qi.

Their Lei family is one of the most powerful families in Gaofeng City, and naturally they are not afraid of Yang Qi.

Immediately, Lei Gang and Lei Yu, the second elder of the Lei family, led Yang Qi towards the Lei family.


Gao Family, Great Hall.

"Patriarch, did we just let the madman go?"

An elder looked at Gao Tian, ​​the head of the Gao family.

Patriarch Gao Tian smiled coldly, "Of course not!"

"But that fanatic is very strong."

Another elder spoke.

"I will ask the city lord for help!"

When the elders in the hall heard this, they all nodded.

Yes, in Gaofeng City, only the city owner can punish that fanatic.


Lei's house.

Lei Gang, the second elder of the Lei family, and Lei Yu brought Yang Qi to outside the Lei family.

"Yang Qi, this is our Lei's house!"

Lei Gang, the second elder of the Lei family, looked at Yang Qi with extreme disdain.

Although he knew Yang Qi was very strong, of course their Lei family would not fear him.

He didn't even understand why Yang Qi dared to come to their Lei's house.

"go in."

Yang Qi's face was calm, and he slowly spoke to Lei Gang, the second elder of the Lei family.

"and many more."

Lei Gang, the second elder of the Lei family, looked at Yang Qi, "Yang Qi, can you tell me how you came out of the Gao family alive?"

According to Lei Gang, the second elder of the Lei family, after Yang Qi entered the Gao family, there was no possibility of survival.

He would never have thought that Yang Qi could still come out alive.

"I just told their Patriarch that if I dare to trouble me in the future, I will destroy their family."

Yang Qi said frankly.

Lei Gang, the second elder of the Lei family, looked down upon hearing this, he felt that Yang Qi was quite capable of acting as a calf.

"Do you think I will believe it?"

"Did I convince you?"


The second elder Lei's face became extremely cold, and he couldn't help but become angry.

"Second uncle, let's go in first."

Lei Yu on the side became a peacemaker.

"Please come in."

Lei Gang, the second elder of the Lei family, sneered at Yang Qi.

Soon, Yang Qi walked into Lei's house.

Lei Gang, the second elder of the Lei family, took Yang Qi directly to the hall.

It didn't take long before Yang Qi, Lei Yu and Lei Gang entered the hall.

After arriving in the main hall, Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, looked at Yang Qi in confusion.

"Who is this……?"

"If you go home, his name is Yang Qi."

After speaking, Lei Gang, the second elder of the Lei family, said what happened on the ring again.


The head of the Lei Family, Lei Kun's expression suddenly changed, "Are you ready to shoot Yu'er?!"

The elders in the hall also sneered.

They thought that in Gaofeng City, anyone who dared to attack their Lei family hadn't been born yet.

Lei Gang, the second elder of the Lei family, didn't tell anything about the Gao family, so these people in the hall only knew that Yang Qi was going to attack Lei Yu, but they didn't know anything else.

After all, Gaofeng City is too big after all.

"Junior, have you eaten the bear heart and leopard courage!"

Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, stared at Yang Qi coldly, his pupils shooting out a cold light.

Yang Qi naturally faced this cold gaze.

Just because in my eyes, this gaze is too pediatric.

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