The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 874: Threatening you, so what

"You... are you threatening me?"

Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, stared at Yang Qi coldly.

He has never been threatened so much.

"Threat you?" Yang Qi smiled indifferently, he looked at Lei Family Patriarch Lei Kun, "So what?"

When the elders in the hall heard this, their expressions became extremely gloomy.

"Ha ha."

Lei Family Patriarch Lei Kun stared at Yang Qi, "You don't really think that just by doing this, you can threaten my Lei Family?"

In the eyes of Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, Yang Qi is too naive.

"Then how can you threaten your Lei family?"

Yang Qi said lightly.

The head of the Lei family, Lei Kun, burst out from the top of his head and stared at Yang Qi with great anger.

"Unless you beat all of us!"

Everyone in the hall knew that even though Yang Qi was an extremely powerful tool spiritist, it was absolutely impossible to defeat all of them.

All the elders in the hall also cast their eyes on Yang Qi, wanting to see what Yang Qi would say next.


Yang Qi nodded.

what? !

Everyone in the hall would never have thought that Yang Qi actually agreed.

Lei Yu, who was on the side, also froze.

"You... did you agree?"

Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, looked at Yang Qi in amazement.

"Is there anything weird about this?"

Yang Qi looked at Lei Kun ambiguously.


Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, gritted his teeth, extremely angry.

"Give me up!"

He thought if he didn't show Yang Qi a little bit of color today, and if the matter was spread out, then how could their Lei family gain a foothold in Gaofeng City.

Following the order from Lei Kun, the Patriarch of the Lei Family, all the elders suddenly stood up and rushed towards Yang Qi.

All the elders knew that Yang Qi was about to lose.


Just when they were about to attack Yang Qi, Yang Qi disappeared in place, and a terrifying shadow appeared in the hall.

what happened? !

Everyone in the hall was shocked.

They would never have thought that Yang Qi's speed would have reached such a speed.


What happened to the magic shadow in the hall?

They hurriedly searched for Yang Qi's figure, but they found that even if they were blinded, they couldn't find Yang Qi's place.

"What about people?"

Patriarch Lei Kun was dumbfounded.

Such a speed is simply the only thing he has seen in his life.

"I am here."

Suddenly, Yang Qi's incoming message clearly fell into the ears of each of them.

Everyone in the hall hurriedly followed the voice to watch.

It doesn't matter if you don't look...

At first glance, they all fell in shock.

Just because Yang Qi was already at the door.

"You...your speed..."

Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, just wanted to say something to Yang Qi, but before he finished speaking, Yang Qi disappeared again.


The pupil of Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, shrank sharply, and what followed was the screams of the elders in the hall.


I saw that all the elders in the hall flew upside down.


Lei Kun and Lei Yu, the Patriarch of the Lei Family, watched this scene and gasped in air, they were struck by lightning!

They knew that Yang Qi was an extremely powerful tool spiritist, but they would never have thought that Yang Qi was so terrified!

"You...what kind of spiritual master are you?"

Lei Family Patriarch Lei Kun looked at Yang Qi in horror and asked.

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