When everyone on the martial arts ground of the City Lord's Mansion looked towards the City Lord on the ring.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, they are all dumbfounded.

Just because the city lord’s face was not angry, but... panic!


Everyone on the martial arts field was stunned.

They would never have thought that such an expression would appear on the face of the city lord.

"What's wrong with the city lord?"

Patriarch Gao Tian looked at the city lord on the ring in a daze. How did he feel that the city lord was scared?

Everyone in the martial arts field didn't know why the city lord had such a look on his face.

I saw that Yang Qi was getting closer and closer to the ring.

"Are you going to fight me?"

Yang Qi faintly looked at the city lord on the ring.

City Lord Wu Xiong trembled a little.

Even if he wanted to spend ten days and ten nights, he would not have thought that the person he was going to fight would be Yang Qi, the commander of Eastern Heavenly Region!

"Commander Yang Qi, why... how are you."

A wry smile appeared on the face of City Lord Wu Xiong.

"Why can't it be me?"

Yang Qi asked Wu Xiong, the lord of the city.

Where does the lord Wu Xiong know how to speak.

He had seen Yang Qi's horror when Huo was leaving the city’s City Lord’s Mansion, and he knew that compared to Yang Qi, it was definitely a heaven and an underground.

"Yang Qi... Commander?"

Everyone on the martial arts field was shocked.

How could they not think that the city lord would call Yang Qi the commander?


What kind of identity is this person?

Patriarch Gao Tian and Patriarch Lei Kun were also dumbfounded.


Could it be...

The two suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

This may be that Yang Qi is the commander-in-chief of Eastern Tianyu!

Otherwise, why is the city owner so afraid of this person?

Thinking of this, the bodies of the Patriarch Gao Tian and Patriarch Lei Kun all trembled.

Just because in their opinion, this time is really kicking the iron.

"Commander Yang Qi, you can go to the ring first."

City Lord Wu Xiong said to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi slowly stepped onto the ring.

At this moment, everyone on the martial arts field was puzzled. They all wanted to know what Yang Qi's identity was.

The city owner was so afraid of this person, which they had never expected before.

"Do you know who he is?"

City Lord Wu Xiong scanned everyone on the martial arts field and shouted.

Everyone on the martial arts field naturally didn't know what Yang Qi's identity was, but it was not difficult to guess that Yang Qi had an identity against the sky.

"He is the supreme commander in the eastern part of our universe!"

City Lord Wu Xiong continued.


As soon as the city lord Wu Xiong said this, there was an uproar in the martial arts field!

Everyone was stunned.

They would never have thought that Yang Qi would be the supreme commander of the eastern part of the sky.

Is this man so scary?

"Okay, everyone is going to leave."

After speaking, City Lord Wu Xiong looked at Yang Qi beside him, "Commander Yang Qi, let me enter the hall?"


Yang Qi said slowly.

Seeing that Yang Qi agreed, City Lord Wu Xiong let out a sigh of relief, and then he looked at Patriarch Gao Tian and Patriarch Lei Gang not far away, "Come here too."

Patriarch Gao Tian and Patriarch Lei Kun were shocked!

They looked at each other, their faces full of horror.

Just because they know that their consequences will be unimaginable!

However, they had to bite the bullet and passed.

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