The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 888: We don't want to die

"Senior, so many demons..."

The girl quickly looked towards Yang Qi's face.

But she discovered that Yang Qi's face didn't even fluctuate, as if nothing happened.

She was dumbfounded.

With so many demons, Senior's face still doesn't show any fright. Such a person is so calm.

"Humans, come on, let me kill you."

Suddenly, a Tier 5 monster said to Yang Qi and the girl.

In the eyes of this fifth-order monster, after its voice fell, the two humans in front of him would immediately run away!

But what it didn't expect in any way was that Yang Qi actually walked towards it.

It's not just that this Tier 5 monster did not expect it, but hundreds of monsters did not expect it.

Upon seeing the girl, she had no choice but to follow Yang Qi.

In just an instant, Yang Qi and the girl were in front of this fifth-order monster.

This Tier 5 monster looked at Yang Qi and the girl up and down, and found that the girl was very frightened, but Yang Qi's face did not show any fluctuations in fear.

"Humans, tell me, how do you want to die?"

The fifth-order monster looked at Yang Qi and the girl ambiguously.

"I, I... I don't want to die."

The girl shook her head quickly.

"Hey, don't you die if you don't want to die?"

In the eyes of this Tier 5 monster, what the girl said was a bit too funny.

"Didn't she say it," Yang Qi faintly looked at the Tier 5 monster in front of him, "She doesn't want to die, is there anything ridiculous about this?"

The fifth-order monster was startled when he heard the words, and the dark expression on his face became extremely gloomy.

"Human, do you know what kind of existence you are talking to?!"

The fifth-order monster has never thought that a dying person can be so arrogant when facing it.

"Stop talking nonsense, do it quickly."

A look of impatience appeared on Yang Qi's face.

Listening to Yang Qi's words, this fifth-order monster couldn't help rushing out of the top of its head.

"Humans, originally wanted you to live a few more seconds, but if you don't want to live anymore, then I will fulfill you!"

The sound falls.

This Tier 5 monster struck Yang Qi with a heavy punch.

Hundreds of monsters knew that Yang Qi would never survive.

The power of a fifth-order monster is absolutely terrifying.

They found that Yang Qi didn't make any moves to resist or defend.

In other words...

This mankind has given up.

At least in the eyes of hundreds of demons.

The girl saw Yang Qi stay where she was, her heart was burning.

She knew that if Yang Qi died, she would never survive.


When the fist of the fifth-order demon immediately hit Yang Qi's body, Yang Qi still did not make any moves to dodge.

The girl has closed her eyes, just because she has guessed the next scene.


There was a loud noise, and there was no doubt that the punch of the fifth-order monster had already hit Yang Qi's body hard.

Just when hundreds of monsters thought that Yang Qi's body would be pierced by a Tier 5 monster, the scene that appeared next made them horrified to the extreme.

Just because when the fifth-order monster's fist hit Yang Qi's body heavily, not only did Yang Qi's body not be penetrated, but he didn't even step back.

how is this possible! ! !

Hundreds of monsters looked at this scene, gasping in air, and exclaiming!

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