The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 891: Lord of Earth River City

Lan Ling looked at Yang Qi shyly, "Senior, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, give me your hand."

Yang Qi spoke slowly to Lan Ling again.

Hearing this, Lan Ling had to hand her right hand to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi grabbed Lan Ling's right hand.

Lan Ling's white face instantly turned red.

Suddenly, Yang Qi urged the sky-level high-speed spiritual skills to run the thunder shadow step.

In just an instant, Yang Qi reached the corner of Beicheng.

When a spiritual sage saw Yang Qi and Lan Ling who suddenly appeared next to them, they couldn't help being shocked.

"You... why did you suddenly appear?"

In the eyes of this spiritual saint, it is absolutely impossible for Yang Qi and Lan Ling to appear suddenly.

But now he appeared in front of him.

"Is there anything surprising about this?"

Yang Qi looked indifferent, and slowly said to the spiritual saint in front of him.


Suddenly, a seventh-order monster rushed over.

"Be careful!"

This seventh-order spiritual saint hurriedly shouted.

But what this seventh-order spiritual saint would never think of was that Yang Qi was the seventh-order monster that hadn't even looked at it.

He just pulled out the Magic Sword Thousand Blades from the scabbard in his back, and then slashed it out.

Suddenly, the seventh-order monster beast that rushed at him turned into two halves.


Seeing this, the spiritual saint could not help but gasp.

He rubbed his eyes quickly, just because he thought he must have seen it wrong.

But no matter how he rubbed his eyes, the result was the same.

"This is too..."

In the eyes of this spiritual saint, this is really a terrifying scene.

You know, that is a seventh-order monster beast!


This spiritual sage only noticed the contract weapon in Yang Qi's hand. Looking at the contract weapon in Yang Qi's hand, the spiritual sage took a few steps backwards to stabilize his body.

How shocked his face was already!

"Oh my God……"

The Lingsheng mouth was open enough to swallow a very large bowl.

Even if he wanted to break his head, he would not have thought that Yang Qi would actually have a high-level contract weapon!

"Senior, are you here to help our Dihe City?"


Yang Qi nodded directly, he felt that there was nothing to hide.

"Senior, I am the lord of Earth River City."

The spiritual saint quickly said to Yang Qi.

Roar! ! !

Just when the voice of the Lord of Dihe City fell, countless monsters and monsters rushed over here.

Seeing the monsters and monsters rushing, Yang Qi smiled calmly.


Yang Qi spit out this killing word, and then he urged the sky-level high-speed spiritual skills to run the thunder shadow step.

In an instant, Yang Qi disappeared in place, and a terrifying shadow appeared in the space.

Seeing that Yang Qi suddenly disappeared, the city lord of Earth River City suddenly shrank his pupils!

What kind of terrifying speed is this!

In the eyes of the Lord of Earth River City, Yang Qi's speed was too terrifying.

Huh huh!

Suddenly, the horror blade light appeared in the eyes of everyone present.

The humans present stopped one after another.

Even in their dreams, they would never have imagined that they could see such a terrifying blade light.

I saw a young man in midair.

The young man in mid-air stands holding a magic knife!

Just like ancient gods and demons, unchanging forever!

The monsters and monsters also stopped and watched.


Suddenly, another angry monster roar appeared!

I saw that a Tier 8 monster Chiling Viper appeared!

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