"You...who are you?"

After a long time, Lu Guang, the lord of Lushan City, returned to his senses. He looked at Yang Qi in horror and asked.

Yang Qi's face was very calm, and Lu Guang, the lord of Lushan City, spoke slowly:

"Didn't I just say that, I am the commander of the Eastern Skyland."

Lu Guang, the lord of Lushan City, was shocked.

He then remembered what Yang Qi had just said to him.

Commander of Tianyu Eastern!

Could it be that Yang Qi is really the commander of the eastern sky?

Thinking of this, Lu Guang, the lord of Lushan City, couldn't help but fell in shock.

"You... wait a minute, I'll come as soon as I go."

Immediately, Lu Guang, the lord of Lushan City, walked in quickly.

The guards of the City Lord's Mansion did not dare to stay where they were, and rushed in.

You know, this is the commander of the eastern sky!

Such a character, come to their little Lu Shancheng?

City Lord Lu Guang almost ran into the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion.

When the people in the hall saw that the city lord ran in in such a panic, they were stunned.

"City Lord, what's the matter?"

An instrument spirit master quickly asked the city lord.

"That person said he was the commander of the eastern part of the sky."

Lu Shancheng City Lord Lu Guang said in horror.

What...what? !

The words came out.

Everyone in the hall was stunned.

"You said he is the commander of the eastern sky?"

Suddenly, Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, spoke.

When in Gaofeng City, he not only met Yang Qi, the commander of the eastern sky, but Yang Qi lived in his family.

If it was Yang Qi, the commander of Eastern Cosmos, he would recognize it at a glance.

Immediately, Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, jumped up from the throne directly above and ran out of the hall.

When everyone in the hall saw Lei Kun ran out, they hurriedly followed.

It didn't take long before the group finally saw Yang Qi's face.

They were all stunned. They naturally didn't expect Yang Qi to be so young before.

Such a person scared the city lord like that?

How terrifying is that strength.

"Commander Yang Qi, it's really you."

When everyone was thinking about how terrifying Yang Qi's strength was, the voice of Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, reached their ears.


When everyone present heard the words of Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, they were in an uproar.

Is this man really the commander of the eastern sky?

"I'm from Earth River City."

Yang Qi slowly said to Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family.

"Master Commander, it will be fine if you come. The monsters and monsters will attack Lushan City in a few days. I heard that the number is extremely scary."

Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, quickly said to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi's face was as calm as water.

"Go ahead and talk."

Yang Qi said slowly to Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family.

Upon hearing this, the Lei Family Patriarch Lei Kun quickly invited Yang Qi into the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

After arriving at the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Yang Qi naturally sat on the throne directly above, and even Lan Ling sat in the front.

Everyone in the hall looked at each other.

If it weren't for Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, they would have spent ten days and nights and would never have thought that Yang Qi would be the commander of the eastern part of the universe!

"Commander, this is...?"

Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, suddenly looked at Lan Ling, he naturally didn't know Lan Ling.

"Hello, seniors, I am the teacher's apprentice."

Lan Ling got up and saluted everyone in the hall.

When everyone in the hall listened to Yang Qi's words, they all secretly envied Lan Ling.

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