Yang Qi combines ten great weapon spirits!

Suddenly, the spiritual power entwining Yang Qizhou's body turned red!

He raised up the magic knife in his hand.

call out!

Suddenly, he slashed out.

The horrible light of the sword violently attacked the monsters and monsters below.

The demons and beasts below saw such a terrifying sword light attack, they couldn't help being terrified to the extreme!

"Oh my God!"

Everyone on the outer wall was also dumbfounded.

They would never have thought that Yang Qi could cut such a terrifying blade light.


There was a thunderous noise from the ground.

Countless demons and monsters turned into fans!

"Is this the strength of the commander?"

The lord of Lushan City, Lu Guang swallowed a mouthful of foam, he had already thought of Yang Qi terribly.

But I didn't expect it anyway, but I still wanted to be much weaker.

In his opinion, Yang Qi is the most terrifying existence in this world.

"Let's also help Master Commander."

At this moment, Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, said suddenly.

After hearing this, Lu Guang, the lord of Lushan City, came back to his senses, and hurriedly shouted:

"Kaichengzhu, fully meet the enemy!"

Suddenly, the twelve city gates opened wide, and the army and the Legion of Spiritualists rushed out.

The war... is about to start!

At this time, Yang Qi was already on the ground, and he held a magic knife with Thousand Blades to show a crazy massacre.

When the eighth-order monster saw this, its whole body trembled extremely.

It had never imagined that there would be such a terrifying existence in a small Lushan city.

What made this Tier 8 monster even more horrified was that Yang Qi had already approached him.

In an instant, Yang Qi arrived in front of this eighth-order monster.

"Human, you really think that I..."

It's a pity that the eighth-order monster hasn't finished speaking, it will never have the opportunity to continue speaking.

what! ! !

Just listened, a scream came out.

The eighth-order monster was chopped in half by Yang Qi.

Seeing this, the monsters and monsters around Yang Qi were so scared that the three souls did not see two souls, and the seven souls did not see the six souls!

Immediately, these monsters and monsters began to cling to their heads.

What a pity, how could Yang Qi let go of these monsters and monsters?

Huh huh!

He held a magic knife with a thousand blades and cut out several knives.

With the number of knives cut out, thousands of monsters and monsters all died.

After a few days!

A hundred thousand monsters and monsters are all dead!


Lushan City, the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion.

At this moment, Lu Guang, the lord of Lushan City, and the powerhouses looked at Yang Qi respectfully.

"Commander Yang Qi, if it weren't for you, Lu Shancheng would have ended."

The lord of Lushancheng Lu Guang knew that Yang Qi was their savior of Lushancheng.

"Patriarch Lei."

Suddenly, Yang Qi looked at Lei Gang, the head of the Lei family.

"Commander Yang Qi, what's the matter with you?"

"Lan Ling will be trained by you in the future."

Yang Qi slowly said to Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family.

The words came out.

Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, was a little stunned.

The expression on Lan Ling's white face also froze.

They didn't expect Yang Qi to say such a thing.

"Teacher, you... what are you talking about?"

Lan Ling looked at Yang Qi.

"A person like me will run around and is not suitable to be your teacher."

After speaking, Yang Qi looked at Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family again, "What do you say?"

"Commander, since you have said so, I have no opinion."

Lei Kun, the head of the Lei family, said to Yang Qi.

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