The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 914: Tianyun Mountain, Demon King

Tianyun Mountain, the devil fights.

The fifth demon general and the sixth demon general summoned a large number of powerful monsters and monsters.

Among them are the eighth-order monsters and monsters!

They are all waiting for the arrival of the major powers in the universe.

At the same time, they even wanted to see the human beings who killed the Seventh Demon.

"Master Fifth Demon General, what if those humans don't come?"

A Tier 8 monster said to the fifth demon general.

"Ha ha."

The fifth demon general smiled coldly, "I think they will come. Although those humans are extremely weak, they still have some strength."

"Yes, but when the Demon Lord breaks the seal, the humans will be counted as the end, and they will all perish."

The sixth demon also said.

Dark Lord!

Sealed in Flame Demon Mountain!

If the seal is broken, no one on the Qi Ling continent will be able to defeat.

"Master Fifth Demon General, those humans are here!"

Abruptly, an eighth-order monster exclaimed.

The demons and beasts of Tianyun Mountain glanced over.

Hundreds of humans were found walking over and over.

Seeing such a scene, the fifth and sixth magical generals all showed a cold smile on their dark faces.

"These humans are too looking for death."

Both the Fifth Demon General and the Sixth Demon General knew that humans would come to break the ring, but they did not expect to come so quickly.

Under the leadership of the master of the Sword Sect Yun Changfeng, the master of the Palace of Blade Kuang Xiao Kuang, and the four commanders, hundreds of heavenly experts came to the devil's fight.

"Ha ha."

The fifth demon general sneered, "Humans, you are still here after all."

"But I think you are here to die."

"You defend the first battle."

The fifth demon general looked at an eighth-order high-level monster.

The rules of the ring, ten rounds of betting on winning or losing.

Moreover, if it is an eighth-order monster, then humans will have a great spirit saint, otherwise they will only be laughed at!

Immediately, this eighth-order high-level monster boarded the Demon King Challenge.

"You guys, who will come!"

The eighth-order high-level monster glanced at the human beings under the demon king and said.

"I come!"

The sound falls.

An 88-level great spirit saint jumped up and reached the Demon King Challenge.

This 88-level great spirit saint is named Wang Heng, the Patriarch of the Wang Family in the northern part of Tianyu!

"Human, why did you come up to die?"

The eighth-order high-level monster looked at the 88-level Great Spirit Saint Wang Heng coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on!"

Great Spirit Saint Wang Heng coldly spoke at the eighth-order senior monster in front of him.

Upon hearing this, this eighth-order high-level monster couldn't help but his expression became gloomy.

"Since you don't want to survive, why can't I do it for you!"

The voice fell.

The speed of the eighth-order high-level demon skyrocketed, but it came to the front of the Great Spirit Saint Wang Heng in an instant.

Great Spirit Saint Wang Heng is not jealous either!

He fought inextricably with this eighth-order senior monster.

I don't know how long it took.

After all, the Great Spirit Saint King Heng couldn't stop the blow of the eighth-order advanced monster!

In the end, the Great Spirit Saint King Heng lost his life to the Devil King!

Everyone who was also a strong man in the north, saw that the Great Spirit Saint King Heng was beheaded, they all became extremely angry.

"You human beings are nothing but that, you are really weak."

The eighth-order high-level monster who was still in the Demon King's Challenge disdainfully said with a smile.

In the first round, the opponent won.

"Come on, I won't be off the ring."

The eighth-order senior monster said again.

"The old man will meet you!"

The sound falls.

A seemingly old man flew into the Demon King Challenge.


The eighth-order senior monster looked at the old man in disdain.

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