The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 924: Who can pull out my knife

Everyone in the Su family compound thought Yang Qi was too funny.

Pull out the knife behind?

How about letting them casually?

Isn't it easy to draw a knife?

I saw that the Su family elder walked behind Yang Qi, and he was about to draw his sword.

Elder Su Family's hand is already on the handle of the Magic Sword Thousand Blades, ready to pull it out!


Next, the Su Family Elder was sluggish.

Just because he used the strength of the breastfeeding he couldn't pull out the knife from Yang Qi's back.

How is this going?

Everyone in the Su family looked at such a scene, and they were all shocked.

"I... I can't pull it out."

After more than ten times in a row, the Su family elder gave up.

"I don't believe it!"

Su Ming, the head of the Su family, walked behind Yang Qi, and he was also ready to draw his sword.

In the same way, he also used the strength of feeding, not to mention pulling it out, even if he did not move.

Everyone in the Su family compound looked at Yang Qi in shock.

They couldn't understand why the knife in the scabbard on Yang Qi's back was so difficult to pull out.

I saw that Yang Qi faintly looked at Su Kun, the Su Family Patriarch and the Great Elder.

"You can't even pull out my knife, it's really an ant."

"what did you say?"

Su Ming, the Su Family Patriarch, and the Great Elder were extremely angry when they heard this, and they stared at Yang Qi.

Yang Qi shook his head and smiled.

His hand was already placed on the scabbard on his back.


Suddenly, the sound of the weapon being unsheathed entered the ears of everyone in the compound.

A terrifying sword light appeared before their eyes.

how is this possible! ! !

When everyone in the Su family in the compound saw the magic knife Thousand Blades in Yang Qi's hand, they all exclaimed.

Their faces are already as shocked as they are.

Just because there are three red spirit rings on the Thousand Blades of the Magic Knife in Yang Qi's hand.

The three red spirit rings represent the heavenly advanced contract weapons!

Everyone in the Su family would never have imagined that Yang Qi would have a high-level contract weapon!

"Now," Yang Qi faintly scanned everyone in the compound, "Believe that I am the highest commander in the eastern part of the sky?"

The sound falls.

Before everyone from the Su family in the compound could speak, Yang Qi took the knife and dropped it!

A knife slashed towards the huge boulder of the compound.

Suddenly, the horror of the sword light swept from the top of the magic knife thousand blades.

The floor of the compound broke open one after another, and a terrifying gully caught the eyes of the Su family.


With the emergence of a loud noise, the huge boulder weighing tens of thousands of catties has been turned into powder.

The whole process is too fast, even less than a second.

Shock, deathly shock!

No one in the Su family compound could make a sound.

Their eyes have been opened for the largest time ever, and their mouths are open enough to swallow a very large bowl.

In short, the people in the Su Family Courtyard were as shocked as they were.

Yang Qi slowly inserted the Magic Sword Thousand Blades into the scabbard on his back, and looked at Su Ming, the head of the Su Family.

"Never trust your eyes, because sometimes your eyes deceive you."

Su Mingwen, the Patriarch of the Su Family, heard this and he came back to his senses, with a deep panic on his face.

Immediately, Patriarch Su Ming's legs softened and he sat down on the ground.

"I, I, I... You You You..."

Su Ming, the Patriarch of the Su family, stammered, where could he say a complete sentence.

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