The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 950: Misty Marsh, Beastmaster Challenge

Yang Qi's face was cold.

"I personally led the team to clear away the monsters and monsters outside the defensive line outside the city. I want them not to stay!"


Qing He, the lord of Huoli City, nodded quickly.

Immediately, he hurriedly left to mobilize the army and the Corps of Artifacts.

The fire left the defense line outside the city, and hundreds of city gates suddenly opened!

Countless legions and armies of spirit masters came out from hundreds of city gates.

Yang Qi personally led the team.

The monsters and monsters along the way looked at such a scene, all frightened.

They are all ready to escape!

But the sudden light of the sword made them all turned into powder.

The army arrived outside the Fire Demon Forest.

Last time Yang Qi and Han Jiao only killed the main monsters and monsters in the Fire Devil Forest, but most of the monsters and monsters did not kill them.

At this moment, there are hundreds of thousands of monsters and monsters in the Fire Devil Forest!

They never imagined that humans would have a surprise attack.

Moreover, they have never met before, and humans will attack them personally.


Suddenly, a killing character rose from outside the Fire Devil Forest.

The army and the Corps of Artifacts began to attack.

Yang Qi held a magic knife with a thousand blades and started to slaughter wildly.

Wherever he went, monsters and monsters were all turned into powder.

The monsters and monsters in the Fire Demon Forest were shocked.

If they can, they really want to escape!

It's a pity, how can they escape even if they have ten legs?

All that awaits them is death.

A few days later.

All the monsters and monsters in the Fire Demon Forest were beheaded clean, and the bodies of the monsters and monsters piled up like a mountain.

The smell of blood stretches for hundreds of miles!

Such a scene is simply purgatory on earth!

Yang Qi returned to Huolicheng.

The people in Huolicheng had already learned the news, and they were full of praise for Yang Qi.

Now that the monsters and monsters outside Huoli City have been slaughtered, then they can be safe from Huoli City.

Of course, this is just the thinking of the people.

Yang Qi knew that such a crisis was far from being resolved.

Two days after returning to Huolicheng, a high ring was erected in another place.

This place is called Misty Swamp!

The misty swamp can be said to be the life restricted area on the Spirit Continent. As long as it falls into the swamp, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

Outside the misty swamp, there were already countless monsters, not a single monster.

The misty swamp is the real base camp of the monsters on the spirit continent.

The leader of the monster beast is always here!

"Send the message to those humans and let them break the ring. If they want to reach the Beastmaster ring, they have to find a way to get through the misty swamp first."

"If those humans don't come, then Huoli City will have a steady stream of monsters entering."

The Beastmaster sneered.

Because of their special body, the monsters in the misty swamp can walk in the swamp.

And humans will not do it.

The Misty Swamp is too big, if you want to fly, it is estimated that the whole body's spiritual power will be exhausted after the Demon King Lei.

Misty Swamp, Demon Lord!

It didn't take long for such news to reach the Divine Sword Sect.

Yun Changfeng, the master of the Divine Sword Sect, quickly held an emergency meeting with the senior spirit emperors.


Tudao Star Chart smiled coldly, "I didn't expect it to be dead!"

"The monster beast appeared in Huoli City this time. This is the reason for the time and space wormhole. Do you think we should break the ring?"

"Of course I went!"

A senior spirit emperor said coldly.

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