The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 960: The domineering Xiao Kuang

Hall Master Xiao Kuang's voice was not loud, but every word was full of murderous aura.

Such a murderous look is too terrifying.

Xiao Kuang was known for his domineering sword.

Tianyu also called it the Dadao Xiao Kuang.

"Human, you want me to die?"

The fourth beast general looked at Xiao Kuang, the lord of the Blade Kuang Palace, ambiguously, "Then I want to see how you let me die."

After finishing speaking, the fourth beast will suddenly attack Xiao Kuang, the lord of the Hall of Knife Kuang with a magic knife.

Xiao Kuang summoned contract weapons and weapon spirits!

After the fusion, a battle began with the Fourth Demon General.

Xiao Kuang is the first person among the 96-level spirit emperors!

The fourth beast general was terrified when he hit the fourth beast. It would never have thought that Xiao Kuang was so terrifying.

After dozens of rounds, the Fourth Beastmaster could no longer hold on.

The funny thing is...

The fourth beast will still prepare to escape.

How did Xiao Kuang, the lord of the Palace of Blade Kuang, let the Fourth Beast General escape?

He slashed out.

The horrible light of the sword swept out from the domineering sword and hit the fourth beast general's back.

what! ! !

A scream that shocked the heavens appeared in everyone's ears.

After the screams fell, the fourth beast fell heavily on the beast king, without any fluctuations in life.

Until his death, the Fourth Beast General did not expect that its life would end in this way.

Xiao Kuang, the lord of the Hall of Swordsman, holds the overlord sword, standing upright the beast king, stalwart body, blood-stained treasure.

Such a posture is too shocking.

I would call it God of War!

The high-level spirit emperors saw Xiao Kuang beheading the fourth demon general, and they were relieved. If Xiao Kuang fell, there was no doubt that they would be defeated this time.

Seeing that the fourth beast commander had died, the Beastmaster couldn't help jumping into a rage.

"You actually killed the fourth beast general, I want you to die!"

"Master Beastmaster, let me go!"

The third beast will fly onto the Beastmaster Challenge.

I saw that Xiao Kuang on the Beastmaster Challenge began to confront the Third Beast General.

At this moment, no matter the high-level spirit emperors or the demons, they all held their breath, they knew that the battle was about to start.

"Human!" The third beast will stare at Xiao Kuang, "Do you know what your fate will be!"

"I don't know my fate, but I know your fate is death!"

Xiao Kuang, the lord of the Hall of Blade Kuang, said coldly to the third beast general.

The third beast general is also equivalent to the human 96-level spirit emperor, but it is better than the fourth beast general.

All the high-ranking spirit emperors on the hovercraft knew that when Xiao Kuang killed the fourth beast general just now, he had consumed a lot of spiritual power, and now he was facing the stronger third beast general.

They faintly felt something wrong.

However, this is already the situation now, and they can only grit their teeth and watch.

Suddenly, the battle between the third beast general and Xiao Kuang, the lord of the Blade Kuang Palace, began.

The beast king is on, the sword shines, the devilish energy is full, overwhelming.

All the high-level spirit emperors and monster beasts opened their eyes a few points wider than usual.

They all hope that the strong in their respective camps can win.

The battle between Xiao Kuang, the lord of the Blade Kuang Palace, and the third beast general did not know how long it lasted.

This kind of battle is too terrifying!

One day passed.

The battle between Xiao Kuang and the third beast general continued.

Hundreds of rounds have passed!

The third beast finally couldn't hold on and retreated from the ring.

Although it did not die, the human side won the third round.

Humans won two rounds, and monsters won one round!

Close the array.

The time for the second round is set in one month.

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