The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 986: Jiang Ningxue asks Yang Qi for help

Yang Qi said a few words to the Sect Master of Heavenly Star, and he walked out of the hall.

What he didn't expect was that Jiang Ningxue also followed him out.


Listening to Jiang Ningxue's voice, Yang Qi stopped.

"Is there a problem?"

"Senior, can I ask you, why are you going to the west?"

A curious look appeared on Jiang Ningxue's white face.

Yang Qi smiled secretly.

He didn't expect that Jiang Ningxue had many problems.

"Do you think," Yang Qi looked at Jiang Ningxue, "Do I need to tell you?"

When Jiang Ningxue listened to Yang Qi's words, she gritted her silver teeth, knowing that her identity was a heaven and an underground compared to Emperor Yang Qi.

She even didn't even have the qualifications to talk to Emperor Yang Qiling.


She didn't know why she had to say these words to Yang Qi.

"Senior, actually..."

Jiang Ningxue was hesitant to speak and stopped.

"Actually what?"

Yang Qi thought Jiang Ningxue was interesting.

"Actually my family is also in the west, so..."

"Is your family in the West? It seems to have nothing to do with me."

Before Jiang Ningxue finished speaking, Yang Qi interrupted her.

"I want to ask seniors to do me a favor."

Suddenly, Jiang Ningxue said to Yang Qi.


Yang Qi was stunned.

He naturally didn't expect Jiang Ningxue to say such a thing.

"Tell me."

Yang Qi wanted to know what Jiang Ningxue was going to let her help.

But Jiang Ningxue was a little bit hesitant to say something and stopped, as if there was something unspeakable.

After a long time, Jiang Ningxue finally mustered up the courage and said to Jiang Xie:

"Senior, I want you to go back to my family with me."

"Why go back to your family?"

Yang Qi felt that Jiang Ningxue was somewhat inexplicable.

Afterwards, Jiang Ningxue told something that Yang Qi didn't know.

After listening, Yang Qi understood.

It turned out that Jiang Ningxue sneaked out of the west, and she was ridiculed by all the children in the family at that time.

right now……

The purpose of her going back is to slap those who despised her in the face.

"You are a genius now, why do you want me to go back with you?"

Yang Qi didn't understand this.

He thought that with Jiang Ningxue's talent, he is now a Level 62 Spiritual Venerable, and of course his future achievements are limitless.

"Senior, there is a mountain of chaos at the junction of the north and the west. The monsters and monsters there are very powerful. At that time, when I sneaked out, it was lucky that I didn't die. I went back this time..."

Listening to Jiang Ningxue's words, Yang Qi understood.

This is for him to escort!

But it's over when I send you to the west, why go to her family?

"Senior, when I sneaked out, I was so angry that I destroyed the purple jade gourd that is the elder's favorite, so if I go back..."

Jiang Ningxue didn't finish her words, but the meaning behind it was self-evident.


Yang Qi nodded, "Let's go then."

Now he doesn't have to draw his sword anymore, and the monsters in Yan Demon Mountain are not doing anything unusual, and he is just going to the west, so let's drop by Jiang Ningxue's family.

Seeing Yang Qi agreed, Jiang Ningxue's white face was extremely happy.

Immediately, Yang Qi and Jiang Ningxue headed to the west.

Sure enough, at the junction of the north and west, there is a mountain of chaos!

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