This seventh-order monster has been scared silly.

If it had known that Yang Qi was so scary, it would definitely not provoke Yang Qi.

But now, it's too late.

Jiang Ningxue's face was naturally very calm. She felt that no matter what happened to her now, she would not be surprised.

After all, the strength displayed by the predecessors is terrible.

"Let's talk about it, in which way do you want to die?"

Yang Qi calmly looked at the seventh-order monster in front of him.

How could this seventh-order monster can say a complete sentence? He looked at Yang Qi in horror.

"Human, right, right, right... I'm sorry, I was wrong, I really knew it was wrong."

The seventh-order monster knew that he would never be Yang Qi's opponent, and could only let Yang Qi spare his life by begging for mercy.

But how could Yang Qi spare the life of this seventh-order monster.

"Die, in the next life," Yang Qi looked at this seventh-order monster faintly, "Don't be a monster."

The sound falls.

The life of this seventh-order monster disappeared on the spirit continent forever.

Yang Qi and Jiang Ningxue didn't stay on the mountain too much. He and Jiang Ningxue went down to the north of Chaos Demon Mountain.

"Senior, are you going back to the Divine Sword Sect?"

Jiang Ningxue looked at Yang Qi reluctantly.

"Aren't you going to the Sky Star Sect to seek your master's opinion first?"


Jiang Ningxue only felt that she must have heard it wrong, and she would not have thought that Yang Qi would say that after ten days and ten nights.

"Thank you senior."

After recovering, Jiang Ningxue's white face was extremely happy.

Sky Star Sect.

Yang Qi and Jiang Ningxue returned to the Sky Star Sect.

After they entered the sect, the elder Tianxingzong hurriedly greeted him, and his old face was filled with joy.

Even a little relieved.

Yang Qi looked at the elder Tianxingzong with some doubts.

"Emperor Yang Qi Ling, you will be fine when you come back. The monsters and monsters have already approached my Sky Star Sect. It is estimated that they will arrive tomorrow."

Listening to the words of the elder of the Star Sect, Yang Qi understood.

"Emperor Yang Qiling, please!"

The elder of the Tianxingzong hastily made a request to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi and Jiang Ningxue headed towards the Tianxingzong hall.

The two arrived at the Tianxingzong Hall.

Seeing Yang Qi's return, Sect Master Sky Star was extremely pleased.

Naturally, the elders need not say much.

"Emperor Yang Qiling, monsters and monsters..."

"I already know."

Before Sect Master Tianxing finished speaking, Yang Qi interrupted him.

"I already know."

Yang Qi slowly said to the Sect Master of Sky Star Sect.

Sect Master Tianxing listened to Yang Qi's words, and he took a deep breath.

"By the way, Jiang Ningxue wants to go to the Divine Sword Sect, what do you think?"

Yang Qi looked at Sect Master Tianxing lightly.

"That's great."

Sect Master Tianxing said quickly.

Of course he knew the horror of the Divine Sword Sect, and knew that if Jiang Ningxue went to the Divine Sword Sect, his future achievements would be limitless.

"Thank you, Master."

Jiang Ningxue said to the Sky Star Sect.

"Ningxue, there is nothing to thank, you are the proud daughter of my Sky Star Sect. Sooner or later you will go to a stronger sect."

Sect Master Tianxing smiled at Jiang Ningxue.

the next day.

A large number of monsters and monsters are really approaching the Sky Star Sect!

And it was only a dozen miles away from the Sky Star Sect.

After all the disciples of the Sky Star Sect had gone through the last time, their fear of monsters and monsters had reached a terrifying level.

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