The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 997: The monsters and monsters marched into the outer line of defense

Everyone in the main hall looked at Yang Qi suspiciously.

They really didn't expect that a person like Emperor Yang Qiling would come to their Wuyun City.

They all wanted to hear what Yang Qi would say.

"The monsters and beasts attacking Huoli City have all marched towards you Wuyun City."

Yang Qi slowly spoke to everyone in the hall.

Everyone in the hall was shocked by Yang Qi's words.

"Commander Yang Qi, you...but what you said is true?"

"Of course it is true, otherwise why do you think I am here?"

Everyone in the hall looked at each other.

The monsters and monsters that attacked Huoli City are marching towards Wuyun City?

This this this...

"Commander Yang Qi, what do you think you should do now?"

City Lord Wuyun looked at Yang Qi in a little astonishment.

"What else can I do? Soldiers are here to cover the water and soil."

Yang Qi said.

Everyone in the hall nodded, thinking they could only do so.

A few days later.

"My Lord City Lord!"

Just when the city lord and the powerhouses were discussing when the monsters and beasts would enter the defense line outside Wuyun city, a guard of the city lord mansion ran in.

The face of the guard of the city lord's mansion already had an expression of horror.

"what happened?"

Seeing this, the City Lord Wuyun asked quickly.

"Countless... countless monsters marched towards the defense line outside Wuyun City, less than a hundred miles away from the defense line outside Wuyun City."

what! ! !

When everyone in the hall heard this, they all got up from their seats abruptly, with shock and horror on their faces.

"Commander Yang Qi..."

The City Lord Wuyun quickly cast his sights on Yang Qi.

He found that Yang Qi's face did not fluctuate.

"It's okay, monsters and monsters are coming, so should our people come."

As soon as Yang Qi's words fell, another guard from the City Lord's Mansion ran in. The guard from the City Lord's Mansion quickly said to the City Lord Wuyun:

"My lord, a large number of weapon psychic legions and armies are coming from the outer defense line."


Yang Qi smiled lightly.

The City Lord of Wuyun City looked at each other with the powerful people in the hall, they thought that Commander Yang Qi was really a **** and man.

If this were changed to them, I am afraid I would have been so scared.

Commander Yang Qi could still manage such a strategy.

This is something they would never think of.

"Let's go."

After Yang Qi dropped these two words, he walked slowly outside the hall.

Seeing this, the city lord of Wuyun and all the strong men quickly followed.

It didn't take long before Yang Qi and his team arrived at the defense line outside Wuyun City.

At this time, the city lord of Huoli City, Qing He, had already led a large army to the outer wall.

"Commander Yang Qi."

Seeing Yang Qi, the lord of Huoli City, Qinghe, he quickly walked to Yang Qi and saluted Yang Qi respectfully.

"En," Yang Qi looked at Qinghe, the lord of Huoli City, "you are here at the right time."

After receiving Yang Qi's compliment, the face of Huoli City City Lord Qing He naturally showed a touch of surprise.

"Thank you, Commander Yang Qi."

The lord of Huoli City Qing He touched his head, and said embarrassingly.


Everyone on the wall outside Wuyun City is waiting for the arrival of monsters and monsters.

They know that the number of monsters and monsters will reach an unprecedented level, and it will be a earth-shattering battle.


Suddenly, an exclamation reached everyone's ears.

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