The Divine System Draws the Sword Billions of Times

Chapter 999: The monster and the monster retreat suddenly

Yang Qi knows if this continues.

Wu Yuncheng is only finished.

But what should we do now?

He is a high-level spirit emperor, but in the face of hundreds of millions of monsters and groups of monsters, he really has some intentions to kill thieves, unable to return to heaven.

Is Wuyun City really going to be occupied by monsters and monsters?

The root of the problem is that there are too many monsters and monsters on the spirit continent.

"Commander Yang Qi, we can't hold it anymore, let's retreat!"

The city lord Qinghe of Huolicheng said to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi knew that he couldn't keep it, but if he retreated, there would be tens of millions of people in Wuyun City.

They will undoubtedly be slaughtered by monsters and monsters!

Such a human tragedy has happened once in the south.

He didn't want to have a second time.

Although he is not a good person, he certainly has to stand on the side of humans in this kind of opposition between humans and foreign races.


Suddenly, a roar that soared into the ears of everyone.

This roar is too terrible.

Just listening, it can make people feel terrible!

With the appearance of this terrifying roar, all the monsters and monsters began to retreat.

Yang Qi couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded when he saw such a scene.

How is this going?

They are almost unable to hold on. At this time, the monsters and monsters retreat?

But that terrifying roar...

Yang Qi pondered for a few seconds.

He knew that the monster beast that made that terrifying roar was several times stronger than that!

It is very likely that he is the leader of all monster beasts in Qi Ling Continent, the Beast King!

The city lord Qinghe of Huoli City and everyone present saw the monsters and monsters all retreating.

They couldn't help rubbing their eyes quickly, they couldn't believe it would be true.

Just because they have already thought of the situation of their death.

However, now they don't have to die.

"Commander Yang Qi, how can these monsters and monsters retreat?"

City Lord Qing He looked at Yang Qi very puzzled.

"I don't know, go back and talk about it."

Immediately, began to clean the battlefield.

Yang Qi and Wu Yuncheng's important spirit masters returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

"My God, this battle is the worst battle I have ever experienced in my life!"

City Lord Wuyun seemed to have some lingering fears, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


Why don't the powerful people in the hall think so?

So many corpses!

Dead Mountain and Blood Sea!

They might not forget such a scene in their entire life.


Suddenly, an old but full of mad laughter reached everyone's ears.

Hearing this kind of laughter, the powerful spiritual masters in the hall were shocked all over, and quickly looked around as the laughter came.

This look...

They were all stunned.

An old man?

"Old man, who are you, do you know..."

An 81-level great spirit saint stood up and blocked the way of the old man.

But the old man only glanced at the 81-level great spirit saint, and the 81-level great spirit saint collapsed to the ground, his face full of horror, as if he had seen the scariest eye in the world.

The spirit masters in the hall were very confused.

They didn't understand what happened to this 81-level Great Spirit Saint.

Good point, why are you lying limp on the ground.

"Senior Star Atlas, you are here."

Suddenly, Qinghe, the lord of Huolicheng, hurriedly greeted him.

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