The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 1155: good life

In the room, Swaya was lying on the bed, and Simon was standing by the bed, checking Swaya's body and soul at the moment.

The Hawkins family gave him a top-quality slave girl for free, not just to befriend Simon, there must be other purposes.

Since she has been accepted, it is absolutely impossible to leave a big hidden danger around.

There was no abnormality in her body, and there was no restriction or seal in her soul, and she was hypnotized by hypnotism, so that she could tell the information of the Hawkins family and the purpose of the Hawkins family.

It's a pity that she knows very little about the Hawkins family's information, but she can actually understand how it is possible for a female slave like them to be given away to let them know the Hawkins family's secrets.

As for the purpose of the Hawkins family, she only knew that the Hawkins family asked her to serve Simon with all her heart.

Swaya's soul has no seals or restrictions, so his hypnotism will not be a problem, not to mention that the evil **** of Montenegro is watching, the information read by hypnotism will not be wrong.

That being said, the Hawkins family did not control Swayer, nor did they give Swayer any tasks.

Simon thought about it seriously, it was absolutely impossible.

Perhaps the Hawkins family wanted Swaya to gain Simon's trust before giving her a mission.

But the question is, how to control a female slave who has no restrictions and has been given away?

Unless the slave girl has other weaknesses.

Simon immediately thought that maybe Swaya had relatives who were controlled by the Hawkins family.

He immediately hypnotized and inquired about Swaya's identity information. As expected, Swaya also had a younger brother ten years younger than her, who was currently in the hands of the Hawkins family.

The Hawkins family controls Swaya's younger brother, which is equivalent to controlling Swaya.

Now Simon understands the true purpose of the Hawkins family.

However, this method of the Hawkins family is of no use to Simon. If Swaya really wins Simon's favor, Simon can directly ask the Hawkins family for someone.

If the conditions offered by the Hawkins family are unacceptable to Simon, Simon may choose to do it.

For a sinful family like Hawkins, Simon would not be merciful. He really didn't mind killing the Hawkins family directly.

In the past week, representatives of major families and forces have left one after another with a large amount of goods. The factories in the outer Xiacheng District have received a large number of orders. Now each factory is working hard to complete the orders.

The entire outer and lower urban areas are very busy. Although it is very busy, every worker is very happy.

Because the busier you are, the more income you will earn. Everyone has a lot of motivation and can't wait to take a day off.

It turns out that this is not the case for the factories in the outer and lower urban areas. Every factory has the behavior of squeezing the wages of laborers.

Even some gang-controlled factories do not pay wages at all.

Apart from the gangsters, the factory is controlled by either the rich businessmen or the powerful. They don't care about the life and death of the laborers. If you don't want to be squeezed, don't work in the factory.

But working in a factory is much more stable than doing other things, so even if the civilians in the outer Xiacheng district know that they are being exploited, they have to swallow it up.

Since Simon took control of Waixiacheng District, he soon started the factory reform. He deeply understands that only when any economic situation enters a virtuous circle can it create greater benefits.

It is impossible to improve his business system by simply squeezing laborers.

So he enacted labor laws and implemented them quickly.

At first, those factory owners didn't take it seriously, but after Simon killed a hundred people and shut down a noble's factory, everyone knew that Simon was going to be serious.

For this reason, the rich and powerful business class of Fossa City also launched a protest.

However, Simon directly left a sentence: Those who want to continue to open factories in Waixiacheng District must obey his labor laws, and all those who do not comply will close the factory and leave.

Many powerful and wealthy businessmen actually united, closed factories, dismissed workers, and wanted to persecute Simon.

There are more than 2,000 workers in those factories, and more than 2,000 people lost their jobs all of a sudden. If these people protest, it is not a trivial matter, and it is likely to cause a vicious incident.

It is true that among the unemployed workers, the wealthy and wealthy are inciting unemployed civilians to protest.

However, Simon has already made preparations. As soon as the rich and powerful businessmen closed the factory, he gathered all the unemployed workers and directly stated that the factory would take them back.

It is naturally the Simon factory that is willing to accept these unemployed workers. Even if those factories have no shortage of workers, they will recruit these unemployed workers and pay them wages.

As for those factories that were closed, Simon also tried his best to deal with them, trying his best to keep their factories from opening.

And he also planned a factory area to suppress the factories behind these powerful and wealthy businessmen. There are several wealthy businessmen who were quickly solved by him.

Under the iron bar of Simon, these powerful and wealthy businessmen finally realized the reality, that is, fighting against Simon in the outer lower city is no different from killing him.

The implementation of the labor law has brought huge benefits to the civilians in the outer and lower urban areas. The labor arbitration institute established by Simon is more like the sword of Damocles over the heads of the factory owners. It will intervene immediately. Once verified, it will be fined, or the factory will be closed.

Therefore, factories in the outer and lower urban areas do not dare to seriously squeeze labor. Now, as long as there are orders, these factories will enter a virtuous circle.

Simon's current business system is gradually There will be more orders in the future. Simon believes that these factories will not only survive, but also get better and create greater benefits.

Everything about the factory was left to Edward and the others, and Simon hid at home to enjoy leisure.

These days, he put Svia to sleep.

Although this woman is a virgin, her bed skills are really powerful, more skilled than Orisa, and because she is an elite knight, her physical strength is several times stronger than Orlis.

In addition, she is a snake-human hybrid, her figure is like a snake, her flexibility is excellent, and all kinds of difficult poses are not a problem. Simon wants to play, and she caters to it, which makes Simon want to die.

She didn't last long for the first time, but Simon was a magician. He treated her, then was resurrected with blood, and fought again. Simon really let out a good vent.

After a few days, Simon pondered the matter of flying together in his heart, and after spending several hours beside Orisa, she agreed.

Then began a beautiful life of one dragon and two phoenix. It can be said to be a song every night. It was a bit awkward at first, but after playing a few times, I let go.

The two best beauties serve themselves and meet Simon's BT requirements as much as possible. Can you imagine that kind of beauty?

Simon played until the middle of the night every day, and even forgot his usual evening practice.

After a week in a row, Simon felt a little weak in his body.

Only now did he truly understand the true meaning of the saying that color is a bone-scraping steel knife.

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