Simon frowned, Roslyn Sanchez's words were too sure, if that was the case, he didn't believe that Anthony Arthur would not know the news.

Which felt wrong.

"With you and the Templars, forgive them and dare not make a mistake," Simon said.

"The Templars are stationed at most for half a year. Once the Templars leave, we are not enough to deter the two major cults." Roslyn Sanchez said solemnly.

"Mr. Sanchez, what are you trying to say?" Simon asked with a frown.

"There's actually a way to solve your crisis and Fossa's crisis," Roslyn Sanchez said.

"Oh, in what way?"

"You are the main target of revenge for the Gospel Church and the Civic Temple. As long as you leave Fossa City, they will have no revenge target."

Simon frowned, as expected.

"Mister Gust, your talent is very strong, you shouldn't stay in Fossa City, you should go to broader issues. The federal government hopes you can join the White Eagle Knights, and promises you a lot of cultivation resources and secret techniques, according to The White Eagle Knight team leader is trained, and with your talent and strength, you can become the leader within a few years.

And when you moved to the capital, you also relieved the safety of Fossa City, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone. "Roslyn Sanchez laid out the benefits.

Simon's face was expressionless. They wanted to take Simon away. In this way, everything in Fossa City would be slowly accepted by them. It was really well-intentioned.

"Mr. Sanchez, are you sure that the Gospel Church and the Civic Temple Church will spare Fossa City after I leave?" Simon asked calmly.

"I can't be sure, but I'm sure they are fighting for a Fossa city." Roslyn Sanchez said firmly.

"But I don't think so. I think they will destroy Fossa City at all costs." Simon said sternly.

"With us here, they can't destroy Fossa City." Roslyn Sanchez's tone was equally firm.

"You also said that you can't stop the revenge of the two religions uniting." Simon looked at him calmly.

What else did Roslyn Sanchez want to say, Simon raised his hand to stop him and said, "As a councilor and the strongest knight in Fossa City, I shoulder the heavy responsibility of guarding Fossa City, and I cannot abandon it for my own life. Fossa City has more than 200,000 civilians.

It is even less likely that I will run away for fear of cults, so I will not leave Fossa City. No matter what they want to take revenge or do, as long as they dare to come to Fossa City, as long as they want to destroy Fossa City, they have to step over my body. "

As powerful and righteous as I said to Anthony Arthur before.

Roslyn Sanchez's face sank: "Congressman Gust, you have to understand the truth of leaving the green hills without worrying about no firewood."

He also wanted to persuade, but Simon stopped him again: "Mr. Arthur and Mr. Gek also came before you came, and they also wanted me to leave Fossa City and make me a Templar, but I also refused. "

As soon as these words came out, Roslyn Sanchez was completely speechless.

Even the Templars don't do it, what else can he say.

"However, I would like to thank Mr. Sanchez and the federal government for their kindness." Simon folded his fists and bowed his hands without rudeness.

"Since Congressman Gust has made up his mind, I won't say it, but if you change your mind one day, you can still come to me." Roslyn Sanchez got up without a smile on his face.


"Then we'll leave first." Roslyn Sanchez turned to leave, and Simon sent them out of the manor all the way.

Simon stared in the direction they left, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, his eyes were gloomy, the White Eagle Knights were not good, and he had to beware of them.

"This is Fossa City, not the capital. If you dare to do things in my place, no matter who you are, I will make you pay the price."

Simon would never allow anyone to touch his interests.

And at the moment Roslyn Sanchez is also in a very bad mood.

"This Gust really doesn't know what to do." A white eagle knight said coldly.

"Roslyn, if he doesn't leave, it's not easy for us to operate." Another White Eagle Knight also said.

"Don't be in a hurry, anyway, the business system of Fossa City has just been established, bear with him for a few months, wait for Arthur and the others to leave after the business system of Fossa City is almost mature, and then contact the people of the Civic Temple to take action. I don't believe he is really willing to risk his life for these civilians." Roslyn Sanchez sneered.

Roslyn Sanchez's family is actually in collusion with the Civic Temple Church, so he is not worried that after Simon leaves, the Civic Temple Church will destroy the city of Fossa. sacrifice as sacrifice as

As for the Gospel Church, they will also communicate and try their best to save his life.

Of course, they want to save Simon's life not only because of Simon's talent and strength, but also because of Simon's ability to cultivate knights.

They knew from the William family that Simon could train knights, and from the intelligence information, Simon's ability to train knights was very good. They wanted to get Simon's ability to train knights, so they wanted to recruit Simon into the capital and enter the White Eagle As long as Simon left Fossa City and entered the White Eagle Knights, it would not be up to them.

At that time, they can also easily master Fossa City.

"However, this time the church is involved, and it's a little troublesome. Even if he wants to leave Fossa City, he will most likely choose the church," said a knight.

"If he really chooses the church, he can only be blamed for his bad life." Roslyn Sanchez's eyes were gloomy.

Although the sanctuary and the White Eagle Knights are inextricably linked, the sanctuary belongs to the semi-detached federal government, and the top federal officials are actually very dissatisfied.

Therefore, there is a strong competitive relationship between the Holy Church and the White Eagle Knights.

The Sanchez family is one of the disaffected high-ranking nobles who would rather destroy Simon than let the Church get Simon.

If Simon chooses the Temple in the end, Roslyn Sanchez will do anything to get rid of him.

Just now he thought of a way.

If Simon chooses the church, he will tell the Citizens Temple Church and the Gospel Church of Simon's route to the capital, and let them kill him halfway.汜 minus bⅹшⅹ С〇汜

If Simon knew of Roslyn Sanchez's intrigue, he would probably try his best to kill them. Mi He Mi

Simon didn't sit at home for a few minutes, and immediately set off for the ninth inning, met with Stellan, and told about the visit of the Holy Church and the White Eagle Knights.

One is to prepare the nine innings to deal with the revenge of the two major cults, and the other is to let him beware of the White Eagle Knights.

But after listening to these two things, Stellan fell silent, leaned on the sofa, and closed his eyes.

Simon didn't say anything, he knew that Stellan was using his brain.

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