The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 1233: Demi god?

"Is this successful?" Simon looked confused at this time. He glanced at the contract mark on his body, feeling a little dreamy. Silvio Remar said that the contracting process was not difficult, but he never thought it would be so easy.

"That worm of shadow is very terrifying, and it is likely to be at the level of a demigod." Montenegro's evil expression was extremely serious.

"Demigod? The Worm of Shadows is a demigod?" Simon gasped. In the communication with the evil **** of Montenegro, he had a certain understanding of the strength of the gods.

The Heretic God of Montenegro said that the current world has only experienced less than two centuries of development. It is reasonable to say that at most there will be demigods. In other words, the new gods that appear now are at most demigods, or even close to God level.

Originators like the Heretic God of Montenegro are basically severely injured, and their strength is basically lower than that of a demigod, and now they have recovered to the demigod level at most.

That's why Simon was so surprised when the Evil God of Montenegro said that the Shadow Worm might be a demigod.

A demigod, the strongest existence today.

Simon now feels that the contract he bought with seventeen crystals of origin is not only a loss, but a huge profit.

It is a pity that the contract is only the stomach sac of the worm of shadow. If it is a complete worm of shadow, Simon feels that he can walk sideways.

If you can please the worm of shadow, maybe you can ask the worm of shadow to make a move.

Simon began to think about how to please the Shadow Worm.

The only way he can curry favor with the Worm of Shadows is to sacrifice. He can try to do it. It may be futile, but once he succeeds, the benefits will be beyond imagination.

Simon made up his mind to give it a try.

After completing the contract, Simon also completed one thing, and then he began to study the dark abyss secret technique. This secret technique requires huge shadow magic energy as support, although Simon's current shadow magic energy can display the dark abyss at most, It may not be good to use it against the enemy, but at this stage, he can understand it thoroughly. He has been studying this secret technique all day.

The dark and abyss secret technique can be said to be a domain-type secret technique. This type of secret technique is extremely difficult to cultivate. Even if Silvio Remar gave some insights, it is still difficult for Simon to study it alone. If it wasn't for the last evil **** of Montenegro to give Simon pointers, it is estimated that this day's time would have been wasted in vain.

At dinner time, Simon came out, and when he was eating, he felt Orissa staring at Simon, especially Rose, with eyes that wanted to eat Simon.

Simon smiled wryly, a fierce battle was inevitable tonight.

After dinner, when Simon went to the bathroom, Ross seized the opportunity to sneak in. He couldn't wait to make Simon feel good.

"The Hawkins family is here, you know, it's from Nathan Hawkins, who wants me to go back, because of your retreat and practice, so I've been dragging it out. You're out now, if they know, It will definitely come again." Ross put Simon's baby away, and then said.

Simon squeezed her chin and smiled: "Don't worry, you can't go, don't worry."

Ross finally let go of the heart he had been holding for these days, and said charmingly, "Come to my room tonight, there is a surprise."

Then he added: "If you still have the strength."

It seems that they know that Orisa and Swaya will not let Simon go tonight.

"Dare to underestimate me, I will kill you all tonight and won't be able to get up." Simon pinched her softness with a 'vicious' expression.

"Then see if you have the ability."

The two didn't stay in the bathroom, but this time, Orisa saw the clue. Orisa raised an eyebrow at Simon. Simon was guilty of a child who did something wrong and didn't dare to look at her in embarrassment.

Orisa came over, took Simon's arm, and whispered in Simon's ear, "I won't let you get out of bed at night."

Simon raised his brows, this is a harsh word.

"Which time didn't you lose first." Simon laughed.

Orisa twisted Simon's waist angrily, and said unconvinced, "You wait tonight."

"Okay, I'll wait. But I have to go to Stellan to find out about the current situation." Simon said softly.

Orissa nodded in general, let go of her hand, and helped Simon organize his clothes.

Simon kissed her on the face, then went out and went straight to the ninth inning, Stellan, a workaholic, was still in the office unsurprisingly.

Seeing Simon, Stellan also put down the pen in his hand and said with a smile, "You finally came out, how's your practice going?"

"Of course there is progress." Simon laughed.

"During the time I was in retreat, is there anything in Fossa City? Have the people from the two sects appeared?" Simon went straight to the topic. He was worried that people from the two major cults would sneak in during the half month he was out.

"I haven't found it for the time being. Based on my speculation, they won't act rashly until the Templars leave." Strand said.

Simon nodded, but he didn't trust the search ability of the Knights of Nine innings. He had to personally turn over the city of Fossa in the past two days.

Then I asked about the trading network of Fossa City, and there was no problem, and the development was quite good. In the past two weeks, many merchants and nobles have joined. However, from Stellan's investigation, it was found that half of the merchants and nobles were related to the White Eagle Knights who settled in Fossa City this time. Obviously, they were behind the development of the trading network.

They are sure to win the transaction blog, so they spare no effort to promote the development of the transaction network.

"Interesting." Simon now feels more and more that the two religions have joined forces to retaliate against him and the White Eagle Knights.

Let's see who has the last laugh.

In the end is you make the wedding dress for me, or I make the wedding dress for you.

Simon squinted his eyes, his eyes were cold, and he reached a cooperation with old Iggy, and gained a lot of shadow-based extraordinary resources, especially the Shadow Worm contract. Simon is now no longer anxious is confident. He is absolutely confident that he can withstand the joint siege of the two cults.

As long as he wins, everything the White Eagle Knights is doing is serving Simon.

After leaving the ninth inning, Simon went to the Sidon family again to learn more about the trading network with Edward, and brought back the information for the past half month.

After returning home, I read these materials carefully. The trading network of Fossa City is developing rapidly. In particular, the trading channels for extraordinary resources that Simon values, have been expanded by about double. According to the current trend, wait until the Templars leave. , the transaction channel of extraordinary resources can reach about two to three times the initial value.

However, after the siege of the two religions, it is estimated that there will be a decline, but Simon still has the confidence to develop Fossa City into one of the largest transcendent resource trading cities in the White Eagle Federation within ten years.

"Have you read it yet?" Orissa came over with a cup of coffee.

"It's over." Simon pulled Orisa over, sat on his lap, touched her delicate chin, and laughed: "Why, I can't help it."

Orissa blushed slightly, slammed Simon twice, and buried her head in Simon's arms.

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