The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 1406: Half year layout

"I want children, is there a way to get them?" Simon said.

"It's very difficult, I still can't fully control the Hawkins family, and there are hidden stakes of other forces in the middle and high-level slave farms, and children are an important resource, so it's difficult to quietly transport them away.

However, my second uncle and fourth uncle have great power in the middle and high-level underground slave farms. If they can be subdued, the three of us will work together to cover, and then it may be possible to pull out some hidden stakes. "

Simon frowned, and after thinking for a moment, decided to give it a try.

"Are your second and fourth uncles in this manor? What level are they?"

"Not in this villa, but in other villas. They are all high-level knights. My second uncle is a junior high-level knight. My fourth uncle is more powerful, a high-level high-level knight."

Simon nodded, the advanced knight level was nothing to Simon. After inquiring about the location of the two, Simon set off immediately, found Jeremy Hawkins' second uncle and fourth uncle smoothly, and exerted all his strength the pupil of shadow, hypnotizing them silently.

In the souls of the two, neither spiritual imprint nor soul restraint was found.

Under the coercion and temptation, they subdued these two people, and learned from their mouths that there were also people behind them who supported them, and they were both powerful nobles.

Even the patriarch and the elders with real power have been bought, and the Hawkins family does not know how many people have taken refuge with outsiders.

The Hawkins family has been infiltrated too seriously.

But think about it, how could such a large slave business in Bagamoyo City be controlled by a second-rate family.

However, now the patriarch of the Hawkins family and the two elders with real power are controlled by Simon, which will be of great help to the next secret transport of slaves.

Simon also learned from these two people that there are still many hidden sects of families in the middle and high-level underground slave farms, and according to them, many of them are dead men, even if they are controlled by mental power, they may not be able to successfully enslave them.

This is still a hidden pile of knowledge, and I don't know how many are unknown.

This gave Simon a headache.

Unless Simon conducts a large-scale investigation and removal of the middle and high-level slave farms, the removal will cause suspicion from other forces.

Neither is killing, nor is not killing. Simon never imagined that the mere Hawkins family would be so difficult.

But dungeons are too important to Simon, and they have to be difficult to do.

However, Jeremy Hawkins and the others gave another method, that is, they can intercept child slaves from the source.

The Hawkins family's slaves are obtained through various channels. There are three kinds of channels: the Hawkins family's slave-catching team, the gang channels in major cities, and the most important overseas channels.

The Slave Hunting Team understands well that the Hawkins family used deception, abduction, and powerful suppression to turn civilians into slaves.

The gang channel is to do business with gangsters in major cities, gangsters sell people, and they receive people.

The third is to cooperate with foreign forces, who sell people from other countries to the Hawkins family. This channel involved the great nobles in the federation, otherwise, how could a mere second-class family safely send slaves to Bagamoyo City from abroad.

Jeremy Hawkins means that the source of these three channels can be manipulated, deducting a little slave each time, and the slaves will also be damaged during the delivery process. It was found that a lot of slaves could be obtained every year.

This is indeed a good method.

He spent several days with the Hawkins family, hammering out the details of the method.

And in the past few days, Jeremy Hawkins and the others also provided several other methods, one of which is to use the name of the caravan to buy slaves.

Although the slave trade was illegal, it was hugely profitable. As long as there is interest, most people will take risks. Some caravans like to take some slaves to other cities to sell when they pass by Bagamoyo City. As long as they can control a few caravans, they can also provide a lot of slaves every year.

This is especially true of those wealthy and powerful families, especially those with mining industry, who have a great demand for slaves. They buy a large number of slaves from the Hawkins family every year, and they are the lowest common slaves.

This is also due to the perfection of federal laws, and those big families dare not arbitrarily arrest ordinary civilians for mining for them.

And hiring civilians to mine is to pay wages, no matter how low a worker's salary is, it is better to buy a low-level slave.

Those big families don't have the same reservations about slaves as they do to workers. They are afraid of federal laws. The exploitation of slaves is almost bloody. I don't know how many slaves die in the mines every year.

The average lifespan of slaves who go to the mines is only two or three years, which shows the **** extent of their exploitation.

As long as you can control a few families with mining farms, you can get a large part of the 'dead' slaves every year.

Jeremy Hawkins and they also provided Simon with a list of those families that their family has worked with all year round.

These channels, Simon will go to the layout.

He would first do a detailed investigation of the three major slave farms of the Hawkins family.

The first is of course the low-level slave farm. He conducted a hypnotic screening of the managers in the low-level slave farm from top to bottom, but found two hidden piles of other forces.

These two dark piles are not dead men, they belong to low-level intelligence personnel, and Simon directly controls them.

As for the other managers in the low-level slave farms, it is enough to control the management.

Then started to check the middle and high-level slave As a result, Simon gave up before the screening started.

Because he found that there are many knights with hidden strength in the middle and high-level slave farms, and these knights are likely to be the dark piles of other forces.

Simon thought for a long time, and finally chose to give up the comprehensive screening of the middle and high-level slave farms, not wanting to startle the snake. He informed Jeremy Hawkins of the knight-level information about his hidden strength and told them to be on guard.

And two or three high-level evil spirits were placed beside the three Jeremy Hawkins to protect and monitor them.

Then he rushed back to the base immediately, brought some evil spirits to Bagamoyo City again, and started digging tunnels in the wilderness outside the city.

After waiting for three days, Simon dug the entrance and exit of the tunnel, and then sealed the tunnel, allowing the evil spirits to continue digging in the tunnel. He started the next layout, preparing to control some families and caravans.

Based on the list provided by Jeremy Hawkins and the others, he carefully selected more than a dozen families and caravans, ready to bring them under control.

It took Simon half a year to complete this layout.

During this time, Simon would often enter the Dreamland to obtain information on Henry Cavill and Tayga Weaver's side.

He arranged for Henry Cavill and Tayga Wyfar to enter the spirit world, and let them enter the dreamland every other month to report on the situation.

Tayga Weaver and Henry Cavill both successfully arrived in Northern Quebec and Oia Island, and operations are already underway, but there is not much progress for the time being.

When he returned to Bagamoyo City, the tunnel connecting the low-level slave farms had been dug successfully, and the layout of the low-level slave farms had also been completed in the past four months. The low-level slave farms were completely under Simon's control. The next time I came here was to bring the first batch of slaves back to the base.

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