The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 1757: celestial aberration

Fall in love with, the doctor in the steampunk world

The huge metal cover turned into the golden throne covered the hole, preventing the spread of evil magic energy.

He and the shadow ghost stood inside the metal hood. The concentration of evil magic energy in it was increasing wildly, and it had reached an extremely terrifying level. I am afraid that the Grand Knight Commander would not be able to last a minute here.

Simon used the power of devour, and the shadow ghost devoured the surrounding evil magic energy.

Simon also took out a palm-sized mechanical box from his body. The mechanical box was activated, and then a gray barrier was released to cover them. The evil magic energy eroded the barrier, and the barrier dimmed in an instant. But the mechanical box released light, and the enchantment quickly lit up again, and then a beam of light formed by evil magic energy floated on the enchantment. These beams of light were sucked into the mechanical box, and the warning lights on the mechanical box flashed frequently.

This mechanical box is a special enchantment magic outfit, which was created by the evil **** of Montenegro. Using the crystal of origin of the evil **** of Montenegro as the energy source, combined with the super-powerful enchantment array provided by the evil **** of Montenegro, it can resist the erosion of magical energy.

There are black streamers floating above the barrier, and these streamers are drawn into the inside of the mechanical box. These black streamers are the evil magic energy outside.

The mechanical box can release magical energy that exceeds the strength of the enchantment to prevent the enchantment from collapsing due to overload. The magic energy that enters the enchantment is then stored in the mechanical box.

The storage space in the mechanical box is the most technical content of the mechanical box. As long as the magic energy absorbed and stored does not reach the limit of the mechanical box, the mechanical box can continue to operate.

As long as Simon absorbs the stored magic energy when the mechanical box reaches the storage limit, the machinery released by the mechanical box can last for a long time.

There is a defensive barrier with a mechanical box, and Simon dares to go down to investigate.

But to be on the safe side, Simon asked the ghost to go down to explore the path first. The shadow ghost jumped down, and the concentration of evil magic energy below was even stronger. The Grand Knight Commander couldn't wait at all, and the shadow ghost could only withstand it by relying on the power of powerful demons.

It's pitch black here, without any light, but it's nothing to a ghost with night vision.

When the shadow ghost landed, it seemed like he had stepped on something soft. He looked down and saw a large piece of minced flesh and blood under his feet, while the surrounding ground was full of blood and broken scarlet flesh.

The shadow ghost looked forward, there was a broken meat cocoon in front of it, blood was flowing in the meat cocoon at this moment. The meat cocoon is surrounded by blood vessels that hang down from above, like an upside-down vine.

Shadow Ghost checked the cave carefully, and after finding no danger, he informed Simon to come down.

Simon jumped off impatiently, and the mechanical box immediately sounded the alarm. He and the shadow ghost hurriedly devoured the stored evil magic energy, which cleared the alarm.

He was also attracted by the **** flesh cocoon, walked over to check, and picked up a piece of minced meat from the ground. This minced meat was still alive and squirming slightly. And it contains a huge amount of evil magic energy. As a magician, he can clearly feel that there is a powerful life energy in the minced meat.

He looked at the broken meat cocoon in front of him. The meat cocoon also contained a huge amount of evil magic energy and life energy.

Is this **** flesh cocoon a part of the body of the gods of the Civic Temple?

Simon quickly rejected the idea.

He felt that this blood-colored flesh cocoon should be a way for the gods of the Citizen Temple to restore their strength. The reason why they have such a huge amount of evil magic energy and life energy should be that they have been affected by the magic energy of the gods of the Citizen Temple. for the sake of.

Whatever the reason, this meat cocoon is even more valuable than the crystal of origin.

Simon checked the cave and found that the surrounding walls and ground were also transformed due to the influence of the gods and magical energy of the Civic Temple. However, the number of stones transformed into crystals of origin was very small. Most of the stones were of different quality, but they still had great value.

The value of the blood-colored cocoons and these transformed stones is unimaginable.

Simon even had an idea of ​​secretly shedding the blood-colored flesh cocoon and the crystal of origin, but it was just a thought. The Spider King and Rebecca Romijn are not simple characters. If such a small action is discovered, it will affect the alliance relationship too much, and it will not be worth the gain.

There is nothing else of value in the cave.

Simon planned to leave this place, but when he passed the blood-colored cocoon, his footsteps paused and his eyes flickered: "If you only stole a part, you shouldn't be found out."

After thinking about it, he was convinced by himself, so Simon cut off the best part of the blood-colored flesh cocoon, sealed it with a blood essence seal, took it out of the cave, and then let Kane take the flesh and blood away secretly.

The warriors of the gods in the underground palace were all killed and defeated. Many of these warriors of the gods were of the Knight Commander level, and naturally they would not let them go.

He released more evil spirits to seal the dead warriors with intact bodies, and he took away the souls of the dead warriors.

At this moment, the ground suddenly vibrated violently, the entire underground palace shook violently, and many buildings tilted and collapsed.

Simon frowned, left the evil spirit behind, and rushed out of the underground palace with the others.

He quickly rushed out of the river, and a strong wind blew in, just as a broken tree was blown up by the strong wind and hit Simon.

Simon waved his hand to deflect the broken tree. He rose into the sky and saw a terrifying battle taking place dozens of kilometers away. The 20 kilometers of mountains and forests were destroyed, and the battle storm blew the dozens of kilometers of trees into a circle. The uniform backward tilt.

At the center of the battle, four powerful and terrifying magical energies are constantly impacting and rolling.

This is Rebecca Romijn and the evil **** of Montenegro.

And at this time, the gods of the Civic Temple have become stronger for some reason. The evil **** of Montenegro, three of them besieged the gods of the Civic Temple, and one of them did not have the absolute upper hand, which was somewhat unexpected by Simon. .

He immediately rushed towards the fighting position. Just halfway through the flight, a huge light and shadow appeared from the ground. The image of this light and shadow was the **** of the Civic Temple.

The magic energy on his body erupted, forming a gust of wind, whistling and covering an area of ​​tens of kilometers. The dark magic can make the sky of tens of kilometers become dark, the light is dim, the dark clouds are stacked, and there are countless terrifying pictures flickering inside. , that scene is like the end.

"The celestial phenomenon has changed, it should be the power of the rules that transformed the world." Simon's expression was horrified.

The gust of wind came, and Simon's movements suddenly stopped, blowing Simon's body cold and creepy, his soul was shaking, the negative emotions in his soul were all hooked out, and both his body and soul were polluted.

This gust of wind carries his wrathful will, and if he cannot bear his will, he will be swallowed by his wrath.

His subordinates had painful expressions, and madness appeared in their eyes.

Even the king of knights can't withstand the impact of his will, you must know that this is just the aftermath, not aimed at Simon and others.

It is conceivable that if they were to bear it head-on, it is estimated that they would have fallen.

God, even if He is seriously injured, it is still not something that mortals can contend against.

"You go first." Simon quickly let the people behind him leave.

Knowing that they couldn't help Bloody Jack and others, they quickly turned and left.

Simon gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of unyielding, resisting the will of anger that kept blowing, and continued to move forward unyieldingly.

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