The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 1843: always bloody

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He has been waiting for news on the island, but there has been no news from Masterma. After waiting for a week, he couldn't sit still, so he had to enter the Chaos Continent first and wait until there was news from Masterma.

Simon crossed the sea on a rotten giant worm, and soon entered the shrouded range of the chaotic magic energy. Simon immediately felt that the chaotic magic energy invaded his body.

The power of the devourer is activated, and the magic energy that invades the body is swallowed up, which has no effect on him.

However, the rotten giant worm reacted somewhat. Longsai Ogle condensed a black fire of soul purification to Simon, and Simon put this soul-purification black fire into the spiritual space of the rotten giant worm to protect the soul of the rotten giant worm and make it Unaffected by Chaos Magic.

As for the body of the rotten giant worm, its body is very strong, and the power of rot is not afraid of chaotic magic energy. Besides, with Simon, he can help it remove chaotic magic energy at any time.

The closer you are to the Chaos Continent, the higher the concentration of Chaos Magic Energy, and the more dangerous it is.

The sea area of ​​tens of kilometers alone cannot be crossed if not at the Knight Commander level.

The creatures in the sea were affected by the chaotic magic energy, very violent, and seemed to be irrational. They saw the rotten giant insect attack directly.

Simon looked at the souls of these creatures in the sea with his spiritual eyes, all of which were mutated, with no sense of reason, and were full of negative emotions of killing.

These sea creatures are not powerful, and they are all given away when they kill them, and they are killed by the rotten giant insects. Smelt for Simon.

The rotting giant is not good at water, and it took almost an hour to land on land.

The concentration of chaotic magic energy on the mainland is much stronger than that on the sea, and Simon can feel that the further inside, the stronger the concentration of chaotic magic energy.

Simon glanced at the rotten giant worm, which stared at the forest and was eager to try, but was not frightened by the chaos magic.

"The trees here are really big." Simon couldn't help sighing while looking at the forest in front of him.

The trees in the Chaos Continent are much taller and sturdier than the continent where he is located, which is extremely spectacular.

"It's not just a tree, the creatures in it are much bigger than ordinary places." Long Sai Ogle said.

"Let's go quickly, there are still thousands of kilometers away."

Simon nodded, urging the rotting giant worm to run into the tall forest.

They encountered a block just a few kilometers away. A lizard more than ten meters high and covered in pustules rushed out of the forest, and a pair of violent and murderous giant eyes stared at the rotting giant insect.

However, after seeing the rotting giant insect even bigger than its size, this guy was actually frightened and fled with his tail between his legs. , The monitor lizard struggled frantically, and even broke free from the flesh and blood tentacles of the rotten giant insect, and then bit the flesh and blood tentacles in one bite. As a result, the rotting blood water spewed out and rotted its teeth, and it howled in pain.

However, it also bit off the fleshy tentacles of the rotten giant insect.

Simon raised his brows, good guy, the strength of this monitor lizard is a bit exaggerated.

Exaggeration is not to say how strong it is, but the strength of the monitor lizard's soul is only high-level knight-level, but its strength to break free from flesh and blood tentacles and bite flesh and blood tentacles is at least the level of the knight commander, and it is still the middle Knight commander. the above degree.

The strength of the soul and the strength of the body are very mismatched, and the gap is still very large, which is especially strange.

The rotting giant worm was bitten off by one of its flesh and blood tentacles. It was angry. The other flesh and blood tentacles rushed out quickly, grabbed all the limbs of the monitor lizard, and shredded it all at once. excited.

The monitor lizard was torn apart, and the strong smell of blood made Simon frown.

The **** smell of this monitor lizard was too heavy.

"Is the smell of blood too heavy?" said Long Sai Ogle.

Simon nodded: "This monitor lizard is extraordinary, and there is a big gap between the strength of the body and the strength of the soul."

"I have a good eye, and I can see the problem at a glance. It is not that this monitor lizard is extraordinary, but the creatures of the entire Chaos Continent are like this.

The chaotic magic energy affects the creatures on the chaotic continent all the time. The flesh and soul of various types of creatures have undergone serious mutations, and the degree of mutation of the body is faster, more numerous, and heavier than that of the soul, so the flesh of the creatures here are all Extremely powerful.

The Knight Commander even has the physical strength of the Great Knight Commander, the Grand Knight Commander even has the physical strength of the Half-Step Knight King, and the Half-Step Knight King even has the physical strength of the Knight King. "Longsai Ogle glanced at Simon and said slowly: "The King of Knights even has the physical strength of the King of Super Knights." "

Simon took a deep breath, and at this moment he could already feel the sinister nature of this chaotic continent.

The chaotic magic energy of the Chaos Continent covers the entire continent, and it is very troublesome to obtain other magic energy. Efficiency is tenth or even one percent of that elsewhere.

Therefore, the best way to fight in this continent is hand-to-hand combat, and the physical strength of creatures on the chaotic continent can even cross a large realm.

It is conceivable how dangerous it would be for extraordinary people and knights from other continents to come to the Chaos Continent.

This is also the reason why this chaotic continent is rarely known to outsiders.

The rotten giant insect under the seat moved and headed towards the forest. Simon took a deep breath and smiled: "This is interesting, such a dangerous place can let me go further."

He is not afraid of danger, and even longs for danger. The demons and those originators have brought him unprecedented pressure, and he needs more to become stronger.

The battle experience of Scorpion Bull and Bear has made him understand that there is a breakthrough between life and death, and now he is eager to fight more dangerous battles and squeeze his potential than ever.

"Very good, if you have such ideological awareness, it means that you have the qualifications of the Lord of Doom." Long Sai Ogle nodded with great satisfaction.

Then he said softly: "Do you know how I became the devil of hell?"

Simon frowned and shook his head.

Longsai Ogle looked chilled: "It was killed, and I ascended to the throne of **** devil all the way. I don't know how many **** devils and other creatures I killed, probably longer than the gods in this world.

Anyone who stands in my way, no matter who it is, has one word - kill.

My parents block me, kill.

My siblings stand in my way, kill.

The Duke of Hell, the demigod powerhouse, and the son of God, all killed.

I have killed countless geniuses. "

The last sentence of Long Sai Ogle seemed to be said to Simon, as if to warn Simon that genius is nothing.

"The road to the divine position has always been **** and bloody, those who rely on enlightenment to become gods are too few and very few, and most of the gods are ascended to the divine position by the blood and bones of countless living beings.

The same is true of Ergo, his way of killing is even more bloody, and the creatures he has killed are by no means less than mine.

And like **** demons, evil gods, and your doomsday lord, you need to kill. The doomsday lord is the end of the world, destined to be cold-blooded and ruthless, ignoring life, you can only keep killing, killing until your heart is cold-blooded , until you ignore all living beings, you can truly understand the core of the doomsday rules. "

These cold words made Simon shudder.

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