The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 2084: indestructible, indestructible

"You can train the Immortal Thunder King Body to Rank Nine, you are very good." The mysterious Lord Lei looked at him calmly, although it was a compliment, but his expression did not change at all, like ice that would not melt for a thousand years.

"Thank you for the praise from the seniors, but the juniors are terrified." Simon said modestly.

"The Immortal Thunder King Physique actually has a tenth turn, the ninth turn will become the immortal body, and the tenth turn will make the immortal immortal body, so if you want to break through the tenth turn, you must discover the secret of indestructibility and master the power of indestructibility "Master Lei didn't say much, and directly entered the topic.

"I beg Master Lei to teach me how to break the secret of indestructibility." Simon immediately asked respectfully.

"Immortal means eternal existence. It is the antonym of death, so the secret of immortality is very simple. You must first grasp the true meaning of death. Only after knowing the secret of death can you understand the secret of immortality." Master Lei said calmly.

"The juniors are dull and don't know how to grasp the true meaning of death." Simon said.

"How do you know the true meaning of death if you don't die?" Master Lei said something that made Simon stunned.

Simon tried to ask: "Master Lei, do you mean that I need to die once?"

"Not bad." Master Lei said lightly.

Simon's expression was horrified, and his heart tightened. His words were a bit too terrifying. If he died, could he still live?

"Master Lei, this... this... this... If I die, how can I understand the true meaning of death? Or can I still be resurrected." Simon said cautiously.

Master Lei glanced at Simon, and said coldly: "How can I be resurrected after death?"

Simon froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times. If understanding the true meaning of death requires real death, and if he cannot be resurrected, he will only understand the true meaning of death when he is sick.

"Master Lei, you are not joking." Simon whispered.

Lord Lei looked at Simon calmly, almost making Simon feel scared. Suddenly Lord Lei laughed out loud, exaggeratedly, the laughter resounded through the depths of the sea of ​​thunder in the starry sky, and Simon was confused.

"You really can't help being funny, kid, but it's interesting, interesting, I haven't seen such an interesting expression for a long time." Lord Lei reversed the character design of the peerless master just now, and smiled very happily, just like a funny image, there is nothing Master style.

The corner of Simon's mouth twitched a few times, but he didn't dare to express any dissatisfaction. Regardless of whether Master Lei's character is funny or bad, the only thing that is sure is that this guy is very powerful, he is not an opponent, and cannot be provoked.

"Okay, kid, I've been practicing here for countless years, and I haven't talked to anyone for billions of years. It's very boring, so I'm just teasing you, kid." Lord Lei said.

Simon lowered his head, not daring to have any dissatisfaction.

"It's as boring as those little Thunder Beasts." Master Lei was very dissatisfied with Simon's obedience and obedience.

But calling Thunder Beast a small thing is really loud, and I don't know the identity of Lord Lei.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. The tenth turn of the Immortal Thunder King Physique does require mastering the power of indestructibility, but it doesn't require you to die." Lord Lei said.

"Dare to ask how to master the power of immortality." Simon asked.

"If you want to master the power of immortality, you must first know why it is immortal. Do you know what it is?" Lord Lei said indifferently.

"Immortal?" Simon has been thinking about this issue for a long time, so he immediately expressed his opinion: "Immortal means that it cannot be destroyed. I think that even an immortal creature, even if its body and soul are destroyed, but he It still exists, it really exists, and this existence may be based on his will, or it may be in other ways."

Master Lei showed admiration: "Very good understanding, you have come into contact with the meaning of immortality."

"Immortality is a higher-level existence than immortality. For a living being, immortality is theoretically freed from the shackles of the physical body and can last forever. But this is an ideal state, and it is actually an external force. Yes, the most important thing is the erosion of time, I will not tell you about this, it is too early for you now.

Immortal body does not mean eternal, immortal body can still be killed.

The immortal soul and immortal will last longer than the immortal body. As long as someone remembers you and believes in you, immortality will exist, and the immortal will will not disappear.

Of course, if no one remembers and no one believes, the immortal soul and immortal will will lose their immortality and dissipate.

Indestructible, this is a higher level realm. That is what you said cannot be eliminated. Even if the body is killed and the soul is erased, it still exists.

The way of being, you are right, is the will. "Master Lei explained.

Simon frowned, Lord Lei didn't make a sound, as if giving Simon time to think.

"Master Lei, the immortal will can be lost because of forgetting, so why can the immortal will last forever?" Simon asked his own question.

"What do you think?" Lord Lei didn't answer, but instead asked Simon.

Simon fell into contemplation again, and said after half a minute: "The immortal will achieves immortality in the form of existence, but this form of existence is not eternal. All forms of existence that are placed on creatures and on matter can be changed. Because What exists is not eternal, so immortality is not eternal.

The immortal will can be eternal, does it mean that what the immortal will entrusts is an eternal thing, an existence that cannot be changed or eliminated. "

Master Lei showed surprise on his face. Simon's answer was beyond his expectation, and his satisfaction with Simon was not concealed in his eyes: "You are really good, really good."

"The junior is just guessing boldly, and I ask Mr. Lei for advice."

"You are roughly right. According to what you said, the immortal will is indeed entrusted to eternity. You are guessing what is eternal in the heavens." Master Lei once again tested Simon.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Simon's mind, showing surprise: "It's the rules, and the rules are eternal."

"Hahahaha..." Lord Lei laughed loudly.

"Your boy is very good, very good. Yes, it is the rules. The immortal will will be pinned on the rules. The eternal rules are immortal, and the immortal will will not be eliminated." Lord Lei confirmed Simon's guess.

"But how can we put our will on the rules." Simon was not happy, because it is unimaginable to achieve the level of indestructibility. He can't even touch the rules, so how can he put his will on the rules? .

"You, don't even think about it. If you want to put your will on the rules, it is only possible at the level of the god-king. If you are under the god-king, don't even think about it." Master Lei directly poured a sip on Simon. Basin of cold water.

"Doesn't that mean that I will never be able to practice ten rounds?" Simon was disappointed.

"That's not what I said." Lord Lei laughed.

"If I knew you couldn't practice, I wouldn't let you stay."

Simon's face turned happy immediately, as if things had a turning point.

"Although you can't do the real immortality, the immortal body in the immortal thunder king's body is just a small immortality, and it's not impossible." Master Lei said another term that made Simon very puzzled.

Immortal? !

Simon didn't understand, Master Lei then explained: "You can understand the so-called small immortality as a low-profile version of immortality, which allows you to have some characteristics of immortality."

"Excuse me, how can I reach the level of Immortality?" Simon didn't know that Immortality could make Simon have those immortal characteristics, but Immortality can make Simon reach the tenth turn, and it is enough for Simon to achieve nine stars .

"Little Immortal must first train your body, put your will into every drop of blood, every piece of flesh, and every inch of bone in your body, so that every drop of your blood, every piece of flesh, and every inch of bone can evolve into a complete individual In this way, even if your body is destroyed, as long as there is still a drop of blood, a piece of flesh, and an inch of bone, you will have the ability to be resurrected." Lord Lei said.

It's a bit like rebirth from a drop of blood.

"Master Lei, the supernatural powers of some divine beasts and some of their bodies can also achieve this level." Simon said.

Lord Lei nodded, but shook his head again: "The method is different, and the resurrection of Little Immortal is also incomparable with those rebirths from a drop of blood, the two are not at the same level.

The Immortal Thunder King Physique's small indestructible training method uses the power of thunder to continuously temper every inch of the body, every drop of blood, and even the will of the soul in an extremely cruel and almost destructive method, transforming the physical body again and again, breakthrough limit.

This kind of extremely harsh training method, even the Nine Star God General would not dare to try it lightly.

Therefore, the training method of Little Immortal can only be practiced on the basis of cultivating the immortal real body after nine turns, and even if there is an immortal real body, there is a big risk of falling.

Once refined into Immortal, or even reached the level of ten revolutions, the strength of the physical body is no longer comparable to that of ordinary nine-star generals. And theoretically, the limit level of the Indestructible Thunder King Body can reach the strongest under the God King. "

The strongest under the king of gods!


Simon's eyes burst into light. Lord Lei's words made Simon's blood boil. He never expected that the magical technique of the Immortal Thunder King Body would be so powerful and amazing.

Lord Lei glanced at the excited Simon, and poured cold water directly: "The Immortal Thunder King is very strong, even the most powerful divine art of the Thunder God King. But so far only its creator, the Thunder God King and One of the sons of the Thunder God King has reached the limit level, and it is almost impossible for you to reach it."

Only two of them have reached the limit, and they are still the King of Thunder and the son of the King of God. Just thinking about the identities of these two people makes it difficult for Simon to hold a candle to him.

"Even if there are less than ten people who have reached the level of tenth rank, there are as many thunder-type powerhouses under the Thunder God King, but only nine people have reached tenth rank. Do you know how difficult it is to be tenth rank." Lord Lei splashed again A basin of cold water chilled Simon thoroughly.

"Do you still want to continue to cultivate the Immortal Thunder King Physique?" Lord Lei looked at Simon with a half-smile.

"I advise you to give up. Instead of spending countless years or even wasting time with an impossible goal, it is better to change your path. Your ability to train the Immortal Thunder King Body to rank nine is enough to show your potential. Change another Maybe Lu can reach the rank of Nine-Star God General sooner." Master Lei persuaded.

Simon was shaken in his heart, the figures that Mr. Lei said were really scary.

There are bound to be countless strong people under the command of a **** king, but only nine of them have reached the level of ten ranks. It is conceivable how difficult the Immortal Thunder King Physique is. Simon was indeed frightened.

A voice appeared in his heart, telling him not to continue cultivating the Immortal Thunder King Physique. It is also possible to cultivate Immortal Lei Guo, even if it is another path, with his talent, he can still reach the nine-star level.

give up!

give up!

give up!

This voice kept ringing in his heart, getting louder and louder, and he hesitated more and more.

Suddenly, Simon's eyes froze, and he looked at Mr. Lei, who had a half-smile on his face.

"Lord Lei, did you cast an illusion on me?" Simon said in a deep voice.

Lord Lei smiled and said: "It's not an illusion, it's just a small trick, which magnifies the hesitation in your heart. If you don't hesitate, my trick won't work. But it's beyond my expectation that you can find it."

"It's still a question, do you still want to continue to practice the Immortal Thunder King Body?" Lord Lei asked.

"Continue." Simon's eyes were firm, his will was as firm as a mountain, and he did not waver.

"Even if there are only nine people under the Thunder God King who can practice ten revolutions, I will be the tenth." Simon's tone was firm, and every word was like gold and stone, resounding across the floor.

"Interesting, interesting." Lord Lei laughed out loud.

"Do you know why I magnified your hesitation just now?" Lord Lei laughed.

"Ten turns of the Immortal Thunder King Body is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Without a firm will like a mountain, it is impossible to survive the painful and boring training stage." Simon said.

"Yes, the tenth turn of the Immortal Thunder King Body cannot be practiced without great perseverance. Once you hesitate, you will miss the tenth turn. If you waver, you might as well give up now. UU Reading" Lei The adults nodded.

Simon cupped his hands and said: "This junior will definitely reach the tenth revolution, and I would like to ask Mr. Lei to teach the tenth revolution."

"Then let me see if you have the perseverance, the talent, and the luck." Master Lei waved his hand, and Simon's soul suddenly spun, and then a human-shaped thunder appeared in front of him, completely covered by the thunder light. Mysterious person.

This person is not Lord Lei.

Simon felt a familiar breath from him.

He was startled suddenly, horrified in his heart: "This is the King of Thunder?!"

"That's right, but it's just my memory. At this time, the Thunder God King is creating the tenth turn of the Indestructible Thunder King Body, so you can watch it again." Lord Lei's voice appeared in his soul.

After hesitating for a moment, Simon walked forward and approached the Thunder God King.

The Thunder God King paused and looked back at Simon, which shocked Simon greatly.

This is impossible.

This is just a memory of Lord Lei's past, how could the Thunder God King find him.

The Thunder God King quickly turned his head, ignored Simon, and continued to create the tenth turn of the Indestructible Thunder King Body.

Simon stood by and watched, watching the Thunder God King create the tenth turn of the Indestructible Thunder King Body step by step.

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