The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 302: disintegrating sword

"I will become God's apostle, evangelist, and judge in the world, defending God's mercy, and leading the world to be kind and to the kingdom of heaven." Kang Ji smiled like a kind priest.

But the next moment this kind priest became hideous, and the angry magic energy reappeared, stronger than before, and extremely terrifying.

Simon was deeply shocked. This old thing is too terrifying, and there is no change in suffering from such terrifying magic energy.

"I finally found an apostle who is suitable for the power of the seven deadly sins. Now you have killed them all. You have destroyed my apostle's path. Damn it." Kang Ji's voice was extremely angry. The magic energy became more and more terrifying.

"Hey, hey, can you tell me, what are the apostles who are suitable for the power of the seven deadly sins, that is, your companions? Are they superhumans, and why are they suitable for the power of the seven deadly sins? Can you tell me?" Simon said. Some of the information revealed in Kangji's words is very interesting.

"You're going to die anyway, so it's okay to tell you." Kang Ji's anger subsided a little, he snorted coldly, as if he had settled for Simon.

Kangji recounted: "I accidentally flipped through a strange scripture twenty years ago. It was recorded by a priest who was angry with the chaotic times and despaired of the anger of human nature, so he created a magical The method of sacrificial offerings can give a certain person the power of the seven deadly sins."

"Who can obtain the power of the seven deadly sins?"

"The seven deadly sins are the worst of human nature. Once the power of the seven deadly sins is absorbed, it will inevitably lead to depravity. Therefore, only those who possess the opposite characteristics of the seven deadly sins can control the power of the seven deadly sins. For example, the pride of the seven deadly sins should choose the humble one. People, laziness correspond to industriousness, anger corresponds to optimism..."

"And what is the law of sacrifice?"

"Trial the sinners of the seven deadly sins, and use the judgment method corresponding to the seven deadly sins to judge the sinners, and use their sacrifices to obtain the power of the seven deadly sins."

"But when you tried Chekwin and Marshall, I didn't see anything like a sacrifice."

"Who told you that we were using them to sacrifice at the time, and they were simply judged. In fact, before the Seven Deadly Sins case, we had already used seven Seven Deadly Sins sinners to complete the trial sacrifice, but those People are ordinary people, and we handled the corpse cautiously, no one knows about it." Kang Ji sneered.

It turned out to be so.

"The magic energy fluctuations on your body are extremely abnormal. If I guess correctly, you have the power of anger in the seven deadly sins." Simon said with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, I am the power of anger, anger can make me stronger, the more anger the stronger, can you feel my anger now?" Kang Ji whispered.

That rage magic energy is constantly erupting.

"I feel it, very powerful and angry magic energy. I am very curious, everyone has a limit to bear magic energy, even the most powerful knight has his own limit. Contaminated by magic energy?" Simon asked.

"You have so many questions." Kang Ji was a little impatient, but replied: "Of course it will be polluted, but we are different from those magic warriors, we are more like superhumans. Of course, even supernatural people will be demonic. Can contaminate mutations.

And we are polluted by the power of the seven deadly sins and undergo an unusual mutation, which I call the Fall.

The power of the seven deadly sins represents the power of the most evil, and it will constantly lead people to change. For example, the apostle of the power of pride, after possessing the power of the seven deadly sins, his original modesty will be slowly swallowed up and gradually changed. Be proud and arrogant.

The same is true for me. Originally, I was a loyal believer of God and an optimistic and open-minded person, but after becoming an apostle of anger, I clearly feel that my heart is filled with anger every day, which is very bad. I can still control it now, but I know that the more rage I use, the quicker I'll be consumed by rage and eventually become an angry monster.

The beginning of being an Apostle of the Seven Deadly Sins is the beginning of the fall, and we will all fall into the Seven Deadly Sins one day. "There was a sadness on Kang Ji's face as he spoke.

"Tsk tsk tsk, will you have to judge yourself then?" Simon joked.

"Of course, before we fall completely, we will re-select new apostles, and then we will complete God's mission to enter the kingdom of heaven, and then return to the arms of God." Conji's eyes flashed with a firm light that seemed to be Belief.

Mad believers are indeed a bunch of madmen.

"I've answered enough questions for you, it's time for you to stand trial." Kang Ji snorted coldly, and the rage magic energy broke out again.

"Judge your paralysis, old cat, do it." Simon snorted coldly.

The old cat appeared on the roof, a cat meow, and a burst of mental force hit Kang Ji, and Kang Ji's head seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer for a moment, and he was groggy.

The shadow ghost rushed out of the body in an instant, charged quickly, and killed Kang Ji in front of him, punching Kang Ji's head with a punch, which was to blow his head.

Unexpectedly, this old thing is really strong, and he actually woke up from the mental The angry magic energy on his body erupted more violently, and the knight sword in his hand quickly slashed on the fist of the ghost ghost.

With a sound, Kang Ji was shaken back by Juli, but Simon's heart became dull, his face turned pale, and he looked at Kang Ji in awe.

"How is that possible!" Simon couldn't believe it.

The shadow ghost's right fist unexpectedly appeared one after another crack and then cracked, shattered into pieces, fell down, turned into black mist and dissipated.

The shadow ghost's right fist was actually cracked by a sword?

The strength of the shadow ghost's body has always been Simon's most powerful strength, and only a few people can break the strong body of the shadow ghost, how strong this old thing is.

And the way the right fist was broken when Simon was shocked, it was not the collapse that the slash could cause, and the slash could not break the right fist into pieces.

"Who the **** are you? What is this nigger? Why didn't it completely disintegrate?" Kang Ji spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was grim, he couldn't believe it, and the anger broke out again.

"What is your sword? Tell me, and I'll tell you who I am?" Simon said solemnly.

With a gloomy face, Kang Ji raised the knight's sword in his hand: "The disintegrating sword Emperor Sentegut has the ability to disintegrate all objects."

"Disintegrating all objects, how can the knight sword still have such a terrifying ability?" Simon was stunned.

Kang Ji snorted coldly: "You don't know that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This disintegrating sword is made of a monster with disintegrating ability, so it has the disintegrating power."

"Molding with monsters? Is there such a casting method?"

"Of course, haven't you heard of the Flesh Demon Sword? The last century was a crazy era, and there were too many unimaginable magical items. This disintegrating sword is a product of the last century."

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