The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 365: comminicate

"Impossible, how could the mere eastern medical skills be comparable to our scientific medical skills." Duke Bray also did not believe that three generations of his family had studied medicine. It's just the end of the school, and the Western medicine he has learned is the most scientific and useful.

The ideas formed since childhood are indestructible, so they will only be rejected with disbelief.

"I can't tell you, you just don't believe it." Simon shook his head and didn't say more.

He looked at Strand and said, "My treatment is over. If there is nothing else, I'll go back."

"Why are you in such a hurry to go back? You finally came to the ninth inning. You should familiarize yourself with the ninth inning." Strand said.

"What's so familiar, let's just leave it like this."

"Zeka is the best magician apprentice in our ninth round. He is only one step away from the official magician, and has rich experience. You are new to the magician, and you should have a lot of things you don't understand. You can take this opportunity to ask Zeca. Ka, let's discuss medical skills with each other!" Strand stated his purpose, he wanted Simon and Zeka to discuss medical skills with each other, hoping to help Zeka to break through the last level and become an official Magician.

"It's extremely, it's extremely, consultant Simon has superb medical skills, can you give me some advice?" Zeka said immediately, with a humble and polite attitude.

"This..." Simon hesitated.

"The reward I mentioned last time is already in the spotlight. I just prepared it for you. It takes a little time. I just have nothing to do. Wouldn't it be great to discuss medical skills with each other?"

When it comes to rewarding Simon, his eyes lit up: "Mr. Zeka has excellent medical skills. It would be an honor for him to discuss medical skills with you."

"Don't dare, don't dare, Mr. Simon, come with me to the office." Zeka was very excited.

"What about old Dirk?"

"Isn't Duke unable to see the art of acupuncture, I don't think he wants to discuss it very much, why don't he stay and take care of old Dirk." Dinklage rolled his eyes and said.

Duke Bray's face sank.

"That's right, Duke will trouble you." Zeka continued, Duke Bray's face even more ugly.

He wanted to say something else, but Zeka didn't give him a chance to say it, and pulled Simon out.

Stellan also told Duke to take care of the old Dirk, and then left Duke Bray alone in the consultation room.

With a gloomy expression on his face, he looked at the backs of them leaving, and gritted his teeth: "Quickly send the Dirk knights back into the clean water tank."

"The Dirk Knight has passed the dangerous period, and the magic energy pollution is within the controllable point. Do you still need to enter the magic water tank?" An older middle-aged doctor said.

"Whatever you want, just do it." Duke Bray reprimanded with an ugly face.

Several doctors nodded hurriedly and began to move old Dirk into the clean magic sink.

"The active magic energy in Dirk Knight's body has been eliminated, and the next focus is to remove the attached magic energy in the body's magic energy pollution. Therefore, the neutralizing liquid needs to be reconfigured and injected according to the proportion of No. 3." Duke Bray Speaking, several doctors did.

"Be quick and quick." Duke Bray asked them to speed up, he was a little anxious, and he also wanted to discuss medicine with Zeka and the others.

It's not that he really approves of oriental medicine, but like Zeka and the others, he wants to gain some experience in entering the official path of magician.

"Consultant Simon, although Doctor Duke is a little difficult to get along with, he is still a good person. I hope you don't blame him." Zeka hesitated and said.

"A good person? I didn't see it. But it's not enough to blame, anyway, I don't plan to know each other." Simon pursed his lips.

Zeka sighed when he heard this. Isn't this a blaming one?

"Simon, your medical skills have grown too much. You can control the serious magical energy pollution of Dirk Knight. How did you do it? Is there any special secret method?" Dinklage sighed and was curious. asked.

Then the card pricked up his ears and listened.

"What's the secret method, that is, I recently obtained the cultivation method of the magician's emblem from Director Stellan, and then it has grown."

"It's that simple?"

"I'm not lying to you, that's all."

"So you didn't have the cultivation method of the magic doctor emblem before? Then how did you get the magic doctor emblem?" Zeka asked in surprise.

"I stay at home, but there is no cultivation method for the magic doctor's emblem." Simon said helplessly.

Zeka learned that Simon had a way to become a magician, his eyes flickered, his heart scratched with claws, and he was extremely eager.

But he also knew how Simon could possibly give the secret of a formal profession to a person who had just met for the first time.

The secret method of a formal occupation can create an extraordinary family, which is of great significance.

Unless it is exchanged for an item of equal value, but he doesn't.

Afterwards, I have to discuss with Stellan and let him find a way.

The three of Simon went to Zeka's office, and Zeka was very eager to share his medical Simon listened attentively like a good student.

Zeka is worthy of being the best doctor in the ninth round, and has a wealth of medical knowledge, which has benefited Simon a lot.

By the way, Simon also wanted Zeka to ask about some diseases, and Zeka explained everything in detail and extended it to let Simon know more.

During this process, the door was knocked, interrupting the discussion of the three.

Dinklage opened the door and found Duke Bray outside.

"How did you come?"

"I've already taken care of the Dirk Knight. I'll come and have a look when I have nothing to do." Duke Bray said lightly.

"Consultant Simon, do you see?" Zeka asked.

"It doesn't matter." Simon waved his hand and said indifferently.

Zeka nodded: "Find a seat and sit down. Since you have come by yourself, just listen with your ears and don't talk nonsense."

Duke Bray did not speak, and sat at the back, expressionless.

Zeka continued to speak, and after he finished speaking, he began to ask Simon about his medical experience.

Zeka was so enthusiastic, and Simon was embarrassed to perfunctory, so he started with the method of acupuncture and told the theory of oriental medicine.

In this world, there are very few Eastern medical techniques in the West, and only the famous method is acupuncture.

Zeka and Dinklage listened carefully, but Duke Bray interrupted from time to time to deny Eastern medical theory, which made Simon very unhappy.

It wasn't Duke Bray's interjection that made Simon upset, but that he was also a great doctor who could prove the point.

Simon has only a rough understanding of Eastern medical theory, so how can he explain it in detail if he knows only a little.

So just ignore him after that.

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