The Doctor’s Three-Time Marriage

Little Women and Crispy Eggplant

【Little Women and Crispy Eggplant】

The carriage entered the village and saw that the door of Su Daqiang's house was open. Su Liang and Ning Jing got out of the carriage.

"Just send it here, you can go back." Su Liang said.

Qi Jun drove away. When Ning Jing and Su Liang came in, they saw Bai He standing by the wall, holding a broom in his hand with a sullen look on his face.

There was beating and scolding coming from next door. If you listen carefully, you will find that the dirty words are hard to hear.

Bai He came to his senses and walked over quickly, "Big brother took the last cart of furniture to the town to sell. I'll clean this place up."

The wind picked up last night, and many leaves fell from the pear tree, all of which were swept away.

The courtyard was clean and the room with the door open was empty.

"Thank you for your hard work." Su Liang nodded, "We were passing by and saw the door was open, so come over and pick some vegetables and go back."

Bai He twitched his lips and said, "There are a lot of beans and eggplants in the backyard that can be picked."

At this moment, a scream came from the next door, followed by the sound of the old woman gnashing her teeth, "You bitch, you still have the nerve to cry? You spend all day hooking up, you're shameless!"

"It's so noisy!" the young man said impatiently.

The old woman's voice suddenly became gentle, "Zhe'er, go read a book quickly. Tell mom what you want to eat and she will cook it for you."

The next door became quiet, and Su Liang remembered that she had seen an old woman in that house before, maybe she was the old woman who had just scolded her.

Bai He's hand holding the broom had bulging veins, and he went to move the bluestone with a straight face.

In the backyard, Su Liang picked beans, and Ning Jing carefully selected ripe eggplants.

Hearing the sound in front of him, Su Liang came over with a handful of beans and saw Bai He standing at the door.

Outside the door was the old woman next door, and behind her stood a thin and haggard young woman.

Seeing Su Liang, the old woman's face froze for a moment, then she smiled again, "That's great if you're here! Why should you ask outsiders for family matters? Just tell me."

As she said that, the old woman pushed Bai He aside and entered the door, as if she and Su Liang were part of the same family.

Bai He said nothing and blocked the entrance.

"What's the matter with you?" Su Liang asked.

"Your brother is going to take the exam in the county next month. He has been studying day and night recently. I'm here to pick some vegetables and make stew for him to replenish his health!" The old woman was beaming when she talked about her son.

Su Liang looked calm and said, "This is not your home."

"When your uncle was here, he wasn't so stingy! I gave you the vegetable seeds. Why can't you pick some vegetables?" The old woman curled her lips, "Logically speaking, you are already married. No matter what happens to this house and land, it will be your turn." I won’t let you occupy it!”

"The house deed was given to me by Su Daming's creditor, Hu Er from the town. Everyone knows this. If you have any objections, you can go to him." Su Liang said.

The old woman looked sideways at Su Liang, "Don't scare me with that! I'm just asking you, can you pick this vegetable?"

"No." Su Liang refused.

The old woman spat, "As if it's a surprise! When my Zhe'er becomes a scholar next month, don't rush to fawn over him!"

After saying that, he turned around, pinched the little woman who had her head down, and cursed, "You still won't leave? Are you trying to seduce that guy named Bai again? The bad guy! Unlucky guy!"

Bai He stared intently at the little woman's slender back. He couldn't help but take two steps forward, then suddenly stepped back and closed the door hard!

When Su Liang asked, Bai He said that the person next door also had the surname Su and was from the same family as Su Daqiang.

The old woman Niu just now, in terms of seniority, is Su Daqiang's nephew-in-law.

Mr. Niu has three sons. The eldest son, Su Xingyun, died of a sudden illness last year, leaving behind a little widow, Mr. Liu, who was beaten and scolded by Mr. Niu just now. She married from the same village as Bai He's sister-in-law, Mrs. Liu.

Su Xingzhe, the youngest son of the Niu family, is now the only scholar in the village. He will take the college examination next month and will be recognized as a scholar if he passes the examination.

Before Mrs. Niu became a scholar, she was very arrogant and ignored everyone.

"Does Liu Huilan have any children?" Su Liang asked.

Bai He shook his head, "No children."

"Then why doesn't she go back to her parents' home?" Su Liang had just seen Xiao Liu, and couldn't help but think of the original owner who had been bullied by Su Daqiang's family. Living under someone else's roof, being humiliated, beaten and scolded, and being like a cow or a horse is not a good thing.

Bai He sighed deeply, "Her mother's family wanted to take her back and find someone to marry her, but the old pious woman refused to let her go, saying that Liu Huilan was born as a member of the Su family and died as a ghost of the Su family. The Liu family thought If Su Xingzhe passes the exam and becomes an official, and can get some glory in the future, he might as well not care about Liu Huilan's life or death."

"You treat your daughter-in-law like a maid, don't eat much, serve the whole family, beat and scold her when she's unhappy, how could they let her go free?" Su Liang thought of the original owner again.

If it weren't for Su Daming's loan sharking and the emergence of Ningjing, a "fat sheep to be slaughtered", Su Daqiang's family would not have married off the original owner so early and kept them to continue making money from embroidery and have free slaves to serve the family.

Looking at Bai He's look, Su Liang had the gut feeling that he was special to that little Liu.

But people's words are terrible. Even if he has the intention, he can only watch from a distance and can't do anything.

Ning Jing came over holding a round purple eggplant in one hand, and Bai He picked up the broom again, "You go back first, and I will put the backyard in order."

When crossing the bridge, Ning Jing suddenly said to Su Liang, "That person named Liu Huilan may be dying."

Su Liang was stunned, "Did you see it again?" Black mist...

Ning Jing nodded, and he stood behind Su Liang and took a look.

"How to save this? We can't go to her house and stare at her." Su Liang said it was a bit tricky.

But those who are found to be "black in the hall" by Ping Ping will die or be killed within three days.

Liu Huilan is not like someone who can kill, and is much more likely to be killed.

There is no other way but to stare.

After dinner, Bai Peng came over and handed the money from selling furniture and items to Su Liang.

A total of seven taels and five cents. According to the agreement, Bai Peng received one or two and a half silver coins for his hard work.

Su Liang took back the key and saw the dark night outside. He thought of Liu Huilan and asked Ning Jing if he wanted to take a look.

Ning Jing put down the pen in his hand, "You are very suitable to work for me."

Su Liang hummed, "When you come back this time, remember to settle the reward."

The two went to Su Daqiang's house first, locked the door from the inside, and went to the backyard.

Separated by a wall is Su Xingzhe's backyard.

Su Liang signaled to Ning Jing that he would invite him first.

Ning Jing ran a few steps, jumped up, and crossed the wall lightly.

Su Liang's eyes lit up, this must be the legendary Qing Kung! She wants to learn!

Although she doesn't know how to do Qinggong at the moment, it's not difficult to do it with just a short wall. Run up, take off, and climb over in one go.

There were pigs and chickens in the backyard of this house, and it smelled really bad.

"Uncle, wash your feet while the water is hot."

Hearing the young woman's voice, Su Liang and Ning Jing silently approached the back window of a room.

"Leave it alone, give me a squeeze on your shoulders." This should be Su Xingzhe, a scholar.

It's shameless to ask his widowed sister-in-law to squeeze his shoulders.

"Uncle, it's very late, I'll go back first..."

The sound of a basin knocking over.

"Huilan, I know you are living a hard life. When I pass the exam and become an official, I will take you as my wife after I get married!"

"Uncle, what are you doing? Don't...let me go!"

"Don't be so shameless!"

The woman desperately called for help. There was a large family under the same roof, but they all seemed to be deaf and mute.

Obviously, they all acquiesced in Su Xingzhe's shameless behavior and did not regard Liu Huilan as a human being at all.

Su Liang was about to take action when Ning Jing struck out with a palm!

There was a huffing sound, and suddenly there was a big hole in the good wall.

Su Xingzhe shouted in panic, "Ghost...ghost!"

Liu Huilan took the opportunity to break free and ran out crying.

After a period of uproar, the family all felt that Su Xingyun was dissatisfied with Su Xingzhe's attempt to possess Liu Huilan, and the spirit appeared to stop him.

Mr. Niu clasped his hands together and muttered, "Great luck, I don't blame your brother, it's all that little bitch's fault. She shamelessly seduced your brother. If you are angry, go to her!"

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "If Zhe'er is scared out of his mind, I will definitely peel off the skin of that bastard hoof!"

Through the hole made by Ning Jing, Su Liang could hear and see clearly.

Su Xingzhe scratched his head and said, "She was the one who deliberately seduced me!"

Su Liang just wanted to vomit...

Ning Jing pulled Su Liang's sleeve and pointed to Liu Huilan's room.

Su Liang approached quietly, heard the sound of the stool falling to the ground, his expression changed, and he broke in through the door.

The room was dark, and there was a person hanging from the beam.

Su Liang took out the kitchen knife he brought with him and cut the rope.

Liu Huilan coughed and huddled on the ground, with only a desperate silence in her eyes.

"You can leave here soon, just wait." Su Liang deliberately pinched her throat, said something in Liu Huilan's ear, and left quickly.

Liu Huilan was so confused that she didn't see Su Liang clearly at all. She thought it was a deity appearing, but the Lord of Hell refused to accept her...

Rumble, rumble after rumble.

The wall of Su Xingzhe's house collapsed.

The pig ran away.

The chicken flew.

There was a sudden fire in the kitchen.

Su Liang returned to the backyard next door and saw a certain fairy who had just finished causing trouble for Niu's family holding up a round eggplant, "Can you make crispy eggplant again tomorrow?"

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