Originally, Zheng'er only occasionally stayed overnight at the Su Mansion. Since Ji Xiaoshu came, the two little brothers were inseparable. Zheng'er rarely went home to live there anymore, and only occasionally went back to see his parents and younger brother.

Ji Xiaoshu used to find it difficult to concentrate when studying and practicing martial arts, and was always easily distracted. Now that Zheng'er is by his side, he secretly competes with Zheng'er, not wanting to lose, and becomes more serious when studying.

Of course, he was even more noisy when he wasn't studying. Within a few days, he dragged Zheng'er to climb every tree in the house and even played hide-and-seek with Gu Ling.

But Gu Ling had plenty of ways to cure him. Make something delicious. Ji Xiaoshu ran out as soon as he smelled the smell.

The only restriction was that Ji Xiaoshu couldn't go out to play at will. Even though no one in the capital of the Qian Kingdom knew what the young prince of the Yan Kingdom looked like, people who were staring at the Su Mansion would definitely pay attention if they saw a child with an unfamiliar face appearing in the Su family.

However, there is no way out.

After Ji Xiaoshu watched Lao Mu take Zheng'er out for the third time and couldn't take him, he ran to Su Liang gloomily and asked, "Master, can I wear a mask and go out to play? During the Lantern Festival last year, I went with My dad wore a mask to watch the lanterns, and no one recognized him!"

Su Liang smiled, "Okay, I'll make one for you."

Ji Xiaoshu's eyes lit up and he saw Su Liang bringing a jar.

Su Liang asked Ji Xiaoshu to sit with his eyes closed and not move. Ji Xiaoshu was puzzled, but he obeyed and then felt something like balm being applied to his face.

Not long after, Su Liang asked Ji Xiaoshu to open his eyes, and he saw a bronze mirror with, "Elder brother?"

Su Liang chuckled, "Take another look."

Ji Xiaoshu raised his hand and pinched his nose, and "Zheng'er" in the mirror was also pinching his nose. He smiled, and so did "Zheng'er" in the mirror.

Ji Xiaoshu looked at Su Liang in surprise, "Master's wife, I have become a senior brother?!"

"It's just a disguise, it can be washed off." Su Liang smiled and rubbed his little head, "When Taigong Mu comes back, let him take you out to play again."

Ji Xiaoshu took the mirror and held it by herself, looking left and right, blinking, opening her mouth and making faces, having a great time, "Great! Can you teach me how this changed? Wait." When I go home, I will turn into Master and scare my dad!"

Su Liang couldn't help laughing, "Your master looks scary?"

"Of course not!" Ji Xiaoshu immediately shook his head, "It makes my father think that my master has returned to his old age, haha!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Xiaoshu was pulled up by his collar. His feet lifted off the ground and he was suspended in the air. Without looking back, he must be his dear master. Gu Ling just likes to carry him...

"Am I very old?" Gu Ling's tone was cool.

Ji Xiaoshu smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed, "You are older than me! Master, is that right?"

"That's right." Su Liang nodded.

Gu Ling put Ji Xiaoshu down, and he begged Su Liang to teach him the art of disguise.

Su Liang used his own face as a demonstration to tell Ji Xiaoshu how to disguise himself.

Gu Ling hugged Gu Xiaonuan and watched from the side. Su Liang disguised herself as Gu Ling.

Ji Xiaoshu looked at Gu Ling, then at Su Liang, and exclaimed, "It's so magical!"

Gu Xiaonuan looked at her mother with confused eyes as she turned into her father, with a confused face and howled to express that she was hungry.

Su Liang hugged Gu Xiaonuan to breastfeed, feeling that her daughter's eyes were particularly wide today...

Ji Xiaoshu felt that he had almost learned it, so he hugged Gu Ling's legs and refused to let go, "Master, let me try! Didn't Master say, either don't do it or do it seriously? I am very serious and I really want to learn! Now Just learn!”

Gu Ling remained silent, waiting for Ji Xiaoshu to make a fuss for a while before speaking, "Did I say no?"

Ji Xiaoshu: ...I didn’t say yes, so Master’s silence means acquiescence? He remembered!

Gu Ling sat down, and Ji Xiaoshu stood on the small stool, imitating Su Liang's instructions, "Close your eyes and don't move."

Gu Ling closed his eyes, and then felt a pair of small hands making trouble on his face.

After a while, Su Liang came back with Gu Xiaonuan in her arms, and saw Ji Xiaoshu getting off the stool and trying to run outside.

"Master, Xiaoshu has agreed." Su Liang chuckled.

Ji Xiaoshu paused and turned around to see Gu Ling opening his eyes.

Su Liang only then saw Gu Ling's appearance, couldn't stop laughing, and asked Ji Xiaoshu what kind of disguise Gu Ling was going to look like.

Ji Xiaoshu hid behind Su Liang, as if he knew very well that he would be beaten, and said weakly, "I want to disguise Master as my father. I miss my father so much..."

Su Liang: ...I deeply suspect that this boy is playing the bitterness card. I have never seen him mention Ji Yuebai.

Gu Ling took the mirror. His appearance transformed by Ji Xiaoshu had nothing to do with Ji Yuebai. He was ugly, and very strangely ugly, mainly because of the asymmetry. One side of his face was big and the other was small. The whole thing looked funny.

However, although Su Liang'ai calls him a great god every day, Gu Ling has never had the "idol baggage". It was the first time for him to see himself like this, and he felt fresh about it, so he made a few expressions in the mirror.

Ji Xiaoshu asked Su Liang quietly, "Master, is he so ugly?"

The next moment, Gu Ling's voice was heard, "Come here."

Ji Xiaoshu wanted to run away again, but Gu Ling carried him back and put him on a chair.

Ji Xiaoshu covered his face and said, "Don't slap me in the face."

But I heard Gu Ling say, "Sit tight and look at me."

Ji Xiaoshu moved his little hand away and looked at Gu Ling. He couldn't help laughing, but Gu Ling grabbed his hand and said, "This is wrong, do it again."

Ji Xiaoshu really didn't expect that he didn't even get beaten for making his beauty master look so ugly. In the end, Gu Ling just taught him step by step how to correct and change his disguise?

When Ji Xiaoshu, under Gu Ling's guidance, finally made Gu Ling look a bit like Ji Yuebai, he also understood what the problem was.

At this moment, Zheng'er's voice came from outside, "Xiaoshu, I brought you delicious food!"

Ji Xiaoshu's eyes lit up, he jumped off the chair and ran out. After running for two steps, he turned back and smiled at Su Liang and said, "Master's wife, Master didn't beat me, he must like me very much!"

Gu Ling was listening nearby and took off his disguise with an expressionless face. Keep accounts first, beat them together later.

Zheng'er was stunned when he saw Ji Xiaoshu, "Xiaoshu? How did you become like me?"

Ji Xiaoshu was instantly proud, "Isn't it similar? I am the senior brother, please call senior brother and come and listen!"

Zheng'er knew about the art of disguise, he had seen it before, but looking at a face that looked exactly like his own still felt magical.

Lao Mu was amused, "Oh! Aren't these twins?"

"I'm tall!" Ji Xiaoshu emphasized his advantage.

"It's okay, outsiders won't notice this height." Su Liang smiled, "Xiao Shu really wants to go out to play. I'll trouble Master to take him out for a walk."

Lao Mu happily agreed, feeling that it was a very strange experience.

Zheng'er took the snacks specially bought for Ji Xiaoshu and asked Gu Ling and Su Liang if they wanted to eat them.

Su Liang shook his head, and Gu Ling took it and ate it.

Next, Ji Xiaoshu fell in love with this identity-swapping game, and Zheng'er also found it very fun. The two of them really looked like twins, and began to imitate each other's speech and walk, and were keen to let people they knew guess who was who.

The two brothers also liked to disguise each other. If Su Liang hadn't reminded them that using too much disguise medicine would be bad for the skin, they would probably have a new face every day.

It’s late February in a blink of an eye.

There is still no news about Lao Bai and Yuan Ying. Su Liang thinks that they were kidnapped by Mrs. Yue.

There was no movement in the south and north for the time being, but Su Liang knew that the temporary peace on the surface between the three countries would soon be broken.

Sisters Liandong and Baiyang have secretly led their troops on the way to Xuanbei City, and Qi Jun is with Liandong.

News from Xuanbei City continued to spread back to the capital. Qiu Cong kept an eye on the food and fodder for the Liang Kingdom army every day, but so far he had not found any sign of a large increase.

On this day, Dr. Gao came to the Su Mansion and wanted to ask if there was really going to be a fight in the north, because his grandson Gao Jiabao had previously asked for orders and followed Xing Ji to Xuanbei City.

Gao Jiabao has always wanted to be a general. Although there have been some disturbances, he still has not given up.

When Su Liang said that there was a high probability of a war, Dr. Gao sighed repeatedly, "If he insists on going, there's nothing he can do to stop him."

"Don't worry too much, Mr. Gao. My adoptive father will make arrangements to prevent Gao Jiabao from rushing to the front." Su Liang comforted Dr. Gao. Gao Jiabao is the only child of three generations, so the family keeps a close eye on him. But this is one of the reasons why Gao Jiabao has always wanted to prove his strength independently.

Doctor Gao talked about Min Rui's condition again. He has not gone to Min's house today and plans to go there later.

"His health has improved, but it will take some time for him to be cured. I'm wondering if it would be better if acupuncture was added as an aid?" Dr. Gao asked.

Gu Ling's voice came from the door, "I'm going to give him acupuncture."

Doctor Gao smiled when she saw Gu Ling coming in with Gu Xiaonuan in her arms.

Gu Ling handed Gu Xiaonuan over, and Dr. Gao took it carefully, happily making Gu Xiaonuan laugh, but she forgot about the business.

After a while, the two little guys who had finished practicing Qinggong with Lao Mu ran over, put Gu Xiaonuan in the car and pushed them out to play.

Only then did Dr. Gao remember what happened with Min Rui, "It's okay for Marquis Gu to go. When it comes to acupuncture, I'm not as good as you." Dr. Gu Ling's acupuncture was more accurate and stable. In this regard, Dr. Gao was really ashamed of himself. Although he was told that Gu Ling learned medical skills from Su Liang, he often felt that Gu Ling's medical skills seemed to be his hidden skills. They were very powerful, but he rarely used them.

It was still early, so Gu Ling said he was free now, so Dr. Gao went to Min's house with him. Su Liang never taught Gu Ling what acupuncture techniques to use.

Su Liang knew why Gu Ling took the initiative to ask him to go. Because there was a time traveler secretly watching them, and they seemed to want to confirm who of the couple was the real time traveler. No matter what the other party's purpose was, Gu Ling and Su Liang were determined to confuse the other party. Gu Ling knows medical skills and is very powerful, which leads to a conjecture: Su Liang's medical skills were actually taught by Gu Ling.

When Old Minister Min learned that Dr. Gao had arrived, accompanied by Marquis Chang Xin, he immediately came out to welcome him.

When Dr. Gao heard that Dr. Gao said that Gu Ling was here to give Min Rui acupuncture, Mr. Min was a little shocked, "Marquis Changxin... also knows medical skills?" Gu Ling actually gave acupuncture to both Mr. Qin and Duanmu Yi, but he just knew Very few people.

Dr. Gao said with a smile, "Not only do I understand, but I am very powerful, at least better than me. I just don't take action easily."

Upon hearing this, Master Min quickly asked Gu Ling to go to Min Rui's place.

When entering the courtyard, he met a girl in white. When she saw Gu Ling's appearance, she stopped and was stunned for a moment.

"Rou'er! I haven't seen Marquis Changxin yet!" Old Minister Min said.

Min Rui's daughter Min Rou came back to her senses, her face turned red with embarrassment, she lowered her eyes and saluted, "Min Rou has met Marquis Changxin."

Gu Ling responded calmly and followed Min Rui in.

Min Rou watched Gu Ling's back disappear at the door of the room, then looked away and whispered to herself, "Beauty Gu, she really deserves her reputation..."

When Gu Ling gave Min Rui an acupuncture, the old doctor Gao and the old minister Min were watching.

Doctor Gao nodded silently from time to time to express his affirmation. Gu Ling's acupuncture techniques were very exquisite, and his medical skills were definitely not limited to this.

When Gu Ling was about to leave, Mrs. Min said with a grateful expression, "When your husband gets better, we will definitely come to pay homage to you and your wife."

"No need." Gu Ling looked calm, put away the needle bag and walked out.

Master Min went to see him off, and when he went out, he met Min Rou coming to deliver tea, "Master Hou, please have a cup of tea before leaving."

Mr. Min shook his head and said, "Your Majesty the Marquis is busy, let's wait for another day."

Min Rou entered the room with tea, closed the door, and asked Mrs. Min, "Is Marquis Chang Xin's medical skills also very powerful?"

Mrs. Min thought thoughtfully, "Yes. He seems to be omnipotent. Just like..."

"Like Grandpa Mo." Min Rou said.

Mrs. Min's expression changed and she yelled in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"My mother mentioned it first." Min Rou sighed, "There is such an amazing and talented man in the world, who is like an immortal. It's a pity that he is already married."

Mrs. Min frowned, "Do you like Gu Ling?"

Min Rou nodded, "When we first met, he was so amazing. He and his wife are a perfect match. They are both talented and beautiful people. Only when we came to the capital of Qian Kingdom did we realize that our island is really a barren land. The young talents that grandpa recruited back were just average, no wonder Grandpa Mo was always dissatisfied and drove them away one by one."

Mrs. Min looked sullen, "What nonsense are you talking about? Just shut up!"

"Why is mom angry?" Min Rou looked confused, "By the way, isn't grandpa coming too? When will he arrive?"

"You don't have to worry about it." Mrs. Min looked stern, "Don't mention the people and things on the island again."

"I know." Min Rou nodded, "I heard that the Su Mansion is a more difficult place to enter than the palace in the capital. I don't know when I will have the opportunity to go and take a look."

"Don't think about whether these things exist or not. Remember to be careful in your words and deeds." Mrs. Min frowned.

When Min Rou went out, Min Rui asked Mrs. Min in a low voice, "Father-in-law is here to take Gu Ling away?"

Mrs. Min hummed, "Don't worry about it, my father has his own plans."

Gu Ling returned home, took a shower and changed clothes before returning to Yuanming Pavilion. Just as he hugged Gu Xiaonuan and kissed him, Chang'an arrived and asked Gu Ling or Su Liang to come into the palace.

"I'll go." Gu Ling wanted to hand Gu Xiaonuan to Su Liang, but Gu Xiaonuan grabbed his collar and refused to let go.

So, when Chang'an saw Gu Ling coming out of Yuanming Pavilion, he was wearing a big cloak and holding in his arms... the little daughter of the Su family?

Chang'an smiled and waved to Gu Xiaonuan. Gu Ling was going to take Gu Xiaonuan into the palace. Duanmu Chen would definitely be very happy to see him.

Su Liang had just fed Gu Xiaonuan, thinking that she wouldn't be out for too long, so she didn't follow. No matter what happens, Gu Ling can handle it. She hasn't cooked for a long time since she was pregnant. She plans to cook some of Gu Ling's favorite dishes today.

Duanmu Chen came to Gu Ling to discuss the next thing. In three days, it will be March.

Seeing that Gu Ling actually brought Gu Xiaonuan, Duanmu Chen was overjoyed, "Nuannuan, do you still recognize me?" After saying that, he took Gu Xiaonuan away and saw Gu Xiaonuan staring at a picture hanging on the wall. An ancient painting, Duanmu Chen said with a smile, "Take whatever you like."

Gu Ling sat down, picked up the tea cup, and fixed his gaze on Duanmu Chen's eyebrows. After slowly drinking a cup of tea, Duanmu Chen took Gu Xiaonuan to visit the imperial study room, and then he hugged her and sat on the dragon chair. Let’s get down to business.

"I know that you and your wife will never be separated, and I feel at ease with you in the capital. But I always feel that the Liang Kingdom is coming this time, and this battle may not be easy to fight." Duanmu Chen sighed.

Gu Ling reached out to Gu Xiaonuan, and Gu Xiaonuan raised her little hand and babbling, indicating that she wanted to go back to her father.

Duanmu Chen picked up Gu Xiaonuan and sent him over. He didn't go back and sat down next to Gu Liang. "How did the grain and grass from the Yan Kingdom get to the Liang Kingdom? I really can't understand it. You guys." If you know something, don’t hide it.”

Gu Ling did not answer, but asked about another matter, "Are the secret guards around the emperor trustworthy?"

Duanmu Chen was stunned, "It's credible. Do you think someone will assassinate me?"

"Yeah. Be careful." Gu Ling said.

Duanmu Chen rubbed his forehead, "Yes, it's time now. If Situ Xie can kill me when the war starts, he will be able to undermine the morale of the military and the people of Qian Country. It is a good strategy."

Previously, Su Liang and Gu Ling thought that Situ Xie did not want Duanmu Chen to die, because if Duanmu Chen died, the imperial power would really fall into the hands of Gu Ling and Su Liang. But as time went by, when Duanmu Chen was completely united with Gu Ling and Su Liang and had absolute trust in them, he, the emperor, had no value in Situ Xie's eyes.

What's more, now there is a mysterious force that is suspected of colluding with Situ Xie. Then Situ Xie's decision-making can no longer consider what he might do alone, and it will become difficult to predict.

When Gu Ling came today, he saw black mist between Duanmu Chen's eyebrows. Today's Duanmu Chen will not kill anyone for no reason, which indicates that his life will be in danger within three days. Three days later, it will be the first day of March. If someone really assassinates him, the black mist means that if Gu Ling doesn't intervene, he will definitely die.

After Gu Ling left the palace, Duanmu Chen strengthened the guards in the palace.

When he got home, he saw that Su Liang had prepared several dishes. Gu Ling held Gu Xiaonuan in one hand and hugged Su Liang in his other hand for a kiss.

Gu Xiaonuan was caught in the middle, babbling, but no one paid attention to her.

Zheng'er and Ji Xiaoshu peeked at the door, but Ji Xiaoshu accidentally pushed Zheng'er in.

Zheng'er covered his eyes, "Master and Master, I swear I didn't see anything!"

Gu Ling then let go of Su Liang and looked back at the two little guys, "Go and wash your hands."

"Hey!" The two of them ran away in a hurry.

"What does the emperor want from us?" Su Liang asked.

Gu Ling answered the question inappropriately, "His hall turned black."

Su Liang's eyes narrowed, "Someone wants to kill him?"

Gu Ling nodded, "In the next three days, I will go into the palace to guard you at night. It would be better if they are not Situ Xie's people."

Su Liang knew what it meant. If the assassin was not sent by Situ Xie, it might be that mysterious force that took action. It would be difficult for ordinary people to assassinate the emperor.

At the moment, Gu Ling and Su Liang very much hope to find out the details and purpose of the other time traveler as soon as possible. If they can catch the relevant people, they may be able to find a breakthrough.


Asking for a monthly ticket (*^▽^*)


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