When Qiu Cong and Min Rou rushed back to Xuanbei City, Sheng Yue had already taken He Wei, who was seriously injured and poisoned, back to Nanping City and met Mo Yan.

Mo Yan is not asleep yet and is reading under the lamp. Seeing Sheng Yue coming in with the unconscious He Wei on his back, his face darkened, he closed the book in his hand with a snap and stood up, "What's going on?"

Sheng Yue's voice was low, "It's Min Rou, but she was bewitched by Su Liang and came to kill us and her accomplices. Mr. He was unprepared for her and was hit by a hidden weapon. I was also hit by a hidden weapon."

"Where's Min Rou's mother?" Mo Yan asked coldly.

Sheng Yue shook his head, "I didn't see it. It must have fallen into Su Liang's hands." After saying that, he put He Wei down and lit another lamp. He saw four blood holes on He Wei's body. They were not big. One of them was The nail penetrated He Wei's body, half of it came out from the back, and the rest was inside his body.

Sheng Yue took out a sharp knife, sprinkled it with wine, and took out the nails from He Wei's body. During this process, He Wei woke up from the severe pain and lost more blood. His face was as pale as paper and his teeth were chattering.

Mo Yan looked coldly at the four blood-stained nails on the table and asked, "What's going on with Min Rou?"

"Her mind has been controlled by others and she doesn't recognize her relatives." Sheng Yue answered while treating He Wei's wounds skillfully, "Master, don't expect Liang Kingdom to win the war. Qian Kingdom has Gu Ling and Su Liang in charge. Liang Kingdom has no chance of winning. We may be exposed soon, so it’s time to leave."

Mo Yan frowned, "Where are you going?"

Sheng Yue glanced at He Wei and said, "Please forgive me for overstepping my bounds. At first, I did not agree with my master's involvement in the world's disputes, but firstly, this was a way to deal with Gu Ling and Su Liang, and secondly, my master promised to congratulate him." The old people, including me, will help us win the world before the master comes home, so that we can enjoy endless glory and wealth for generations to come. But in the hearts of my subordinates, the most important thing is that the master returns home. Before something is confirmed, distracting yourself from other things can easily lead to side effects.”

Mo Yan sighed deeply, "I know you are the most loyal."

"Master, please listen to my advice. Let's leave here as soon as possible. Leave Liang Kingdom alone and plan everything carefully before taking action." Sheng Yue said.

Mo Yan was silent, walked to the window, looked at the bright moon in the night sky outside, and sighed, "Is He Wei okay?"

Sheng Yue shook his head, "My subordinates have treated his wounds and detoxified him. He can't die."

"Then," Mo Yan's gaze was fixed on the light ink shadow in the moon, "we will go back to the island first. As for this world, it may be easier to wait until it is unified to snatch it. You are right, I don't It's time to listen to He Wei and get involved at this time. Although he is older than you, in terms of strategy, no one on the island can match you. Pack up and leave."

Sheng Yue quickly packed his luggage, changed He Wei into clean clothes, and called two of his subordinates to take He Wei away first.

Mo Yan walked to the door, Sheng Yue was behind with his luggage and blew out the lights in the room.

Mo Yan suddenly turned around, half of his face was illuminated by the moonlight, and half of his face was in shadow, "I'll send the remaining food and grass to the military camp." The last word obviously had a somewhat consultative tone.

Sheng Yue disagreed, "Even so, the Liang Kingdom has no chance of winning, and the food and grass may be burned by the Qian Kingdom. Don't waste it, take it back to the island, the island also needs food."

Mo Yan sighed slightly, shook his head and turned around, "I really didn't think twice about coming here this time. I'll make a better plan when I get back. Let's go."

Soon, there was no one in the small courtyard, and complete silence returned.

After Mo Yan and Sheng Yue left Nanping City, Sheng Yue picked up the hidden weapon in his body and found a place for Mo Yan to help guard. He used his internal strength to force out the silver needle as thin as an ox's hair.

At this time, Qiu Cong took Min Rou back to Xuanbei City.

Qiu Jing didn't go to bed, so he sat in the meeting hall waiting for Qiu Cong to come back. He couldn't stand the topographic map of Liang Kingdom spread out in front of him, so he got up and walked around the room.

Qi Jun brought hot soup over, "General Qiu, let's have a bowl of soup. We might have to fight tomorrow."

Qiu Jing frowned, "According to the plan, my grandpa should have come back long ago."

Qi Jun nodded, "Indeed, but Mr. Qiu may have been delayed by something. He has such high martial arts skills and brings powerful weapons, so nothing will happen to him."

Qiu Jing became more and more uneasy, "Could it be that my grandfather sent Min Rou away and didn't come back as promised, but instead protected her secretly, and then..."

Qi Jun said nothing. He also thought of this. Qiu Cong is a very emotional person. Just by saying "Su Liang believes in Min Rou", he would not leave Min Rou and come back. This could be seen from his words and demeanor before he took Min Rou away, but he didn't say anything at the time and the matter was in a hurry, so everyone didn't think much about it. Besides, protecting Min Rou was not wrong in any way, but it was just a bit risky.

Even Qiu Jing couldn't say that Qiu Cong should leave Min Rou and come back alone. This was the original plan, but it was not decided by them, but by Su Liang. But what Su Liang said was "send it to the place", not just find a place for Min Rou to send the signal himself. Qiu Jing was thinking at this moment that maybe his grandfather wanted to confirm that Mo Yan was really here before leaving, but if it wasn't Mo Yan who was attracted, Min Rou might be in danger...

Xing Ji rested for an hour, first went to the city gate to see the progress of the city wall's emergency repairs, and then came back, only to learn that Qiu Cong had not returned yet, and was very worried that something might happen to him.

Qi Jun persuaded Qiu Jing to drink half the bowl of soup. When the rest of the soup was completely cold, he finally heard Qiu Cong's voice, "Jing'er!"

"Grandpa!" Qiu Jing quickly stood up and rushed out, and saw Qiu Cong walking in the morning light, followed by Min Rou.

Min Rou had not had much rest since she left the capital. She looked exhausted at the moment. The broken hair on her forehead was wet with dew, and her palm-sized face looked weak and pale. She glanced at Qiu Jing and then immediately looked away. , The steps were frivolous, and I felt a little trance-like.

"Be careful!" Qiu Jing saw Min Rou slumped and stepped forward to help her.

"Oh, this girl is exhausted to the extreme this time. She was in danger again last night and almost died. Jing'er, please take her in quickly." Qiu Cong said.

"No, no need..." Min Rou shook her head and wanted to push Qiu Jing away and stand up, but she really didn't have the strength. There was a tight string in her heart last night. She really thought she was going to die, but she was rescued by Qiu Cong. When she finally returned to Xuanbei City where she felt safe, she relaxed and was still conscious, but her body had reached its limit. She has been a pampered and pampered young lady since she was a child. The recent period of hard work and hardship can be said to be the first time in her life, not only physical but also psychological ups and downs.

When Qiu Jing heard Qiu Cong ask him to carry Min Rou in, he thought she was doing this because she was seriously injured. He immediately leaned over and picked her up, then entered the meeting hall in two steps and placed her in the meeting hall. On the long table covered with maps, Qi Jun said, "Call the military doctor quickly!"

Min Rou looked at Qiu Jing, she had never been so speechless in her life...

"I'm just tired, not injured." Min Rou explained, holding her arms, she sat up with difficulty. Then she felt even more embarrassed and wanted to get off the table immediately.

As a result, Qiu Jing said, "Then your body is too weak."

Qiu Cong kicked Qiu Jing's butt, and he leaned forward without warning. Min Rou turned around and passively ran into Qiu Jing's arms...

"Really! Find a place for Rou girl to rest!" Qiu Cong was speechless to Qiu Jing. This kid, if you don't know how to speak, just shut up.

Qiu Jing looked at Qi Jun, "Is the honeysuckle coming?"

Qi Jun was watching a play. Hearing this, his expression straightened up. Just as he was about to speak, he received Qiu Cong's suggestive gaze.

Although Qi Jun felt that Qiu Cong's intention to bring Qiu Jing and Min Rou together was good, he still felt that it would be more convenient for Min Rou to let Liao Dong take care of her. These are extraordinary times, it's going to be dawn soon, and Qiu Jing still has business to do.

So Qi Jun ran out to find Lonicera despite the pressure from Qiu Cong.

After Rendong carried Min Rou on his back and went to where she lived, Qiu Jing asked Qiu Cong, "Grandpa, what happened last night?"

Qiu Cong sighed, "He Wei was brought here, and there was also a man named Sheng Yue, who was not a good guy either. Fortunately, I didn't leave, otherwise that girl would have been killed by them last night."

"Isn't He Wei her grandfather?" Qiu Jing frowned.

Qiu Cong snorted, "Do you think all the grandpas in the world are as good as me?"

Qiu Cong and Qi Jun: ...dare not speak.

After Qiu Cong quickly finished telling what happened, Qi Jun said thoughtfully, "Then should we send someone to keep an eye on Nanping City Lord General Yi? Maybe he will contact Mo Yan."

Qiu Cong's eyes narrowed and he stood up immediately, "I'm going now! Although the girl said that the group of people will definitely run away, they may not have left yet!"

Qiu Jing chased after him, "I'll go with grandpa. By the way, let's see what Liang Guo's plans are for the next step. If they send troops again today, I won't have time to come back."

When the grandfather and grandson left Xuanbeicheng, the sun had already risen.

Qiu Cong asked Qiu Jing, "What do you think of the Min family girl?"

Qiu Jing was stunned, "What is it like?"

"Do you think she is good-looking?" Qiu Cong asked directly.

Qiu Jing answered straightforwardly, "It's okay. Far worse than Su Liang."

Qiu Cong glared at Qiu Jing, "You brat, are you still thinking about Su Liang?"

Qiu Jing looked innocent, "I don't know the other girls either. Oh, yes, there are also my sister and Ling Dong. Min Rou is not better looking than them, and she doesn't seem to be in good health."

Qiu Cong was completely speechless towards Qiu Jing, "Don't act stupid!"

Qiu Jing coughed lightly, "I know what grandpa is thinking." He had been moved by Su Liang, and now that he was watching Qi Jun and Liandong having sex today, at this age, how could he not understand anything.

"Then what do you mean?" Qiu Cong asked.

Qiu Jing sighed, "Grandpa, now is not the time to think about such things, nor is it the time to talk about such things."

"Speaking of which, are we running too slow?" Qiu Cong asked.

Qiu Jing shook his head, "No."

Qiu Cong hummed, "A person's brain can think of two things at the same time, and you won't be exhausted!"

Qiu Jing:......

"I think this little girl has a bad impression of you, and she definitely won't like you." Qiu Cong finally performed another yin and yang strange aura to stimulate the generals.

Qiu Jing pretended not to understand and nodded directly, "I think so too."

Qiu Cong sighed, "Forget it, let's not mention it for now, business is important."

But when the grandfather and grandson arrived at Nanping City, they didn't see Liang Guo sending troops again today. They sneaked into the military camp secretly and saw the army gathering from a distance, but they just stood there without moving.

Qiu Cong gestured and led Qiu Jing closer to where the general lived. With their strength, it is easy to avoid being discovered.

"What? There's no one there? How is that possible?"

Yi 𫖯's shocked voice reached Qiu Cong and Qiu Jing's ears. They knew that they came late, but it was useless to come early. Yi 𫖯 did not dare to send people to disturb Mo Yan in the middle of the night. If Mo Yan came to say goodbye to Yi 𫖯, he would not be shocked at this moment. So even if I came to keep an eye on him last night, I still had to confirm that Mo Yan was really gone.

"General, there is really no one in that place, and the luggage is also missing."

There was a moment of silence, and then there was the sound of a chair moving on the ground. It seemed that Yi 𫖯 stood up in shock and then sat back down. "Grain...is there anything going on over there in the granary?"

"I went to check it out. No, it's the same as yesterday."

Yi 𫖯's voice revealed a hint of anger, "How could this happen? That person could be a spy!"

Qiu Jing thought to himself, their granary must not be the same as yesterday, the food and grass must be less than yesterday... Very good, it seems that Mo Yan is not really helping Liang Kingdom, maybe he is just using Liang Kingdom to deal with Qian Kingdom. He just wanted to gain power in the world, but when he saw that the momentum was not right, he gave up on the Liang Kingdom and left as soon as he wanted. Who cares whether they live or die?

A silent smile appeared on Qiu Cong's face. As long as Mo Yan and his gang leave, he won't have to worry about Qiu Jing being in danger every day. The remaining people from the Liang Kingdom are nothing to be afraid of.

Yi 𫖯 said that he wanted to write a note and send it back to the capital as soon as possible. Someone came to ask when the troops would be sent out, but Yi 𫖯 scolded him angrily and said that he would not send out troops today.

The soldiers of Liang Kingdom were in complicated moods. After finally breaking through the gate of Xuanbei City of Qian State, it was the best time to attack in one go, but Liang State did not dare to attack, which was really discouraging. And after what happened yesterday, they began to worry that the Qian Kingdom, which had been defending, might counterattack next. Since the Qian Kingdom army also had explosives, it would not be difficult to blow up the gate of Liang Kingdom's Nanping City.

However, this was what the Liang soldiers thought when they did not know the true situation of the food and grass in their army. Because the granary and thatched barn have become forbidden areas since the beginning of the war. It is said to be for protection, but in fact it is to prevent people from discovering the weirdness.

For more than half a month after the war started, the supply of food and grass was sufficient, which led the soldiers of the Liang Kingdom to think that there was nothing to worry about. The royal family had already solved the problem in advance, so they sent them to attack the Qian Kingdom.

Moreover, the Yan State did not actually cooperate with the Liang State, but formed an alliance with the Qian State. Now the Liang State army is still kept in the dark and they all think that the south of the Qian State is also suffering from the full attack of the Yan State. .

Qiu Cong and Qiu Jing quietly left Nanping City again.

"Just come here and blow up their city gate first, then retaliate with tooth!" Qiu Cong snorted coldly.

Qiu Jing shook his head, "Go back and discuss with the Marquis before deciding."

Xuanbei City.

After a day and night of emergency repairs, most of the city wall has been restored. The new city wall is darker in color, while the old city wall is lighter in color. An obvious dividing line can be seen. The city gates were also replaced with spare ones.

Sitting in the meeting hall again, Qiu Jing and Xing Ji reported what they learned about Nanping City. Everyone's eyebrows relaxed, and it was basically certain that the crisis was temporarily lifted.

The initiative now lies with the Qian Kingdom: without the assistance of the mysterious forces, the Liang Kingdom army also does not have enough food and fodder to support the subsequent war. No matter how the battle is fought, the Qian Kingdom has a great chance of winning. They have to choose, counterattack? Or continue to defend?

"I'll hand over the paper back to Beijing and see what the emperor decides." Xing Ji felt that there was no point in continuing the fight, as it would only increase casualties. At this point, perhaps we can seek to eliminate the Liang Kingdom in a more peaceful way.

Qiu Cong said, "Well, since neither of you want to continue fighting, I will go and capture the general of Liang Kingdom? Let's see what other tricks Situ Xie can come up with!"

Xing Ji looked at Qiu Jing, and Qiu Jing nodded, "I'll go with grandpa. I'm 90% sure I can succeed." Qiu Cong has been there so many times that he feels like he's in a deserted place among Liang's army. Moreover, it is not difficult for their ancestors and grandchildren to work together to catch someone. The one I was afraid of before was Mo Yan.

If it weren't for the involvement of the Xingluo Island forces, this battle would never have been fought like this. It is not that the Liang Kingdom is without food and grass. The soldiers usually have to eat, but if they want to support the war, they need more. Food must be collected from the people before each war, but this time there is no additional collection. Before the war began, Situ Xie ordered the original grain and grass to be transferred and supplied with Moyan first. Mo Yan only gave away one warehouse after another, leaving a hand behind, and finally ran away with most of the remaining grain and grass...

Yesterday was the most intense since the war began, but today was the first peaceful day since the war began.

That night, Qiu Cong and Qiu Jing sneaked into Nanping City again, knocked out several soldiers, and kidnapped the general Yi Jing.

In this way, the Liang army no longer thinks much about attacking again, and only hopes to launch a national counterattack, because their chances of winning are really too slim...

The capital of Qian Kingdom.

Yue Mei confessed at the beginning of the interrogation yesterday that Lao Bai was also on Xingluo Island. If she dared not say anything, Su Liang would cut her flesh.

But as to whether what Yue Mei said was true or false, Su Liang and Gu Ling had no way of verifying it at the moment. Asked her about other things about Xingluo Island, she even said she didn't know.

"The matter between Master and Min Rou should have come to an end. Let's wait a few more days and see how the situation changes." Su Liang sighed slightly, "We may have to go to Xingluo Island sooner or later."

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