
On the first Mid-Autumn Festival after time travel, Su Liang and Ning Jing had dinner and worshiped the moon god in the yard as Aunt Bai said. read

A table with red candles and incense, four snacks, a plate of moon cakes, four pomegranates, and a pot of wine.

After praying, Su Liang cut the moon cake in half and shared it with Ning Jing.

"Do you believe there is Chang'e in the Moon Palace?" Su Liang looked up at the night sky.

Ning Jing asked, "Why does the moon only shine at night?"

The time traveler Su Liang was asking mythological questions, while the pure ancient Ning Jing began to explore scientific principles.

Su Liang chuckled, "This is very complicated."

"I'd like to hear the details." Ning Jing knew that Su Liang knew many things that people in this world could never imagine.

"The moon itself does not emit light. The moonlight we see is formed by the moon reflecting sunlight." Su Liang said.

Ning Jing frowned slightly as Su Liang began to talk about the universe, the Milky Way, stars and planets, and other things that sounded like fantasy.

After talking for a long time, Su Liang yawned, "Do you think I'm talking nonsense?"

Ning Jing shook his head, "Can you write down everything you have learned and know for me?"

Su Liang was stunned for a moment and shook his head, "It's not that I don't want to, it's too much."

Ning Jing nodded slightly, "Forget it."

"If you want to know anything, you can ask me and I will tell you everything." Su Liang said.

"Okay." Ningjing stood up, "Pomegranate juice..."

Su Liang then remembered that she had promised to make pomegranate juice for Ningjing, but she had forgotten it.

"Tomorrow, drinking so late is not good for your health." Su Liang said.

Early the next morning, the county government office was completely surrounded.

The story of yesterday's trial has been spread, and the reversal that happened later caught people off guard, and the fact that Zhao Qingsong committed suicide in fear of guilt is also known to everyone.

Su Liang planned to go out for breakfast and asked Ningjing if he wanted to go. He just nodded.

"The county magistrate will probably send someone to ask you over again for questioning." Su Liang said.

Ning Jing nodded.

"Su Xingzhe did plagiarize the college exam. What he argued was that he could not think of a better one after seeing the standard answer. It was not unreasonable, but it was sophistry. He knew that the answer would be recognized by Zhao Qingsong, so he could refer to it. I want to make some changes." Su Liang said.

Ning Jing nodded again.

Su Liang stopped and looked at him, "Are you really planning not to speak today?"

Ning Jing nodded again.

Su Liang held his forehead and said, "Whatever."

As soon as the two of them finished eating breakfast, the Yamen servant came over.

When I arrived at the county government office, I saw Mrs. Niu and her whole family kneeling in the hall. She cried heartbrokenly and shouted that she was wronged.

Mu Luo had a sullen face and slapped the gavel heavily, "Quiet!"

The yamen servant brought in the money collected by Zhao Qingsong, and a portrait made by the artist described by the waiter in the restaurant based on his memory, for Ningjing to identify.

"Ningjing, can you recognize the person in the painting?" Mu Luo asked.

Ning Jing shook his head.

"Answer my question!" Mu Luo said coldly.

Su Liang quickly stepped forward and explained, "Sir, he took the wrong medicine and hurt his throat. He is temporarily speechless."

Mu Luo looked at Su Liang, who was dressed in light blue women's clothing, and was stunned for a moment. Hearing her words, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "Why does Ning Jing need to take medicine?"

"He has never been in good health." Su Liang said casually.

Mu Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, "Who are you, Ning Jing?"

"Sister-in-law." Su Liang said.

Mu Luo looked at Ning Jing again, "You just shook your head, did you not recognize the person in the portrait?"

Ning Jing nodded.

Mu Luo asked Su Xingzhe again, "Do you have anything to add to yesterday's confession?"

Su Xingzhe said in a deep voice, "Sir! The common people are really unjust! Please seek justice and clear my name!"

His family and spectators were in a commotion, but Mu Luo snorted coldly, "The truth of this case has been found out. The examiner Zhao Qingsong accepted bribes to frame Su Xingzhe and Ning Jing. Su Xingzhe cheated in the college examination. Ning Jing did not do anything wrong."

When Su Xingzhe heard this, his face turned pale, "Sir! The person the examiner wanted to frame was Ning Jing, not me! I was being used! I didn't cheat!"

"Where did the money collected by Zhao Qingsong come from? There is no proof. I cannot conclude that it was given by the Ning family just because the Ning family has money. After all, Zhao Qingsong found you first, so it may not be the work of your enemies." Mu Luoleng. Said loudly.

Mrs. Niu screamed, "Impossible! It was my son who blocked Pingjing's disaster!"

"Quiet!" Mu Luo said with a cold face, "Prisoner Su Xingzhe argued yesterday that he couldn't think of a better answer because he had seen the answers on the sample paper. But the answer you wrote is exactly the same as the sample paper. This is nonsense. Defensible plagiarism! You have been studying for many years, but you can’t write even one more word?"

The spectators started talking again.

"Yeah, how could it be written exactly the same?"

"Isn't this just plagiarism? You are pretending to be innocent!"

"Didn't he say to himself yesterday that he thought Zhao Qingsong was going to marry his granddaughter to him? He thought that if he had already copied it, Zhao Qingsong would be able to recognize his paper and give him the first responsibility for the case!"

"Although I didn't pass the scholar exam, I still can't write a word after reading other people's answers! Nonsense!"

"Zhao Qingsong took the initiative to give you the sample paper. Even if you were not at fault in the first place, on the day of the college examination, you already discovered the problem and still chose to plagiarize it as it was. It was a knowing and intentional crime. Tell me, what is this if this is not cheating?" Mu Luo? asked coldly.

Su Xingzhe wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, no sound came out. His body went limp and he fainted.

"Zhao Qingsong committed suicide out of fear of crime, and the bribes he collected were confiscated! The evidence of Su Xingzhe's cheating in the academy examination is conclusive, and he is punishable by death! Retreat!" Mu Luo finished his words, stood up and left.

Su Xingzhe was dragged away by two government officials, and Mrs. Niu fainted.

After yesterday's trial, many people thought that Su Xingzhe would be acquitted. Some even thought that he should be compensated because he lost the opportunity to take the imperial examination and had to wait three years to take the imperial examination again.

But unexpectedly, Mu Luo decisively sentenced Su Xingzhe to death.

The punishment for cheating in imperial examinations was extremely severe in the state of Qian. Legally speaking, this result is correct.

Su Xingzhe had the consciousness of cheating subjectively and committed the cheating objectively, so he deserved what he deserved.

He said he was implicated by Ning Jing, but the paper was not for Su Xingzhe in the first place. Zhao Qingsong clearly told him not to open it.

As long as Su Xingzhe is an upright person, he will not read it, let alone copy it.

He knew exactly what was going on. He thought that someone was trying to give Ning Jing a back door. Anyway, Ning Jing burned the paper and saw only himself, so he chose to snatch Ning Jing's "privilege". After being discovered, no one dared to speak out.

But he never thought that what he grabbed was a life-threatening charm.

It's like someone holding a golden fan and saying he was looking for peace. Su Xingzhe became greedy when he saw the gold, pretending to be peace and trying to take it, but he didn't expect that the golden fan turned into a sharp knife when he came near.

Su Liang still thinks that Su Xingzhe is a smart person, but has evil intentions.

When he wanted to rape his widowed sister-in-law, Ning Jing and Su Liang did not kill him, but in the end they were seeking death.

After walking out of the county office, Su Liang asked Ning Jing in a low voice, "Is the black mist between Mu Luo's eyebrows still there?"

Ning Jing nodded.

"Then let's wait three days before returning to the village." Su Liang said.

As soon as I got home, Su Bai came to my door.

He came to the county specifically for Su Xingzhe's affairs. Before going to court today, he thought Su Xingzhe would be fine, but he didn't expect that he would not be able to escape the death penalty.

"If Uncle Bai wants us to save people, there is no need to speak. If he does that kind of thing, there will be no room for return." Su Liang looked calm.

Subai sighed, "I know. I watched that child grow up. I always thought he would have a great future, but I didn't expect that he had read so many books by sages and sages, but he didn't learn how to behave. Although the new county magistrate is young, , but my mind is very clear!”

People who don't know the truth are easily led to a different situation, but so far, there is no controversy about whether Su Xingzhe plagiarized or not.

"Uncle Bai came to see us for something else?" Su Liang asked.

Sub Bai nodded, "Yes. The top three in the college examination can go to Qianshan Academy in the provincial capital, and the county will fund it. When Mr. Ning leaves, you won't follow Mr. Liang, right?"

Su Liang was stunned and looked at Ning Jing. He shook his head and said he didn't know.

"You don't know?" Su Bai was surprised, "This has always been the case. Qianshan Academy is very powerful, and admission places are extremely rare. It would be a pity for Mr. Ning not to go. But Liang Yatou, you are a girl, and the academy does not allow you to enter, so why not stay here? In the village, everyone is a member of the family, and they also have someone to take care of them.”

"Are you going?" Su Liang asked Ningjing.

Ning Jing shook his head and refused to go.

"Uncle Bai, he won't go. We will return to the village in two days." Su Liang said.

When Subai left, he took a large basket of pomegranates with him.

Su Liang originally wanted to ask Ningjing about Qianshan Academy, but he didn't want to talk today, so he forgot about it.

Chang'an knocked on the door and waited for a while before hearing footsteps.

The door opened and Su Liang asked, "Your Majesty, the county magistrate is looking for Ningjing?"

Chang'an cupped his hands and said, "My master is feeling unwell and would like to ask Miss Su to come and see a doctor."

Su Liang knew that Mu Luo suddenly came to see her for medical treatment, and he must have ulterior motives, so he refused, "I'm not good at medical skills, so you should hire someone who is skilled."

Chang'an held the door that Su Liang was about to close, "Miss Su, please come with me."

This made Su Liang even more sure that there was a problem, "Where is Mr. Mu?"

"The master is at Lingshan Temple." Chang'an said, "The carriages and horses are ready."

Su Liang knows Lingshan Temple. The most famous temple in Bei'an County is located in the western suburbs of the county. She originally planned to find time to visit it.

"Okay, wait outside for a moment." Su Liang said and closed the door.

Half an hour later, Su Liang changed clothes and came out carrying a medicine box, followed by Ning Jing.

Chang An chuckled, "Isn't Mr. Ning sick? Why don't you rest at home?"

Su Liang answered for him, "He's sick and needs to go out for a walk."


The autumn scenery of Lingshan Temple is extremely beautiful.

Su Liang got out of the car and walked inside while admiring the ancient temple with all the dyed trees. Ningjing followed her silently with a medicine box on her back. The reason why the two of them came was related to Ning Jing seeing Mu Luo Yintang turning black.

"Master is inside, Miss Su please." Chang'an was very polite to Su Liang.

Su Liang suspected that Mu Luo was planning a showdown with her. After all, he did nothing for two days after the drug was delivered to Ningjing.

Entering the quiet guest courtyard, there is a red maple in the courtyard, as gorgeous as the colorful clouds in the sky.

Mu Luo walked out with a faint smile on his lips.

When he walked under the red maple tree, something happened suddenly!

Su Liang was admiring the dense red maple tree. Suddenly, a killer wearing colorful clothes and a red ribbon on his head rushed out of the dense red maple tree. He blended in with the maple tree! With his head down, the straight sword stabbed Mu Luo's head!

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