It wasn't until they heard Sheng Yue admit that he had obtained the magic weapon that Feng Ming and Cheng Yun finally understood what Gu Ling was doing, and couldn't help but admire Gu Ling's caution and thoroughness. Especially Chengyun, he actually believed the lies fabricated by Sheng Yue.

"Where is it hidden?" Cheng Yun pinched Sheng Yue's chin and forced him to open his mouth, "Won't you choke to death if you swallow it? How can you get it out?"

Gu Ling looked calm and said, "It may not have been swallowed by the mouth above."

Chengyun was a simple child and obviously didn't understand what Gu Ling was referring to. Feng Ming, who had been in the world before coming to Xingluo Island, had an expression on his face that was somewhat unclear. He lowered his gaze, looked at something on Sheng Yue's body, and whispered something into Cheng Yun's ear.

Chengyun instantly let go of the hand holding Sheng Yue's chin and looked at him again, as if he was looking at something incredible and dirty. He did not hide his disgust, "It's so disgusting."

Sheng Yue had already confessed, so he stopped pretending at all. His expression was a bit unbearable, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It's not what you think! I ate that thing!"

Chengyun asked subconsciously, "Then how to take it out?"

Gu Ling said in a faint tone, "Eviscerate him."

Feng Ming whispered in Chengyun's ear again, "Or..."

Chengyun trembled and took two steps back, "It's so disgusting."

Gu Ling dragged Sheng Yue and did not go back to the Garden Bajiao Pavilion. Instead, she went to the house where Cheng Yun and the others lived after arriving on the island.

"Do you want to cut open his stomach, or let him... expel it by himself?" Chengyun said the second half of the sentence with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"You decide." Gu Ling said two words.

Chengyun shook his head quickly, "I don't know what to do next, it's up to you to decide."

Sheng Yue snorted coldly, "Gu Ling, you wouldn't kill me, otherwise you would have already done it."

Gu Ling glanced at Sheng Yue coldly, "Then you choose."

Sheng Yue said with a dark face, "Find me some laxatives!"

Feng Ming and Cheng Yun looked at Sheng Yue. Gu Ling went out for about two quarters of an hour and then came back. He put a ball of grass in his hand into Sheng Yue's mouth and asked him to eat it.

Sheng Yue chewed up the grass with soil and swallowed it with an ugly expression on his face. At the same time, Gu Ling untied the rope from his body.

Sheng Yue then ran out holding his stomach. When he got to the door, Feng Ming reminded him, "Remember to use a respectful bucket."

Then, Chengyun pinched his nose and guarded the toilet with Feng Ming.

Not long after, Sheng Yue roared, "Send two buckets of water!"

Feng Ming was already ready and handed the water in.

After waiting for another two-quarters of an hour, Sheng Yue came out with a dark face, his sleeves rolled up, something in his hand, and he walked straight towards Gu Ling.

Gu Ling glanced at the table in front of him and said, "Put it down."

Sheng Yue let go of his hand, and a small object fell on the table, rolled for a distance and stopped.

Feng Ming and Cheng Yun both came closer to take a look.

A piece of jade about the size of an adult's thumb. The outline is in the shape of a water drop. The jade is opaque and looks very ordinary. There seems to be traces of splicing in the middle. There is also a small hole for a rope on it. It is even crooked and asymmetrical. .

Whether it was Gu Ling or Feng Ming looking at it, they both felt that the quality and workmanship of this thing was something that no one would care about if it were sold at a street stall.

This is quite different from the powerful magic weapon they imagined. But then I thought, maybe the real magic weapon is simple and low-key.

Sheng Yue stared at the small piece of jade with complicated eyes, "Mo Yan said he didn't shed any blood to identify his master. He could use it on his body when he traveled through time. He took the truth serum, so it's impossible for him to lie. I'll bring it over. Nothing was found, even a drop of blood was not absorbed, and it just slipped down. I was afraid of long nights and many dreams, so I wanted to take this thing away from Xingluo Island and slowly find a way to let it recognize its owner, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult to leave. .As you said, Mo Yan woke up and found that the magic weapon was gone. He knew the danger, but he still would not leave the forbidden area. He was afraid that you would ruin the journey that he had been thinking about all his life. He would definitely pretend that the magic weapon was still there and continue to guard it. I'm going to deal with you in the forbidden area. He probably thought that I had already run far away and was no longer on the island."

Chengyun frowned, "Since it's an object and it's not on Mo Yan's body, he definitely can't use it. Senior Mu was not captured and is still in the cave. But Yan Shiba is inside."

Sheng Yue hummed, "Yes. There are some of your people here. I can't use it, Gu Ling, why don't you try? Maybe you are more special than me. After all, you are born with special abilities."

The last sentence is obviously full of ridicule and unwillingness. Sheng Yue certainly didn't want to see Gu Ling make the magic weapon recognize its owner. He couldn't use it himself, and he hoped that Gu Ling couldn't either, otherwise his thoughts for so many years would become a bigger joke.

"Try it." Chengyun said to Gu Ling, "Just in case."

Gu Ling nodded, took out a silver needle, pricked his finger, squeezed out a drop of blood, and dripped it on the jade on the table.

The four of them stared intently as the drop of blood slipped from the jade and flowed onto the table, while the jade remained unchanged.

"Does it have to be held in your hand to react?" Feng Ming suggested.

"Dirty." Chengyun said, taking out a handkerchief and motioning for Gu Ling to put his hands on it.

Sheng Yue's face turned a little dark, "I've washed it!"

Seeing that the blood was completely insoluble, Gu Ling did not pick up the piece of jade and looked at Chengyun and Feng Ming, "You all have a try."

Sheng Yue's eyes flashed slightly, and then he hummed, "If either of them succeeds, Gu Ling, you won't look good."

"It's funny for a shameless person like you to say such things." Gu Ling retorted to Sheng Yue.

Feng Ming picked up the jade, washed it several times with water, wiped it clean, and handed it to Cheng Yun, "Master Yun will try it first."

Chengyun frowned and took it in his hand. He pricked his finger with the silver needle given by Gu Ling and let the blood drip on it.

But then the drop of blood flowed to Chengyun's palm, leaving a little mark on the jade, but there was no sign of being absorbed.

Chengyun sighed and gave the jade to Feng Ming again.

Soon, Feng Ming tried it, and the result was no surprise, it still failed.

Feng Ming suggested that Gu Ling take it in his hand and try again. Gu Ling listened, but it still didn't work.

Sheng Yue chuckled and said, "It seems that you, the chosen one, are not that special."

Chengyun raised his foot and kicked Sheng Yue, "Shut up, you scumbag!"

Sheng Yue suppressed his anger and glanced at Chengyun coldly, but Chengyun stared back fiercely, "What are you looking at?"

Sheng Yue shook his head, "You are becoming more and more like my mother."

Chengyun frowned, "I don't know him."

Sheng Yue sighed slightly and looked at Gu Ling, "I got the magic weapon, but not only can't it be used, there are people locked inside. It seems that I want to let the people out, so I can only ask Mo Yan to help. But once the magic weapon is taken out again If you leave it in his hands, everything will go back to how it was before, or even worse, because what happened today will definitely make him lose his mind, and I'm afraid he's already crazy. For the safety of your master, I suggest you decide what to do as soon as possible. ”

"Mo Yan must not be allowed to touch this thing again. When the time comes, he has hostages in his hands, and we dare not approach him." Cheng Yun frowned, "But otherwise, the people inside will not be able to get out."

Gu Ling brought the piece of jade closer, looked at the obvious splicing gaps on it, put it to his ear and shook it, thoughtfully.

"What did you find?" Sheng Yue asked.

The next moment, Gu Ling broke the small crooked hole in the jade stone.

Sheng Yue's expression suddenly changed, "Are you crazy?" Even if it didn't work, it was hard to say that he would give up completely so quickly.

Cheng Yun and Feng Ming felt that Gu Ling would not destroy the jade rashly. When they got closer, they saw that after Gu Ling broke off a piece of the jade, a hole was exposed on the jade, and there was a faint glow inside.

Feng Ming exclaimed, "It's two floors."

Sheng Yue's expression suddenly became unbearable. When he came over, he saw that Gu Ling had broken the piece of inferior jade they had just seen into two halves and threw it on the table.

In the palm of Gu Ling's hand, there was a smaller sapphire droplet with an extremely perfect shape, as if it were a miraculous workmanship. It was very extraordinary at first glance. There were no flaws on this "water drop", and the jade quality was clear, exactly what they imagined the magic weapon to look like.

"Mo Yan was afraid that the magic weapon would break or be touched by other people's blood, so he made a special shell. But in this case, wouldn't he be able to use it without touching it directly?" Cheng Yun asked.

Feng Ming shook his head, "Even if it doesn't come into contact with the skin, it must be placed close to the body. If it can still be used if it is far away, this 'water drop' has no meaning in existence."

Cheng Yun nodded, "You're right. If Mo Yan could still control this thing now, we would have been caught." Hua Luo urged Gu Ling, "Quickly, try with another drop of blood, maybe it will work this time. That was just a fake shell."

Sheng Yue's expression was wonderful. He used the truth potion given by Gu Ling to force out that the space in his possession was the jade stone on Mo Yan's body. After getting it, he also saw the splicing marks on the jade stone, but he did not have the courage to destroy it directly for fear of something going wrong.

Sheng Yue couldn't help but ask, "Gu Ling, aren't you afraid that your mistake will lead to the destruction of the magic weapon and the death of Yan Shiba?"

Gu Ling looked calm, "What can be easily destroyed is not a magic weapon."

Sheng Yue:......

Seeing Gu Ling using a silver needle to draw blood again, Sheng Yue felt like vomiting blood when he saw this scene. It was obvious that he got it first, but in the end he made it for Gu Ling's wedding dress?

Cheng Yun and Feng Ming looked forward to it, feeling that they would definitely succeed this time.

Gu Ling also hopes to succeed, so that all troubles can be solved.

But unfortunately, Gu Ling's blood flowed through the smooth surface of the "water drop" and dripped on the palm of his hand. He closed his eyes and did not feel anything abnormal.

Gu Ling was a little disappointed. Cheng Yun and Feng Ming were disappointed.

But Sheng Yue was happy. He had never shown such a big mood swing before. He was really happy at this moment. He couldn't help but laugh and opened his mouth in a weird voice, "It's such a shame. Why don't you let me try? What if I succeed? I swear if I succeed , I will definitely release the people inside, and I won’t make it difficult for you.”

Chengyun kicked Sheng Yue again, and then squeezed a drop of his own blood. It didn't work even if he tried.

Although he knew there was no hope, Gu Ling still insisted on letting Feng Ming try again, but the result was the same.

When she heard Gu Ling say, let Sheng Yue try it, Sheng Yue was stunned for a moment, "You're not kidding me, are you?"

"I don't think you can do it. If you don't believe me, try it." Gu Ling was very calm.

Unexpectedly, Gu Ling really gave him a chance. Of course, Sheng Yue would not let it go. He immediately went to pick up the "water drop" that Gu Ling handed over, but was intercepted by Cheng Yun. "You only have one hand. It's inconvenient. I'll take it first." ”

Sheng Yue said nothing, took the silver needle, pricked his finger, squeezed out a large drop of blood, then snatched it from Cheng Yun's hand and pressed it directly on his pricked finger.

Cheng Yun and Feng Ming silently blocked Sheng Yue's path to prevent him from escaping with the treasure. But in fact, they are not worried about Sheng Yue's success. If one of the four of them can become the master of the magic weapon, it must be Gu Ling.

Because of Sheng Yue's operation, the water droplets seemed to have seeped into his blood, but Cheng Yun said clearly, "It's useless no matter how much you put on it, it's all on the surface."

Sheng Yue obviously refused to give up. He closed his eyes and wanted to feel if there was anything.

Gu Ling didn't rush him. After a while, Sheng Yue opened his eyes and looked at the "water drop" in his hand, his eyes extremely disappointed. "Ever since I learned about this magic weapon from my mother when I was young, it has become my biggest dream in life." . I don’t chase power, I just want it. It’s a new world for me. In the end, I got it, but my dream was shattered.”

After closing his eyes and opening them again, Sheng Yue held the "water drop" in his hand, holding it very tightly, then suddenly released it and threw it back to Gu Ling, "I give up, it's yours. I can do it." have they gone?"

Gu Ling wiped off the blood on the "water drop", shook his head and said, "No."

Sheng Yue didn't insist. He seemed to have lost all the meaning of life all of a sudden. He sat on the chair with a dejected look and smiled bitterly. "As of now, it's up to you. You want to kill me, or you want me to do something. You decide."

The atmosphere became silent, and Gu Ling walked to the window, held the "water drop" with two fingers and stretched it out of the window, making it look even more crystal clear and beautiful under the sunlight.

When Gu Ling turned around again, he handed the "water drop" in his hand to Cheng Yun.

Chengyun was puzzled, so he heard Gu Ling say, "Take it first."

Chengyun took it and asked Gu Ling, "What should we do next?"

Gu Ling picked up the Hanyue Sword on the table and looked at Sheng Yue, "Go to the forbidden area."

Sheng Yue stood up slowly, "You want to arrest Mo Yan? What next? If you don't give him the magic weapon, no one will be able to open it up. If you give it to him, everything will go back to where it started."

Gu Ling looked calm and said, "Catch him first."

Sheng Yue hummed, "Are you sure you want me to go with you? Aren't you afraid that I will stab you in the back?"

Gu Ling shook his head, "Mo Yan is the one who wants to kill you more, not me."

Sheng Yue pursed his lips and stood up straight, "Anyway, there is nothing I want to do now. Since it is cooperation, I will help you again."

"You are helping yourself get rid of the threat. Otherwise, if Mo Yan runs away, he will definitely chase you to the ends of the earth." Cheng Yun shook his head.

Sheng Yue shrugged, "Whatever you say." He picked up the jade shell that Gu Ling broke on the table, "I'll go in first and use it as bait to entangle Mo Yan while you wait for an opportunity to save your master."

Gu Ling told Feng Ming and Cheng Yun to stay here and not go near the forbidden area.

Chengyun knew that Gu Ling handed the "water drop" to him to prevent Mo Yan from coming into contact with it, but reminded Gu Ling to be careful with Sheng Yue.

"My good brother, what else do you and I have to worry about now? If we can all leave safely this time, how about we kill our father together? You should hate him more than me." Sheng Yue Under the severe blow, his temperament seemed to suddenly change. He changed from his previous cold and deep demeanor. He talked too much and started talking nonsense.

Chengyun only gave Sheng Yue a cold look at her words, and then watched Gu Ling and Sheng Yue walk out side by side.

When he was about to enter the forbidden area, Sheng Yue suddenly laughed, "Hey! In fact, when we arrived in the cave, I suddenly switched sides and joined forces with Mo Yan to capture you. It would be easy to force Cheng Yun to hand over the treasure. In the end, the winner will be me and Mo Yan." Mo Yan, this is not a bad choice for me, what do you think?”

Gu Ling glanced at Sheng Yue indifferently, "Then you were cut into pieces by Mo Yan and thrown to the dogs? It is indeed a good choice. I support you."

Sheng Yue's face stiffened and he hummed, "I admit, I'm not very sober now, and I don't have any sense. I advise you to be careful, Mo Yan's strength is not inferior to yours, and he still holds your master's life in his hands, and he wants to take it. It’s not that easy for him.”

After a while, the two of them approached the entrance of the cave, and the surroundings were quiet.

Just as Sheng Yue was about to go in, he saw Gu Ling taking out a bamboo pipe, lighting it, and throwing it into the cave.

White smoke quickly filled the cave. Gu Ling moved slightly and stood leeward to avoid being affected.

Sheng Yue had a strange look on his face, "You have already thought about using poisonous smoke? Why didn't you use it before?"

"Let the magic weapon leave Mo Yan, otherwise everything will be in vain." Gu Ling looked calm.

"Then why do you want me to do this? You don't need me at all." Sheng Yue said.

The next moment, Gu Ling reached out and pushed Sheng Yue into the cave filled with poisonous smoke, "Go and bring my master out."

Sheng Yue, who was invulnerable to all poisons, glanced at Gu Ling speechlessly, then slowly walked deeper into the cave under the poisonous smoke...


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