The pill shop and talisman shop in Fang City asked Chongyang, but there was no pill or talisman that he wanted that could help him suppress the evil fire.

In fact, evil fire, in the final analysis, is a desire caused by the body's physiological reactions, and the best way to deal with it is to release it, not suppress it.

Because once the degree of repression is not well grasped, it is easy to backfire, or more seriously, it will lead to self-reaping the consequences.

It's a pity that Zhang Chongyang is alone, he is a clean and self-righteous gentleman, he is out of the mud without staining, clear ripples without demons, slim and ......

Ahem, in short, I don't have a wife, and I'm a little (harmful) and reserved.

There is no condition to release, and you can only think about suppression.

In front of a vendor with all kinds of strange medicines, Zhang Chongyang looked at the male cultivator who looked like a sanctimonious

person, and asked: "This Taoist friend, there is a friend below, after his 'cultivation', he often has too much yang energy, and the evil fire is difficult to extinguish, may I ask you if there is a way to suppress this

?" "Dare to ask the seniors, how did that friend of yours 'cultivate'?"

"Medicinal bath." Zhang Chongyang said, but did not elaborate.

"Oh~" The male cultivator nodded, as if he had a measure in his heart, and said: "Presumably the friend of the predecessor is still very young, right?"


Zhang Chongyang was stunned for a moment, and then nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, he is indeed very young...... Light. "

But that was more than half a year ago.

"With all due respect, the friend of the predecessor should have 'made up' too much during the medicated bath, this is a normal reaction, and the senior should have suggested that he find a Taoist companion, or go to the hook bar to ask for medicine.

Speaking of this, the male cultivator pointed to a bottle on the stall and said, "I have a kind of desireless powder here, which can help the friend of the predecessor suppress the evil fire, but if you use it too much, I am afraid that it will ...... in the future" The male cultivator

said halfway through his words, and then he didn't say any more, he knew that most of the guests could guess it.

Of course, Zhang Chongyang understood that when he looked at the male cultivator again, he saw that he was upright, where was there still a shadow of sanctimony?

"Don't dare, don't dare, the younger generation Niu Qing, it's just what a practitioner should do." If the seniors can trust the juniors, he will let your friend come to me face to face. "

Okay, good ......"

Zhang Chongyang left, but he wrote down the name Niu Qing, a ...... A righteous healer.

The animal skin was very easy to buy, Zhang Chongyang spent a spirit stone to buy a snow-white mink skin from a mediocre-looking female cultivator's stall, and then went to the butcher shop to get the meat, and then left the market.

When he came, the snow was very small and had a tendency to stop, and he didn't expect that he had only been in the market for more than an hour and came out, and the snow was heavy again.

Pedestrians on the road are hard to see, and the footprints under their feet can probably be re-covered in half an hour.

Zhang Chongyang naturally didn't want to stay in such an environment for long, so he walked all the way and walked very fast.

It's just that he walked and walked, and his face gradually became gloomy.

The reason is that he feels that there is a seemingly non-existent gaze behind him, following him closely.

It seems that the stalker is very experienced, if Zhang Chongyang is not particularly sensitive to the crisis against him, maybe he would not have found it.

Now is not the time to ask why he is being targeted, his mind is thinking about what to do.

He didn't know the cultivation of the stalker, and it was difficult to judge the difference in strength between the enemy and ......

But he has an advantage, that is, the other party does not know that he has been exposed.

So there are two choices in front of Zhang Chongyang at the moment:

first, with the help of the geographical environment and the current weather advantage, he will slip away.

Second, look for opportunities to make a wave.

In line with the principle of seeking stability, Zhang Chongyang is more inclined to choose 'one' in his heart.

But really choosing 'one' means that there will be an enemy hidden in the shadows who may be watching him all the time.

Zhang Chongyang likes to be the sixth child, and he definitely doesn't want to be targeted by the sixth child.

Especially this kind of old man who doesn't even know who the enemy is, he is like a poisonous snake, who knows when to strike a fatal blow at you?

Think about the days to come, you will definitely have trouble sleeping and sleeping.

Zhang Chongyang's heart immediately made a decision.

Yes, he was ready to be in front of him, in a suitable place to hide, and incarnate the strongest Voldemort.

When he had this idea, he felt that there was a suitable place for an ambush.

Hong Min is a native of Pingfu Town, who once made a living by hunting, and was often bullied by a neighbor surnamed Chang because of his weak personality.

One day, when Hong Min came back from hunting, he bumped into Chang who was cheating on his 'virtuous' wife while he was not at home.

Because he knew that he couldn't beat the surnamed Chang, and making a move would only cause him to lose his life in vain.

Therefore, he chose to forbear, and after forbearance for a year, he finally seized the opportunity and killed the adulterer and adulterer of his wife.

Not only that, but he also killed a pair of his own sons and daughters, as well as slaughtered the Manmen surnamed Chang.

After that, he was caught by the law enforcement team of Changchun Gate, and he should have died, but he was saved by a shopkeeper of Li Ji who dredged up the relationship.

Since then, his life has been sold to the shopkeeper of Li Ji.

Over the years, he has been a secret sword as the shopkeeper of Li Ji, and I don't know how many people he has killed for him.

As for whether the person killed was a good person or a bad person, it didn't matter from the moment he succeeded in his revenge.

This time, he took on another mission, and this one was a little different from the previous one.

He is asked to follow an old man home, and then he needs to find out why the old man was able to take out sixty hemostatic charms within half a month, and after learning the reason, he can decide for himself whether he needs to kill people.

In addition, Hong Min's cultivation is the seventh layer of qi refining, although it was pushed up by Li Ji's shopkeeper with the help of pills over the years, but it is used to deal with a hundred-year-old cultivator, and it is also an old cultivator who has not broken through the late stage of qi refining, so Shopkeeper Li never thought that he would miss it.

Hong Min thought so too.

And he's confident in his stealth.

Even in his opinion, even if the old man in front of him hid his cultivation, even if he was like him, a seventh-level Qi refining cultivator, he would definitely ...... It's hard to spot him.

However, today's wind and snow are too big, and his vision is blocked, and he doesn't dare to mark with his divine sense, so he has to be fast and slow, and keep not letting the old man fade out of his field of vision for a long time.

Again, he saw the old man disappear from his vision for a moment, and then began to speed up.

It's just that this time the old man's figure did not appear as expected, and there was a blank of snow in front of him.

As soon as the thought of "I was discovered?"

appeared, Hong Min immediately shook his head and denied it.

Then, he muttered confidently, "It seems that the old man lives near here."

He looked down slightly, and the footprint he had just left was so dazzling.

The corners of Hong Min's mouth twitched, and he continued to ...... forward

After walking about a hundred steps, the footprints were still there, but there seemed to be a slight sound of drawing a sword in his ears, and he was stunned for a moment, and then he felt like he was falling into an ice cellar.

Turning around, a cold light rapidly dilated in his pupils.


He didn't even have time to react, he didn't even have time to let out a scream, and the corpse was already separated.

"Huh~" Looking at the headless corpse kneeling on the ground, Zhang Chongyang sighed lightly and muttered: "Killed another Qi Refining Seventh-Layer ......".

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