The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1004: Embrace the goddess thigh

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(I wish the goddess and the goddess a happy holiday ~)


Quick, Wang Yan's speed is very fast.

In the winter when the goddess is still willing to cast an ice storm, and immersed in her own world, Wang Yan has rushed to her in a hurry, hugged her legs condensed with ice fog.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that Wang Yan has the hobby of holding the goddess' thighs.

Just because the winter goddess is not stepping in the cold lake, but floating slightly in the sky. As soon as Wang Yan rushed over, it happened to happen to hug the goddess's thigh, so smoothly that he didn't even think of it himself.

Time seemed to stagnate in an instant.

Not only that, even the snow and ice storm boiling in the sky suddenly stopped.

It seems that everything in the world has entered a solidified state at this moment.

The "delicate body" condensed from the winter goddess shuddered heavily, and the violent and violent violent breath stopped instantly. She was stupefied stupidly on the spot. She had never encountered such a thing since she was born between heaven and earth.

A powerful ice breath came back, almost letting her temporarily condensed body of ice mist disperse, her mental fluctuation flustered: "You, you, what are you doing? Let me go!"

What makes her spirit almost collapse is that Wang Yan's body is full of masculinity, which is higher than the pure yang qi, or even the sun qi, almost reaching the extreme yang qi.

The yang, in a domineering and violent way, washed away the ray of the goddess of the winter goddess, and her emotions were messed up and her heart was chaotic.

"Sister-in-law, it's me." Regardless of her resistance, Wang Yan continued to hold the thigh of the "sister-in-law", pretending to be silly and stunned, shouting with mental fluctuations, "From the moment I saw the sister-in-law, I knew that you were my blood. The most important goddess in the world. "

At the same time, he was secretly confused.

Since the winter goddess is quite unreasonable, then naturally she cannot reason with her. It's better to simply stir it up and stir up the muddy water even more, so that she will be confused for Fool.

In addition, Wang Yan also found that the winter goddess seemed to react violently to her "pure yang qi". That being the case, Wang Yan will not easily let this opportunity go. Immediately, he arbitrarily burned his "pure yang true energy" to make him look like a burning sun.

Under all kinds of means, the consciousness of the goddess of the winter goddess became even more chaotic, and she was furious and startled, constantly struggling: "You, you, what are you talking about? Let me go."

The goddess of winter is almost going to collapse. No human man has ever dared to be like this. He embraced and flirted with her majestic winter goddess, and also shouted that you are the most important goddess in my blood.

What happened in the pool of ice elements once again attracted the attention of the outside world.

Except for Nan Lian and the Red Tank, although the others have their own thoughts, they all kneel down on the ground to pay their respects to the winter goddess.

The first is the red tank, he sensed the wrong breath. The ice storm in the sky seemed to freeze. In the cold lake, Wang Yan's scorching breath rose like a scorching sun.

There was a sudden thought in his heart, and it was the old king who was so angry that he **** with the winter goddess? Good guy, this guy's courage is really fat. The winter goddess is a god-level existence, even if it is just a projection, it is at least an S-level combat power.

What's more, let's not talk about overplaying, but here is the sphere of influence of the Winter Gods.

Every winter goddess is the most loyal slave of the winter goddess. Their ancestors have guarded the winter goddess for generations. Do n’t look at how enthusiastic they are to everyone now, but once anyone dares to clash with the Winter Goddess, think about which side they will stand on with their toes.

The red tank really pinched cold sweat for Wang Yan.

Everyone present, the strength is not bad.

It was soon discovered that the situation had changed, the winter goddess' ice storm stopped, and Wang Yan seemed to have become a small sun.

In this way, even Patriarch Cole's face changed.

No, the son of flame not only offended the goddess, but even dared to fight with the goddess.

But the Winter Gods who had not waited for the scene were excited, and the situation at the scene changed again.

As Wang Yan's fiery "pure yang true qi" burned, the ice fog that blocked people's sight and spiritual power gradually dissipated. An extremely shocking scene appeared, vaguely, everyone saw Wang Yan holding a white misty woman's thigh tightly.

The woman is struggling, but Wang Yan is shamelessly entangled her.

The patriarch was dull, the high priest was dull, the Northern Tigers and others were dull.

Even Nan Lian and the Red Tank were completely dull.

Everyone thought that Wang Yan and the winter goddess had a disagreement and fought. But thousands of calculations, but did not count this scene.

What the **** is that guy, Pharaoh? Why didn't he say anything and hugged the thigh of the goddess?

Although it is said that everyone saw the goddess of winter for the first time, there is no doubt that the ice-circling woman must have been the goddess of winter who exuded the meaning of the strong ice law.

The most important thing is that, regardless of how the other goddesses struggled and resisted, Wang Yan still hugged each other's thighs.


The red tank slapped his forehead, and he felt an embarrassing look. Just now he was still thinking, if the Pharaoh really **** up with the winter goddess, he would try his best to keep him away no matter what happened.

But I didn't expect it, the guy was so brave enough to molest the winter goddess.

As a friend of Wang Yan, the Red Tank felt a lot of pressure.

Even the corner of the ice queen Nan Lian's mouth twitched slightly, and she had thought that once she found that Xiao Yan was fighting with the winter goddess, she would definitely have to do something. Unexpectedly, this guy actually embraced the thighs of other goddesses.

With such a boyfriend, Nan Lian also feels that this pressure is not small.

The rest of you are not in such a good mood. Unless this piece of land is extremely sacred, it is forbidden to use force and say that it must be killed. Especially Patriarch Cole, who has been admiring the winter goddess since childhood.

That's good. The goddess, who is so divine and noble in his mind, was hugged in his thigh by the stink boy who was the son of flame.

It was really unbearable, his face flushed.

Wang Yan is naturally unable to know the ideas of people from outside. He also knows that now is the critical moment. Whether he can live in the winter goddess depends on this trick.

If you can't hold back, it will be in trouble.

He took a deep breath, settled, and said honestly, "Goddess, I want to let go. But, I can't control myself. God, my blood is boiling, and I can't help being full of you. It ’s a good feeling. Oh, this must be the old man ’s longing for you day and night.


The goddess of winter shook her body hard and stayed on the spot, no longer struggling.


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