The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1009: Pick a polish

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Seeing him like this, Wang Yan's heart was dark for a while, and his anger was completely dissipated. In fact, as he said, this time he accompanied Nan Lian to search for relatives in the north. In the spirit of tourism, he wanted to keep a low profile and was not prepared to be in the limelight.

Unexpectedly, the Tigers of the Northland, these gangs of goods, all sorts of provocative and ridiculous things, nothing but high-profile again and again.

It has been a long time since I watched the Tiger of the Northland. Under such circumstances, would he give him face again?

Since it is an enemy, there is no need to talk to him about his manners, and if he seizes the opportunity, he will have to step on his death. Such a treasure as the water of the ice element, Wang Yan left half a drop to him, all Wang Yan failed.

If you do n’t do it, you wo n’t die!

Anatoly's eyes were ashamed and manic, almost swallowing Wang Yan. A huge sense of shame obliterated his reason and ignored the strength gap between the two. He was breathing with energy in his stomata, like a toad about to explode.

"Son of Flame! You're so deceiving, I fight with you." Anatoly's bones crackled, bursting into his body, ready to stand up.

Wang Yan narrowed his eyes and sneered. Since this Tiger of the North wants to find death, of course he must be accomplished, at least he must be beaten to half death.

It was at this time.

The high priest's thick voice sounded: "Stop."

"Grandfather!" Anatoly's whole body shook like an epilepsy, looking back at the roar, "The son of flames bullied me too much."

"Humph!" The high priest snorted coldly, glaring at Anatoly's whole body like an ice cellar, daring not to say anything. Then he looked at Wang Yan and said, "Son of Flame, I apologize for Anatoly. Also, our Winter Gods are always hospitable. Sometimes it is normal for young people to fight each other, not It was an intentional offense. I hope that His Highness, the son of flames, will care about it and expose it. "

Wang Yan's face blushed with spring breeze, and he smiled brightly: "Since the high priest has spoken, I will naturally give this face. However, I will have to bother the high priest to calculate, this time, Anatoly will lose How much do I have? "

The old face of the high priest changed, embarrassed: "Just a joke, why not?"

Wang Yan's face also became cold in an instant, and mocked: "How can the Zhenger's eight classic bets be revealed with a joke? If the Winter God clan likes to talk, my son of Flame will recognize it."

"Son of flames, don't overdo it." The high priest's complexion collapsed, and a vast and gloomy breath filled it. As the high priest of the Winter God Clan, both power and strength are within the clan and can exist in a court with the patriarch.

Looking at the world, it is the strength of a big brother.

"Why do you want to use force to pay the bill?" Wang Yan snorted with a sneer, the scorching flame breath surged up on him, the heat wave scorched, and the cold breath around him was driven away completely.

The breath and majesty of the legendary powerhouse of the flame department are revealed in this instant.

That's right, Wang Yan is also a legendary powerhouse of the eight classics. And so far, there have been as many as three legendary strongmen who died in his hands. With such a record, even in the face of the unpredictable strength of the Winter Gods High Priest, he is not afraid, and his lips are outlined with a confident smile, "That's why, why should I face you. Come, let me see You have the ability to repay your debts. "

At this time, after Wang Yan and the winter goddess climbed up, there was no longer any scruples that someone would hinder Nanlian from seeking relatives. Naturally, he will not have too many good looks on the gloomy viper such as the high priest.

The high priest of the Winter Gods has always been a noble person, worshipped and worshiped by countless people. For the first time in this life, it was the first time he was so contemptuous, and he was still a young man in his twenties.

Even if the strength of the young man has reached a point where he can stand against him, it is difficult for him to accept it. His decayed face shuddered and angered: "Okay, okay. The young man now really makes me look at him. Then let me come and learn, the son of flame."

A breath of ice emerged from him, and the ice mist was boiling wherever he passed, colliding with Wang Yan's flame breath.

A collision between legendary powerhouses is like a lit fuze.

"Enough!" Cole, the Patriarch of the Winter God, reluctantly came out to resolve the dispute. With a loud scream, the two stopped, and then said with a sullen face, "High priest, our Winter God tribes are most attentive to do what they say. The gambling agreement was originally Anatoly's proposal. How could it not be counted? "

"Hehe ~" The red tank carried his hands on his shoulders and said coldly, "I always think that the Winter Gods are a straightforward and excellent people. If an international dispute is caused by a breach of the gambling agreement, I declare on behalf of the Polar Bear Secret Service that all the consequences will be from The Protoss bears its own burden. "

The red tank also reminds the high priest that the son of flames is a well-organized figure in the background, but it is not an arbitrary bullying existence. Although the Winter God Clan is an ancient and powerful fighting race, it is still a few times worse than the Huaxia National African Bureau.

Relying on Yan Zun, a demigod-level powerhouse, the rise of the China National African Bureau has become unstoppable.

In the face of the three legendary powerhouses, the high priest's face was blue and red, but he said in desperation: "This priest is just joking with the son of the flame. But now the situation, even if the entire Winter Gods are sold, Can't afford to lose the bet. "

This is not a joke. Wang Yan spent more than an hour in the pool of ice elements before and after, deducting the benchmark of 20 minutes. Doubled every minute, that is really a terrible astronomical figure.

The red tank mocked: "Doesn't pay if you can't afford it? Which logic is it? If the son of flame loses, the high priest might say something different."

Patriarch Cole said helplessly: "Son of Flame, it would be unrealistic to pay according to the full bet. If not, I will give you all the land, minerals, fisheries and other industries inherited by Anatoly. If In terms of value, it is probably worth 2 billion US dollars. "


Anatoly almost spurted blood again, this is the rhythm to get him out of the house. Those industries were passed down from generation to generation.

"Less," Wang Yan said lightly, "and all his cultivation resources, including the artifacts of the sacristy."

"Son of Flame!" Anatoly growled, bleeding in his eyes.

"There is also his tiger, which looks rather majestic." Wang Yan did not have the habit of showing mercy to his enemies, "It also belongs to me."

Pedal Pedal!

Anatoly stepped back a few steps, growling angrily: "That's my icefield fangs tiger king, you can't tame it."

"So what?" Wang Yan shrugged indifferently. "If it refuses to accept it, it will cut back the tiger whip and drink it. Anyway, it is also a spoils of winning. I will do whatever I want."

"By the way, and your storage bracelet, take it off for me first."

"And the jacket."


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