The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1011: Mother-in-law please!

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This is not good. This guy used to hold the thighs of other goddesses.

With a suspicious look, Nan Lian looked up and down Wang Yan for a long while. Although Xiao Yan often does some unthinkable things, think about it carefully, he should not go to Hu to see his mother for himself.

Her jade hand was a little trembling and handed that ice crystal pendant to Wang Yan. She still added a little uneasy: "Remember, perform as well as possible, otherwise don't blame me for ignoring you."

Nan Lian has always been a gentle warning to Wang Yan, saying he ignored him.

Wang Yan hurriedly looked away, patted her chest and said, "Sister Nanlian, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter properly, and I won't make you embarrassing."

He took the ice crystal pendant in his pocket and started to comb a hair through an ice wall. He shaved his beard cleanly, put on a customized high-end suit, and put on a watch.

The temperament of the calm and handsome guy is undoubtedly obvious.

If you go to those costume festivals in Europe, you can definitely crush a large number of male models and gain countless fans.

"Sister Nanlian, what do you do with this look?" Wang Yan smiled and threw a charming look at Nanlian. "I promise that my mother-in-law sees my hairy son-in-law, and I like it more and more."

"Poor mouth." Nan Lian rolled his eyes and sneered at him, but he was still very satisfied with his image. He reached out to help him organize the collar. "You don't need to say more, you have experience anyway."

Wang Yan fainted. What does it mean that I have experience anyway?

What is this ...

However, Wang Yan took the lead for Nan Lian this time. He really didn't think about what to do. He made up his mind, calmed down, and made a good impression on the future mother-in-law as much as possible.

The Winter God Clan is a vast group of people, most of them are elders in the clan, and a few are excellent young people in the clan. For example Anatoly, Berissa and others.

Berissa saw that Wang Yan was really handsome in a suit, and he whispered, pulling the red tank: "I will also give you a look back, which will make you look a lot more elegant."

"Okay, I listen to you." The man-shaped beast was obediently like a kitten.

Wang Yan and Nan Lian glanced at each other and could not help but secretly, this winter hunting **** Berissa, really worthy of the title of hunting god, inexplicably trained the humanoid beast of the red tank to be obedient.

Only Anatoli, the tiger of the North, has been somber in face, even darker than the temperature on this East Island. It is no wonder that he is in a very bad mood. In a short period of time, he lost nothing, and even a set of leather jackets made of S-class monster skins was pulled to Wang Yan to pay off debts.

He looked at Wang Yan's eyes, full of Yinzhu and fierce.

The large army continued to advance towards the Dong Island Temple. Because of its piety and slow speed, it was not until noon that he entered the winter temple under the leadership of the temple guard.

The entire temple is also majestic and guarded.

Those temple guards are wearing ice crystal-like armor, with great momentum, and the worst strength must reach B level. Many are in the A level, or even the half-step S level.

Even, Wang Yan felt two S-class breaths.

"Every temple guard is voluntarily served by the best tribe." Berissa explained to the guests, "If I am not working in the Polar Bear Secret Service, I will choose to be a guard in the temple for more than ten or twenty years. . "

Wang Yan was slightly tolerant, and deserved to be a shrine with gods, even if he was not born, he had such a rich foundation.

Of course, this kind of heritage can't be compared with the Temple of Light or the Dark Council. Especially the Temple of Light, even if there is no demigod-level strong man in the world, the strength of its heritage is worthy of the first in the world.

Everyone was so awe-inspiring that they waited silently in this temple hall.

Patriarch Cole ran to a white ritual and whispered a few times before the female white ritual went away.

Not a moment.

Inside the shrine is a crystal-clear room like a crystal palace.

A woman with a white hair shawl, an ice crown on her head, and a veil on her face was sitting cross-legged, her eyes closed tightly, her breathing was slow and long, and her whole body seemed to have no breath of life, like an ice sculpture beauty.

Behind her, two young and glamorous women in white palace dress hung their hands, daring not to be bothered.

It is now.

The female white-dressed sacrifice came in a hurry, her complexion was extremely complex, and her footsteps even staggered, disturbing the ice crown veil woman who was meditating.

"Si Bing, why is it so panic?" The ice crown woman opened her eyes, revealing a pair of beautiful blue ice eyes, the voice was cold as the ice under the Nine Nether, "Tell you how many times, you are the future ice and snow The messenger must calm down when encountering anything. "

In her words, there was a touch of dignity, at first glance it was the kind of person who lived for a long time.

The white-dressed priest named Si Bing took a quick deep breath and calmed down as much as possible. She knelt on one knee and said with a slight trembling voice: "If you return to the angel, the patriarch of the Winter God clan Cole said, saying ..." At this point, she was a little excited again, and her words bumped.

"What do you say?" The ice crown woman's body was not moving, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction in the blue eyes. "Even if there is a problem with the sacrifice, don't you have to be so panic?"

"He, he said that there was a young man who came to the Winter God Clan to find his mother with a token. Then, that token was really that year ..." Si Bing hurriedly accelerated his tone.


The body of the ice crown woman was shocked violently and stood up suddenly, a thick ice mist burst into the clear blue eye. Her breathing was short and her **** were choppy.

It can be seen that her emotions are in extremely abnormal fluctuations.

After a long while, she trembled and said, "Si Bing, you, you mean. Is the child coming to me?"

The two white palace maids also looked at each other, excited, obviously thinking of a possibility.

Si Bing nodded heavily and said, "It should be ten or nine, and the lady has come more than ten years later than we expected."

"Hurry, please invite her in." The Icecrown's voice was hurried, and suddenly, she hurriedly stopped, "Wait, I have to sort myself out first. Hanju, Dongsun, you help the **** to see, where is there Is it wrong? "

Han Ju Dong Dong two maids hurried forward, helping the Bingguan girl to sort out her clothes and white hair, and smiling with satisfaction: "Master God, everything is very good for you, Miss she will love you."


Wang Yan and others waited for a long time in the shrine hall.

At this time, Cole returned to Wang Yan in a hurry and said, "Son of Flame, the Ice God made you invite you to the past. Note, the Ice God made him an honorable person, don't you ..." said, looking jealous and doubtful The ground swept around Wang Yan.

Wang Yan, a drop of cold sweat, patriarch, are you treating me like a neuropathy or erotic? Are your eyes so strange ...


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