The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1015: Mother "female" affectionate

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"Forget it, let me think about it." Berissa now also vaguely guessed that Nanlian's mother was probably the ice and snow envoy who was deep in the temple.

Leaving aside the winter goddess that hasn't appeared for hundreds of years, the ice **** is the highest and most distinguished person on the entire winter island.

The mother and daughter recognized each other, even if there was a little offense to the temple, it would be harmless.

The idea she came up with soon.

After a few seconds, the red tank walked a few steps forward eccentrically. As soon as it took off its clothes, it showed muscles that were as hard as rocks, and they swelled and became explosive.

With arrogant and contemptuous eyes, he said: "I am the red tank of the Polar Bear Secret Service. I heard that the guards of the temple are all elite. When I saw it today, it turned out that this was not the case."

After saying such arrogant words, the red tank suddenly had a refreshing feeling in his heart, and could not help but wonder, no wonder that the guy of Pharaoh likes to install thirteen so much.

With such hatred, all the temple guards' attention was focused on the red tank. Their eyes showed anger. Several of them jumped out and clamored to single out with the red tank. It was really deceiving.

The red tank responded naturally, haha ​​rushed forward and rushed down three or two times to get people down. As a result, the guards of the temple were excited, and even the two masters of subtle breath couldn't help but exhale the breath to confront the red tank.

Under the slightly chaotic scene, naturally no one noticed the ice queen Nan Lian and the long winter hunting **** Bai Lisha, both disappeared.

The two of them were originally half-step S-class strongmen, and their strength is not trivial. They have never done such things as sneaking into enemy camps, but they are very familiar with them.


It was at this time.

Wang Yan and the mother-in-law "Ice Crown Woman" chatted with each other.

"Mom, you still call me Xiao Yan." Wang Yan put out a gentle and respectful, best son-in-law's style.

Prior to this, Wang Yan had only seen his girlfriend's mother once and had very bad memories. But that incident also saved some experience for Wang Yan.

In addition, because of the excessive number of Wang Yan's mother-in-law, Wang Yan has a lot of experience in this kind of strong and noble middle-aged women. It is also easy to deal with it, and can always talk to the other party's heart.

"Xiao Yan?" The ice crown woman frowned slightly, and Huangfu Mingjie even gave the child such a masculine name?

She was obviously a woman like ice, but her daughter was given this name, and she was naturally uncomfortable. But thinking about it, could it be that Huangjie Mingjie had some resentment against himself, so he deliberately named the child Yan?

Alas ~

It's no wonder that Huangfu Mingjie, after all, disappeared silently. Then he secretly plugged the child back to him. So even if he resented himself, it was reasonable.

It's just that she was also secretly irritated by Huangfu Mingjie. Why did the two of them involve children? In the end, Even raised the child to look like a boy.

At this time, the ice crown woman has turned her daughter into a man's responsibility, all blamed on Huangfu Mingjie's head.

Seeing that her face was cloudy and uncertain, Wang Yan lost her occasionally. It is estimated that she was a woman in the ice department. She didn't like the word Yan and hurriedly said, "Mom, you can call me anything." For Nan Sister Lian, Wang Yan is also good enough.

"It's okay, Xiao Yan is Xiao Yan." The ice crown woman's heart is even more guilty, and she looked soft and full of maternal love in Wang Yan's eyes.

Wang Yan was a drop of cold sweat, and the mother-in-law's eyes became more and more strange. In addition, what is Xiao Yan? This tone is really full of weirdness. Only one thing, Wang Yan is also quite strange.

Sister Nan Lian's mother, why haven't she asked about the situation of Sister Nan Lian? But it's a stubborn affair with myself.

It is estimated that she has been in this ice palace-like shrine for too long, and has been out of touch with the world for too long. This character has naturally become a little weird.

Understand, Wang Yan understands this kind of situation very much, and can't help but feel more sympathy for Nan Lian's mother. Naturally, she is more respectful between words.

"Son." Xing Xu is familiar with each other, plus Wang Yan's feeling is not annoying. The two maids, Han Ju and Dong Sun, also tolerated and accepted the newly arrived "Miss" and began to greet and chat.

The age of the two maids is actually not small, just because of the cultivation practice and the environment they are in, they are almost old and look no different from women in their twenties.

Especially that Han Ju, who has a more outgoing personality, chatted with Wang Yan with extra energy, her eyes fluttered and she laughed heartily from time to time.

She was happy, but Wang Yan felt a waterfall of sweat.

Because the topics she talks about are nothing more than what kind of film and television dramas, such as palace dramas, overbearing presidential dramas and the like. Even, she is also very interested in transgender technology and news, as soon as she talks about these eyes, she shines.

What are these taste hobbies?

Wang Yan was full of chills, but had to pretend to like her to discuss with her.

No way, who called them the maid's close maid.

As the so-called king is so good, the devil is hard to get around. If they offend them, what if they blow their pillows hard in front of their mother-in-law? Turning back is a troublesome thing after all.

But in Han Ju's eyes, this is not the case.

Under her deliberate "temptation", "Miss" was really interested in topics such as Gongdou and transgender. Look at the glittering look of "her" eyes.

Well, that's it.

The young man is so handsome, it really is the girl's heart.

This is also strange.

People in this room seem to be talking and talking to each other. But what you said to each other and what you thought was completely different. But they seemed to be very happy to talk to each other.

Time passed quickly. After a period of precipitation, the ice crown girl began to accept Wang Yan as a "daughter". Her cheeks were reddish, and she asked excitedly: "Xiao Yan, can my mother hug you?"


Wang Yan was dumbfounded, didn't he? How can the mother-in-law hug her son-in-law? This made him a little surprised, could it be that this is the local custom?

Looking at her eagerly looking eyes, Wang Yan hesitated.


At the same time, the inner court carved by ice and snow, two faint figures flicker back and forth like ghosts and ghosts, constantly approaching the bedroom of the ice and snow god. If you look closely, you can find that they are the famous ice queen and midwinter hunting god.


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